The Church in the Darkness

The Church in the Darkness

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Richard Paranoid  [developer] Aug 3, 2019 @ 11:03am
Upcoming Patch Plans
Hey all,

I'm going to create this post to say what the known issues we are currently working on, so you know what is coming in our next patch. Feel free to comment on bugs and other quality-of-life issues you're having so we can capture those here - though we'll also be looking at the rest of the forums.

We've recently released our full version 1.42/1.43. Look on the main menu for our new "Notes" tracker that lets you dive deeper into the narrative of Freedom Town. We also expanded the True Believer DLC to include several more videos. Read about it all here:

Thanks to everyone who has posted on the forums so far, it's much appreciated. Keep letting us know what you think and we'll keep iterating.

- Richard
Director/Designer/Writer/etc on The Church in the Darkness
Last edited by Richard Paranoid; Jan 3, 2021 @ 5:38pm
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The first NPC (if there is such a thing) is a woman with a headband, mostly standing in the playground, who wants to know the address to her children. It's easy to find that address, on the right outskirts, but if I remember correctly, it might not be within the encircled area, but just outside it.
...and furthermore, what I'm certain of, is that when you show her this address, and she thanks you, that circle doesn't go away, as if you haven't really completed her side-mission.

Also, I think that the hotkey for showing her this, is not the Ctrl key, but a number key. This is different from for example the KeeAnne quest.
Last edited by Highly Inappropriate; Aug 3, 2019 @ 1:49pm
I'm not sure if the "randomize unplayed scenarios" work, since when I clicked it, I got exactly the same scenario and locations that I've played just previously (and died twice in). I mean sure, if there would be just that one scenario left, I'd understand, but when the insertion point and Alex location, is also the same, I start to suspect things.
Last edited by Highly Inappropriate; Aug 3, 2019 @ 1:48pm
PaleShakta Aug 3, 2019 @ 2:46pm 
Given that there doesn't appear to be a downside for sprinting all the time, I feel like offering an option to toggle sprint with shift rather than having to hold it down might be a good quality-of-life idea. My pinky got a bit tired by my first win.
There are lots of of bugs still in this game, and room for improvement as well.
Here's some things I remember:
- A lot of times you have to press the same number key twice, in order to pick something out of a chest.
- Also I know that sometimes when wearing a disguise, people still detect me as if they have regular range. Also, I must repress the Alt key for the range to update visually.
- Just recently, when I had killed the two cult leaders at the church gathering and the workers were frozen in place in a row leaving (a bit outside of the church), I could make them start walking by just walking near them, one by one.
Last edited by Highly Inappropriate; Aug 3, 2019 @ 4:18pm
Oh - one major improvement idea:
Right now I'm pressing Q to aim my stones. It would feel much more natural if throwing rocks worked like aiming the gun: If you don't hold down the right mouse button, the mouse cursor could be for aiming rock throws instead.
Last edited by Highly Inappropriate; Aug 3, 2019 @ 5:16pm
Another improvement idea:
It's unlikely that the player would want to select a different race or gender at the start of every single mission. Maybe you could move that option to the option page instead, at least after the first mission?
I almost expected one of the cult scenarios to be a Lovecraftian Shub-Niggurath cult. A Halloween scenario, perhaps?

I mean maybe I'm spoiled, but there was this game back in the day, called Covert Action, that just put all Bond movies to shame: You had very thinly disguised real world factions that could be the culprits. In this game we have just one socialist-christian cult. I expected various cults like ISIS-like cults, or Scientology-like cults. Maybe it could be DLC or something.
Last edited by Highly Inappropriate; Aug 3, 2019 @ 5:44pm
Barba Roza Aug 3, 2019 @ 6:08pm 
any plans to add more languages? (Brazilian portuguese, pls)
During my recent onslaught, I found a number of bugs, that only becomes apparent when you kill about 70 people or so:

First I began to noticce that the people that I killed, didn't appear to be dead. They were lying with their arms crossed, only occationally flipping into their dead pose, they were brandishing rifles, and one of them even laid about arguing with the sky. In short, corpses aren't sticking to their death poses. This probably happens when they load in after you've been away from the corpse pile for a while.

Next, I noticed that sometimes corpses will fall through the bridge upon being dropped. It only happened once, but it's a pity because I wanted to move him somewhere else.

Then I slowly began to notice how the corpses that I was carrying, began to be held further and further in front of me, pixel by pixel for every new corpse. First I began holding them by their legs, then by their foot, and soon enough they were floating freely in front of me.

Also, I have to say that corpses are really heavy things, and that you really can't carry a corpse under your arm like that. The animation would look more realistic if you were carrying it on your back instead.

Then, as I went back and forth, mysterious corpses began to show up, that I hadn't killed. They were unlooted and were just laying about, and I think they even triggered some alarms. My theory is that if you bait a soldier far enough away with rocks, and then let him return to his post, he will just return there and die on the spot.

One of the discovered corpses, made the guard just stand in front of it, unable to move even when I tried distracting him with rocks.

In my neverending quest for endings and rewards, I had planned to kill Alex this run, but instead I decided to subdue him and carry him (in front of me) to the extraction point. I did so. I rubbed his head against the backpack, but nothing happened. ...and so I put him down and wondered if maybe putting him down closeby and then going for the backpack, would trigger the exit, but doing so, I went a tiny bit further in, and got the "Nope, Alex suicided with the cult because you left without him." (Last One Out) ending. Maybe you could make that exit area trigger a bit bigger.

Last edited by Highly Inappropriate; Aug 3, 2019 @ 8:39pm
Oh, and here's an obvious improvement: Sometimes you'll find a bullet, and then two more bullets of the same type. Why not merge them into a single stack of three bullets instead?
Satoru Aug 3, 2019 @ 9:12pm 
Originally posted by Flibedi-floob:
Oh, and here's an obvious improvement: Sometimes you'll find a bullet, and then two more bullets of the same type. Why not merge them into a single stack of three bullets instead?

I"m guessing that the RNG does a thing where it goes by 'slot', so it fills each 'slot' with something random but isnt quite aware that slot A has something similar to slot B
I also find it rather strange that the guards only have 1-3 bullets on them, since the rest of the game is fairly realistic.

Suggested improvement (to balance out finding more bullets):
- Have people's detection increase to larger than normal, if you're running or carrying a body.
- You could also have the guards SPEND the bullets when firing at the player.
- When you loot something, and you take all the items individually, I think that the chest should automatically close, but instead there's still a useless Take All prompt persisting.
- People discover bodies a bit outside their sight range.
- I encountered two soldiers (next to eachother) that could not be rock baited past a certain (not far away) point. Instead they ignored any such sounds and returned to their post. I repeated this baiting many times on them.
- When you talk to the headband NPC that is looking for the address to her children, the encircled area (to search within) doesn't appear immediately, but instead after a while. I still have troubles finding anything within that area, and instead keep finding the address outside of it.
Last edited by Highly Inappropriate; Aug 4, 2019 @ 5:43am
Satoru Aug 4, 2019 @ 9:21am 
I think the take all window only persists if you can’t take everything and the prompt is more to swap our an item to take
Originally posted by Satoru:
I think the take all window only persists if you can’t take everything and the prompt is more to swap our an item to take
No, it persists if you take everything. It's done that many times consistently, at least for me. What you end up with is an empty chest with a Take All prompt. At least take away the Take All prompt, since there's nothing left to take.
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