Light of Altair

Light of Altair

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No Price-Tag anymore?
The game is in my wishlist. Thats why i noticed that it is now priceless.
What does that mean ?
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No longer available unfortunately, was on my wishlist as well......que sera sera

Perhaps it will be back at some point, may be worth keeping it on your WL just in case.
I noticed it now have achievements? Really hope it comes back! :( it is on my wishlist and ranked rather high.
Was pretty high up on my list to. Think I'll just buy it directly from his site. Probably more profit for him anyway. Looks like a pretty good title .
sad day
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Great! :D I wonder what was happening. Anyone know? :-)
Vibe 15 janv. 2014 à 19h01 
i have the demo and its still a greate game i hope that i get the full game soon =D
I do hope to get the game, I would have if it went on sale during Winter...but it didn't! :(
Its on sale for me
$15 in New Zealand
Excellent, grabbing the bundle just because of this game!
Bought the budle to get my wife Sideway New York. Anyone got good thigns to say about this one?
Digital Coyote a écrit :
Bought the budle to get my wife Sideway New York. Anyone got good thigns to say about this one?
Its a great little 4x-ish RTS-ish economy-sim-ish game with great aesthetics from my pov.
I can't think of any negatives, besides of the Campaign-length. But i played it a couple of years ago so don't quote me on that.
I've had this game since 2009. Played it on and off a little bit here and there, total of about 7 hours. If a title goes priceless on the store but you already own it, can it still be downloaded?
Havocme a écrit :
I've had this game since 2009. Played it on and off a little bit here and there, total of about 7 hours. If a title goes priceless on the store but you already own it, can it still be downloaded?
If you bought a game, and for whatever reason it gets removed from the steam store, you will still be able to play it like normal. The community hub for that game will also keep existing
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