ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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EvilNecroid Jun 25, 2017 @ 2:33am
change mind wipe back/cooldown
either change mind wipe back or just give it a long cool down like 2 weeks or something befor it can be used again.
Last edited by EvilNecroid; Jun 26, 2017 @ 4:54am
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Showing 16-30 of 45 comments
Brax Jun 25, 2017 @ 8:57am 
Originally posted by Rick Mason:
Nope, that's why I have over four hundred hours.
Wow that's a really large number of hours! **cough cough**

So you obviously know by now that every single game play change is directly caused by players, moaning about things they do or do not like.
Last edited by Brax; Jun 25, 2017 @ 8:57am
Bignastycupcake Jun 25, 2017 @ 8:58am 
Originally posted by Rick Mason:
When the update happened, everyone got a free wipe. They had the chance to choose then and once after (if already level 100). That should be enough. Most people don't get to level 100 without other people playing with them, in which case split up what engrams you learn so you have them all. If you're a loner, learn what you think you'll need or trade for the blueprints/trade for someone to craft something for you. It encourages thought, planning, choices, trading, interaction. If one person could do everything they needed, there would be no point in interaction, risking violence by reaching out to strangers. That's a very large part of ARK.

Maybe, just maybe they'll change it. This might not be final. But it won't be because of the moaning or people asking for it to be changed back or changed to a cooldown.
there are people though that like to play in lone tribes, aka me, which kind of screws you over to a certain point. it's not the stats i worry about, i could really give a crap, it's the engrams you need to worry about. blueprints can't cover that, simply because this games blueprints from drops are so outdated, you can't get a good majority of blueprints yet, and still need to learn engrams. and what if a new dlc comes out? it would just be a waste of money to buy the dlc since you couldn't mind wipe to learn anything new. some people are playing on official servers, with no island linked up to it, so they can't access the tek cave. which would really suck for a lot of players...
Speedbump (Banned) Jun 25, 2017 @ 9:00am 
Originally posted by Brax:
Originally posted by Rick Mason:
Nope, that's why I have over four hundred hours.
Wow that's a really large number of hours! **cough cough**

So you obviously know by now that every single game play change is directly caused by players, moaning about things they do or do not like.
Right, that's why the flyer nerf was changed back. Oh wait, no it wasn't.
I don't need two thousand hours to know how updates work. I could have one hour and know a ♥♥♥♥ load more than you do.
Brax Jun 25, 2017 @ 9:03am 
Originally posted by Rick Mason:
Originally posted by Brax:
Wow that's a really large number of hours! **cough cough**

So you obviously know by now that every single game play change is directly caused by players, moaning about things they do or do not like.
Right, that's why the flyer nerf was changed back. Oh wait, no it wasn't.
I don't need two thousand hours to know how updates work. I could have one hour and know a ♥♥♥♥ load more than you do.
Why are you so contrarian about everything? I feel like every time you post you're Jeremy in disguise defending all of your horrible decisions? Having a grand total of four hundred hours is nothing in this game where 75% of the gameplay is AFK watching netflix while you wait for a tame or an egg to hatch.
crimsondrac Jun 25, 2017 @ 9:03am 
WC is going to do whatever Wildcard wants regardless of what their players say. What I think is stupid is they they make almost every other setting in this game optional so that admins can turn on or off features as they see fit. WHY, now all of the sudden, are they making forced changes that do not allow their players the option to use it or not? I do not think it would have been hard for them to put on an option to turn on or off Mindwipe cooldowns or be able to set how many days wait before you could consume another one. There are so many ways they could have made this change yet Wildcard chose the most stupid resolution. I feel the same way about the flyer nerf. It should have been an option.
Last edited by crimsondrac; Jun 25, 2017 @ 9:06am
Bignastycupcake Jun 25, 2017 @ 9:07am 
Originally posted by Rick Mason:
Originally posted by Brax:
Wow that's a really large number of hours! **cough cough**

So you obviously know by now that every single game play change is directly caused by players, moaning about things they do or do not like.
Right, that's why the flyer nerf was changed back. Oh wait, no it wasn't.
I don't need two thousand hours to know how updates work. I could have one hour and know a ♥♥♥♥ load more than you do.
so you've played on official servers back when the game was first released? if you were max level, you wouldn't have a choice but to keep the engrams you learn now after about 3 months, which sometimes is less or longer in order to determine if you need a mindwipe or not. like i said, there are still engrams you need to learn, which blueprints cannot cover, and you will run out of engram points, with no choice but yet to either go play on a different server, or buy another account. because another thing like i said, some people play on ragnarok/center/SE, which has no tek cave, and you cannot get any more levels now after that, which definitely screws you over.
SteelFire Jun 25, 2017 @ 9:29am 
Originally posted by Indal:
Originally posted by EvilNecroid:
what about at max level tho? once u get there u can never change again

Thats the price for being 100 lv.

100 lv players can put all stats into certain attributes abusing the game mechanics,ex: full speed. I am sure if you are 100 lv you had pleeeeenty of time to decide what your character would be.
That's completely not why they made this change to mindwipe tonic. The proper solution to that issue is putting hard caps on the maximum and attribute can be.

This change was made to accomodate the crafting skill change, to prevent people from putting all their points into crafting and then making incredibly overpowered gear and then spec'ing back to normal. It's all around a ridiculous system. All those points into crafting doesn't even guarantee the results, it's random, up to the max allowed by how many points are in crafting. You can get 0% increase above the blueprint base stats. It's a giant gambling addition to crafting. I my opinion, it's practically worthless unless you put a lot of points into crafting to give yourself a greater chance of increased stats and using Journey or Ascendant prints.
EvilNecroid Jun 25, 2017 @ 9:42pm 
maybe a cooldown is a better idea??
Valkyrie Jun 26, 2017 @ 12:05am 
I would prefer a cooldown. I understand the reason they did this, but it seems to be a bit much...
Spider-Mimic Jun 26, 2017 @ 12:41am 
Originally posted by Rick Mason:
Originally posted by Indal:

Thats the price for being 100 lv.

100 lv players can put all stats into certain attributes abusing the game mechanics,ex: full speed. I am sure if you are 100 lv you had pleeeeenty of time to decide what your character would be.
Exactly. There needed to be a choice. You get all the time it takes you to get from level 1 to 100 to decide what your final build should be. Why should you get to change it whenever you want?
well, what happens when you use up all your engram poiint? can't respec to get an egram that you dont have since the total number of engrams is greater than engram points, oh and if you are a solo player without tribemates on official then you is doomed.
Speedbump (Banned) Jun 26, 2017 @ 12:43am 
Originally posted by GwenPool:
Originally posted by Rick Mason:
Exactly. There needed to be a choice. You get all the time it takes you to get from level 1 to 100 to decide what your final build should be. Why should you get to change it whenever you want?
well, what happens when you use up all your engram poiint? can't respec to get an egram that you dont have since the total number of engrams is greater than engram points, oh and if you are a solo player without tribemates on official then you is doomed.
Official revolves around tribes. Solo players can play but official play is aimed at having multiple people. Groups.
Morath Jun 26, 2017 @ 1:08am 
Sure there should be just CD and not even long one. Connect it to player level is stupid and nonsense. There is few reasons why.

1) Crafting Skill, yeah, that thing introduced in same patch like mindwipe nerf. This thing is too strong to ignore it, you cant have two characters on one server, you cant really play with character who is "crafter" because you haven't weight to carry stuff or health/speed to PvP/fight. Large tribe solve it by secondary account (which does not feel right btw, be forced to buy second copy of game to use its features), because always when you want craft some stuff need to transfer your character out of server and other on server feels very very uncomfortable.

2) Specific tasks. For example when you need carry heavy weight for some time, (base rebuilding/moving/cave runs etc.) sure, you can have second character, but have one character on one task just feels weird.

3) Capped character tweaking. For example now after that many changes you have just "one shot" to set level on your character. If you do mistake or you will find in PvP or anywhere else that your point distribution is not what you wanted, there is no way how to fix it, or that way is far away in next high level point.

More or less everything is going with "quality of life" in game and making it just more annoying to play game not feel right. I agree that cooldown should be introduced against abusing single stat pumping in some scenarios (mostly PvP) but there should be simply few days (not more) cooldown and it is enough. Argument "why you should be able change your stats" is just stupid (because why not when it is more comfortable for everyone right?), Ark is from big part MMORPG and most successful ones allow it to you literally anytime, WoW added because of this multiple builds which you can easily switch anywhere and anytime. And if someone know how to make good games, it is Blizzard.
endi Jun 26, 2017 @ 1:25am 
Originally posted by Brax:

Mindwipes need a cooldown period. Maybe five real time days. Once per level is absolutely stupid and needlessly limiting.

This. Simple as it is.
TheSkunkyMonk Jun 26, 2017 @ 2:12am 
not a fan of the new limits, would be cool if you got enough points to unlock all the engrams but you don't what are the solo folk supposed todo without the odd wipe?
Lord Kouranis Jun 26, 2017 @ 2:26am 
i personally never played official. rust made that decision set in immovable stone.

i run my own server, its just the three of us. mostly its just me.

yes, i can change server settings, yes i can play admin.

that is not the point.

the mindwipe limit is a botched idea, almost as someone themselves took a mindwipe.

i will not discuss this further.
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Date Posted: Jun 25, 2017 @ 2:33am
Posts: 45