The Church in the Darkness

The Church in the Darkness

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Richard Paranoid  [developer] Aug 15, 2019 @ 6:48pm
Forum Code of Conduct
Hello Everyone,

Welcome to the forum for The Church in the Darkness.

Though most people don't need them, we wanted to lay out some ground rules so people know what we're hoping for with this forum.

Of course, please remember Steam's own Rules and Guidelines, which apply here as well.

Keep Things Civil
  • No personal insults at community members, developers, public figures, or anyone really.
  • No racist, sexist, homophobic, or intentionally offensive comments.
  • No degrading other people for not being good at the game.
  • No death or violence threats to any real persons ever, even if you're kidding.
  • No spamming or trolling.

On Topic
  • This is a forum about The Church in the Darkness - mentioning other subjects that relate to the game is fine, but keep in mind to not veer too far off topic.

Politics & Religion
  • The game’s setting and story contains politics and religious subject matter, so some discussion of those topics is fine. Please keep it related to the content in the game, try to avoid veering too far off topic. There's plenty of other places for that.
  • Of course never insult/degrade someone based on their political/religious beliefs.

Watch Out For Spoilers
  • Use spoiler tags like this when discussing endings, how you get them, or anything that you wouldn't want to know ahead of time.

If we see someone violating these rules, action will be taken on a case by case basis and will be at the discretion of the moderators. We reserve the right to update these rules as needed.

We try to read all comments as we work on improvements to the game, but if you have something you've brought up but haven't yet responded to, please put it in one of the posts we have pinned. We watch that more carefully.

If you have an issue, you can use Steam's "Report" feature, or you can email us directly at


- Richard & The Church in the Darkness Team
Last edited by Richard Paranoid; Aug 15, 2019 @ 6:51pm