King's Quest
Windows Update wiped DLC?!
I've seen some topics on here about the recent Windows 10 update that deleted peoples' games. I have a similar issue where a few of my games weren't working at all. I restored a previous version of Windows and everything seemed fine. However with King's Quest, my DLC is now all gone - it says I only have Chapter 1 installed. I have already played through Chapters 2 and 3 - I even have the achievements for completing them! But now Steam wants me to pay for them. I use the game through sharing because my mother plays it too, she owns it and has played Chapter 4 already. For some reason my computer won't recognize that I (she) have the season pass and should be able to download all new chapters.

Anyone had this problem or knows of a fix?? Halp!
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I recommend getting a hold of Steam customer service. It doesn't seem like this should happen.
Отредактировано Shepherdmoon; 21 окт. 2016 г. в 17:02
Reinstall them. You don't have to pay again. And Windows cannot remove your Valve store purchase history.
Автор сообщения: Seraphna
Reinstall them. You don't have to pay again. And Windows cannot remove your Valve store purchase history.

I agree. I was one of the people who had my saves deleted thanks to the Windows 10 Anniversary update. It only deleted my game from the PC as it is impossible for Windows to delete purchase histories made on Steam.

I suggest going to the games library and look at the dlc section of King's Quest. It should say only Chapter 1 installed and the rest not. Try reinstalling the rest by checking this area.
Автор сообщения: Doesnotcompute83
Автор сообщения: Seraphna
Reinstall them. You don't have to pay again. And Windows cannot remove your Valve store purchase history.

I agree. I was one of the people who had my saves deleted thanks to the Windows 10 Anniversary update. It only deleted my game from the PC as it is impossible for Windows to delete purchase histories made on Steam.

I suggest going to the games library and look at the dlc section of King's Quest. It should say only Chapter 1 installed and the rest not. Try reinstalling the rest by checking this area.

I would but they're not even listed anymore :( The only thing there is Chapter 1 checked off. The others are completely gone. I checked my game files and it LOOKS like all the chapter files are still there but I don't know how to get them recognized by Steam again. Since my mom is the one that owns the game, I asked her about it - she sent me a screenshot and they're all there for her. She has them all installed because of the season pass I know she has. Doesn't make any sense to me.
Family Sharing does not share DLC. To get the DLC you need to sign in as her and then download them.
Автор сообщения: Seraphna
Family Sharing does not share DLC. To get the DLC you need to sign in as her and then download them.

I got all the other chapters before this one just by having her shared game. I never had to log in as her to download the others. :(
You were likely either logged in as her without realizing it, or her system was idle at the times you downloaded.
Автор сообщения: Seraphna
You were likely either logged in as her without realizing it, or her system was idle at the times you downloaded.

I just logged into her account and they all say installed. Then I go back in my account and only chapter one in the DLC list. I know for a fact I didn't have to log into her account every time I wanted to play them so I have NO idea what's wrong with this. Very frustrating though.
This is an old problem due to how the game is presented : Chapter 1 is considered base games, and all further chapters are considered DLC's.
Your steam account thus considers you own the game, and as the library sharing doesn't work with DLCs when you already own the base game, you're stuck with only chapter 1 playable.

The problem had been solved for a time last summer... Before returning short after. Odd but it seems whatever work they did on it was cancelled. The only non-support possibility is deleting the free chapter 1 from your account and seeing if it agrees to let you use the other account's game. But there's no guarantee it'll work.
Try removing chapter 1 from your own library.
I just uninstalled the whole thing but it didn't show up under her shared games anymore so I logged back into her account, reinstalled everything, then going back into my account only Chapter 1 is there... still. It doesn't make any sense. I know all the game files are on my computer, why won't Steam recognize them anymore? I had zero problem with the first 3 chapters.

Didn't say uninstall, said remove. But I totally understand the confusion. Log into your account, then do this:

What's happening is you accidentally added the free Chapter 1 to your library (or it was added), this invalidates the share. You need to remove that to download her copy.
Автор сообщения: Seraphna

Didn't say uninstall, said remove. But I totally understand the confusion. Log into your account, then do this:

What's happening is you accidentally added the free Chapter 1 to your library (or it was added), this invalidates the share. You need to remove that to download her copy.

OH. Sorry, I've never had to permanently remove a game before so I didn't even know that was an option. But that worked and I thank you SO MUCH! :)
hello, about Family Sharing, I have the same problem with my sister's account, and we tried to remove the game from her account but when I give her access to my library the game doesn't appear, what should we do ? (sorry if I'm not clear, english is not my native language)
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