

Black Eye games 2017 年 5 月 19 日 上午 9:52
how to deal with rellm divide
hate to say it but use cheat engie to give your self a lot of gold

i been playing as oda and what sucks about relm divide is every one will hate you in the end but
the game is set about honder and all the samural code not in to back stabs
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目前顯示第 1-15 則留言,共 32
Zonda Zecarius 2017 年 5 月 19 日 上午 10:53 
well if you just got gud you would be able to simple beat up every other clan.
plonker 2017 年 5 月 19 日 下午 1:00 
"the game is set about honder and all the samural code not in to back stabs"

That's a myth. It was actually like Game of Thrones.
easytarget 2017 年 5 月 19 日 下午 2:02 
引用自 Zamorak Dragon
hate to say it but use cheat engie to give your self a lot of gold

i been playing as oda and what sucks about relm divide is every one will hate you in the end but
the game is set about honder and all the samural code not in to back stabs

If you want to become Shogun you're going to have to break some eggs. It would be more than a little surprising if those eggs didn't try and resist becoming part of your omelette.
Zonda Zecarius 2017 年 5 月 19 日 下午 2:08 
引用自 easytarget
If you want to become Shogun you're going to have to break some eggs. It would be more than a little surprising if those eggs didn't try and resist becoming part of your omelette.
eh, that makes it sound like you're being agressive towards the clans.
This is more like "We hate this guy and dont want to follow his orders, so we're going to have a temporary alliance to beat him up"
最後修改者:Zonda Zecarius; 2017 年 5 月 19 日 下午 2:18
easytarget 2017 年 5 月 19 日 下午 4:13 
Oh but you are being aggressive, and it will have dawned on even the slowest of daiymos that you're angling towards making yourself Shogun when you've taken over more than a 1/3'd of the island and your fame for doing so proceeds you. So naturally they align to prevent that.

Ever play Risk? If you have you'd of witnessed the rudimentary realpolitik of balance of power at play as alliances are formed and broken over and over with one goal in mind, stopping whoever appears to of gotten strong enough to threaten everyone else. Assuming the players involved are even marginally competent the game never ends and it quickly or not so quickly dawns on everyone that Risk when you boil it all away is not all the different from tic-tac-toe....
Engineer Weierstrass 2017 年 5 月 19 日 下午 5:45 
Use map choke points. If you want to just hold a point camp in a castle and place matchlock ashigaru .. no need to have general. Then use your agressive army yo expand terrain
EoNightcore 2017 年 5 月 19 日 下午 7:16 
Ehhhh? Use Cheat Engine?

Why do that when there's perfectly fine cheat mods in the mod workshop?

Insta-build, insta-tech, over-powered units, unit upkeep gives the player cash instead, etc.....

On another note, Oda strategy is simple, just spam Ashigaru, before settling down to invest in infrastructure and technology, before using that tech and infrastructure in the late-game to spam more Ashigaru, better Ashigaru, Oda Ashigaru.
最後修改者:EoNightcore; 2017 年 5 月 19 日 下午 7:17
Iceira 2017 年 5 月 20 日 上午 12:03 
i think you need more game experience, but with lesser then 100 hours in this game, then ODA is worst clan you could pick, unless you are a master from other TW games and know alot of games mecanic and strategies, im not here to attack you or provoke you, but even S2 ingame level diffcultys do say ODA is tougher then most other clans ( but then you are a master commander then ODA is a walk in the park, and you will steamrole over all other clans, but as i said it do require game experience ) but again then it dont matter what clan you pick, then you know what you are doing.

not even sure what OP clan is. but with 100 hour then player has alot to learn yet.
最後修改者:Iceira; 2017 年 5 月 20 日 上午 12:07
Ricola! 2017 年 5 月 21 日 上午 8:18 
引用自 Iceira
i think you need more game experience, but with lesser then 100 hours in this game, then ODA is worst clan you could pick, unless you are a master from other TW games and know alot of games mecanic and strategies, im not here to attack you or provoke you, but even S2 ingame level diffcultys do say ODA is tougher then most other clans ( but then you are a master commander then ODA is a walk in the park, and you will steamrole over all other clans, but as i said it do require game experience ) but again then it dont matter what clan you pick, then you know what you are doing.

not even sure what OP clan is. but with 100 hour then player has alot to learn yet.

I have less than 100 hours but have many hours in other games yet have come so close top winning as oda but got beaten by The takeda when they captured Kyoto
Vogelmaster 2017 年 5 月 21 日 上午 10:47 
Ez ! I did it so :
Step one : Spare a lot amount of money,make some friends etc..
Step two : before everyone hates you, buy the loyality of some clans (i as otomo payed Chosokabe and a smaller one in the north)
Step Three : With your 3-Clan Alliance (And a hell lot of money!) you make a simple German-like "Blitzkrieg"-Tactic, take one Town after another,Produce a hell lot of infantry, charge with Mass of a Class ! ;3
Step four : Congrats ! japan is yours, (almost) if you did all right you are unstoppable and can crush your own alliance !
Good Luck ! Gambate~
Black Eye games 2017 年 5 月 26 日 下午 5:03 
i picked oda beuase of samural warriors its a game i use to play
Shirome Artiste 2017 年 5 月 27 日 上午 5:40 
Realm Divide isn't that bad.

First off, you can control when it triggers. Just stay 1 province below the trigger threshold and then build up your armies and provinces to your heart's content. Making sure you have filled coffers beforehand helps too in case an army or two gets smashed.

Secondly: Nothing is stopping you(Unless you're Ikko Ikki) from inciting rebellions in every single province that isn't yours to then stroll to Kyoto and take it without any other clans left to contest you. With 5 maxlevel monks(Or christianity and a couple good missionaries) it is EASILY achieveable to turn so much(Or everything if playing a christian clan) of Japan into rebel territory that you can make any realm divide a total cakewalk.

Third: It IS possible to keep good alliances for a long while in Realm Divide. Just keep sending them gifts to keep relations at very friendly and keep the alliance intact for a fair number of turns.

Fourth: Defending castles is the easiest way to leverage your armies against the AI, make good use of your armies and garrisons to whittle down particularly annoying stacks.
Pumis 2017 年 5 月 28 日 下午 4:39 
You actually picked the easiest clan to win this game on legendary without cheats... Oda is simply strongest clan there is in this game due to the bonuses it provides to the ashigaru units. They are capable taking down samurais easily when you play as Oda (just remember to research matchlock tech before realm divide so defending castles becomes easier).
This is a strategy game, you need to take into account the area you hold, where to create defence points. How to handle diplomacy and build up economy.
As oda, you can just spam those ashigaru units and focus purely on economy buildings.

Some general tips, if possible, try sending general in one fleet behind enemy lines (or just push through) and when you're taking out cities and it offers possibility to create vassals, then do it. It's also good idea to do same in main front, because they are great buffers. They are only loyal factions after realm divide has happened. Assuming that you created them after realm divide.

Also before someone says how unrealistic this is... No it's not, this actually did happen to Oda, and few other great people in world's history.
最後修改者:Pumis; 2017 年 5 月 28 日 下午 4:40
Mile pro Libertate 2017 年 5 月 28 日 下午 10:56 
Oda is easy for people who understand how the campaign plays out. For new players, I wouldn't consider it an easy clan though.

Oda's starting location is tenuous because it is open to invasion from all directions. You also start off at war with one of the more capable early game clans, and have rebels in your home province to boot.

Two of the most dangerous clans, Takeda and Ikko Ikki, are right on your doorstep in no time.

Advancing either north or west means having to cross bridges, and in Mino province there are forests where AI likes to lay ambushes.

Many of the benefits to the clan, on the other hand, are probably not going to be maximized by a new player, such as fertile farms or the central position. It is easy for a new player to either not notice some things (like how they should get rid of the yari dojo they start with), or to become fixated on the bad advice the beginning cinematic gives (like going after "precious stone" in Kiso).

The cheap ashigaru are of course the self evident benefit of the clan.

But new players often fail to maximize that advantage as well, such as by not having the optimal yari:bow ashigaru ratio or thinking, based on advice they've heard, that they should just pump put ashigaru every turn, instead of doing something like saving up and using the surplus koku for bribery missions.

When they see how cheap the Oda ash are to upkeep, the temptation to over muster is very real for the inexperienced player.
Pumis 2017 年 5 月 29 日 上午 3:24 
引用自 Mile pro Libertate
Oda is easy for people who understand how the campaign plays out. For new players, I wouldn't consider it an easy clan though.

Oda's starting location is tenuous because it is open to invasion from all directions. You also start off at war with one of the more capable early game clans, and have rebels in your home province to boot.

Two of the most dangerous clans, Takeda and Ikko Ikki, are right on your doorstep in no time.

Advancing either north or west means having to cross bridges, and in Mino province there are forests where AI likes to lay ambushes.

Many of the benefits to the clan, on the other hand, are probably not going to be maximized by a new player, such as fertile farms or the central position. It is easy for a new player to either not notice some things (like how they should get rid of the yari dojo they start with), or to become fixated on the bad advice the beginning cinematic gives (like going after "precious stone" in Kiso).

The cheap ashigaru are of course the self evident benefit of the clan.

But new players often fail to maximize that advantage as well, such as by not having the optimal yari:bow ashigaru ratio or thinking, based on advice they've heard, that they should just pump put ashigaru every turn, instead of doing something like saving up and using the surplus koku for bribery missions.

When they see how cheap the Oda ash are to upkeep, the temptation to over muster is very real for the inexperienced player.
Just few garrison troops can hold the first castle Oda has. Heck, you can even make alliences and easily with factions in left side. Not to mention that the first two threats that you have at start can be both be won with by fighting them once.

Ally with ikko or hattori and left is fairly secured. Then push to the right while spamming superior ashigaru troops. Making things even easier if you build armory and get blacksmith to produce super ashigaru's. Not to mention if you have that dlc which gives you oda long spears... Two of those can hold bridge against full stack of katana samurais without losing almost a single trooper.

In TW games the best choice has always been to focus on economy and cheap efficient troops (which is something that pretty much every strategy game focuses on).
How i see it... Oda is only problem for people who haven't played strategy games before and fail to understand basic principles because of it.

Oda's positition is near perfect in my opinion. Just hold the capital province and push to the right by going down. That way you avoid fighting on multiple fronts. Which is even more true if you ally with ikko or hattori (depending on who is winning atm). By the time more fronts in right would open, you should already have more than one stack and hold blacksmith which produces superior units to you. Granted, new players don't know posititions of the blacksmiths on the world map.
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張貼日期: 2017 年 5 月 19 日 上午 9:52
回覆: 32