ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Voir les stats:
baby / juvenile spawn codes
Does anyone know if it is possible to spawn in baby or juvenile dinos similar to adults?
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Technically, there are no known spawn codes. (at least from my searching)

HOWEVER you can create babies by reverse aging tamed dinos.

Once you select (face) the dino you want to reverse age you type in:


setbabyage .1

setbabyage is the command where as .1 refers to the .1 (10% maturity to 1 which is 100%)

Multi w/cheats enabled:

cheat setbabyage .1

The reason why I chose .1 as the age modifier is due in part by the "wanting" to skip the (baby stage) 4 plus hours of hand feeding the dino.

If you want to skip it then I suggest looking at the spawn fert dino egg command floating around here.

The last patch on the non-dedicated caused our meat feeding trough to inexplicably empty without so much a trace of a raw or spoiled meat. My buddy's baby dire died just before we noticed what happened. (which prompted the multiple hours of searching and testing blueprint codes and reverse aging. )

Please keep in mind that this process does not take into consideration the parent stats for breeding. But i do believe it allows for imprinting? I have not tested that myself. (but i do know that a baby born naturally can be leveled to adulthood and reverse aged to allow for more time to imprint. )

Happy hunting.

What spawn fertile egg command?
Thank you Okidoki
Lori37 25 juin 2021 à 11h45 
holy 2016 necro batman.... just don't
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Posté le 3 juin 2016 à 7h09
Messages : 6