Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

Dawn Patrol #1 Chernarus Epoch |EPOCH 1061 - FULLY SCRIPTED
2 Year old server looking to reevive server population

Custom Coding

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Still going best server fully custom code
come join :-)
updated to
I wonder why the server pop doesn't even get passed ten at a time hmm not like people hate new players coming onto the servers. No couldn't be that
Actually my friend, The reason it doesn't get past 10 and it seems like we hate news players is this.

If you think you can mess around with the wrong people FAFO

problem is, most of society is weak minded in this world today no mental stamina and easily give up

We don't mess until we are messed with and at the end of the day we are just hoping one day a group comes on thinking they can take us out.

we will bring war if people want it.

thinking we are scripters cheating is weak response and moaning about the admin asking for money on the website is low too, it costs $200 a month to rent the sever and if no one donated there would be no server

its been up 7 yrs no reset and updated because of good people.

and if you cheat on the server expect not to get on any a2 server with that account he knows infistar my friend. WE Despise CHEATERS

have a good day
7kNorTHy původně napsal:
Actually my friend, The reason it doesn't get past 10 and it seems like we hate news players is this.

If you think you can mess around with the wrong people FAFO

problem is, most of society is weak minded in this world today no mental stamina and easily give up

We don't mess until we are messed with and at the end of the day we are just hoping one day a group comes on thinking they can take us out.

we will bring war if people want it.

thinking we are scripters cheating is weak response and moaning about the admin asking for money on the website is low too, it costs $200 a month to rent the sever and if no one donated there would be no server

its been up 7 yrs no reset and updated because of good people.

and if you cheat on the server expect not to get on any a2 server with that account he knows infistar my friend. WE Despise CHEATERS

have a good day
Hasn't it been taken down by the devs because donation perks twice and theres a difference between ♥♥♥♥ with people and you get ♥♥♥♥♥♥ with and people using hate speech. Still have screen shots on two of the players who well I will just put it in the sense of hate speech in a certain country would still be breaking a few laws. Like the white power comments a few folks made. Just kinda funny how I actually tried playing on the servers saw thru the website and saw all of the nonsense because server owner begs for donations or threats to turn the server off doesn't play the game and a big donator JCN not only donates and was given a free pass to treat anyone the way he wants by the owner on the webiste. But he also literally runs the server and his friends go oh it's just meta to bum rush players with a rocket helicopter its only meta to bring a tank to start killing a group. 5 players get onto a server jcn being one of them he brings a tank to kill not just once but until the 4 players say nah fam and dc. Even switch to the cherno server and JCN follows to keep the thing going. Like that is a good way to crush a server from getting new players to join and stay. Even the owner had suggested people go afk near a plot pole to get new players.
Also fyi you have JCN on your friends list you know how he acts in game if you can actually say that he's not chaotic and that he's a white knight and that he's a decent player that he's friendly at all times you show just how blind you are.
Thank You for proving my point but let me retort......

I can not describe to you how wrong you are and what you think is happening right now, JCN is my 17 yr old SON I am 40 years old and played dayz since 2012 and he was watching me play since being young and started playing when he was 10/11 , so yeah he is a bad ass trust me

check the links of our videos playing in the past, you will feature in one soon :-)

have a nice day
going to make it while watching the royal rumble tonight........
ps the biggest donator is a bad ass too and its not JCN trust me, JCN probably one of the lowest who have, but I donate to help.
7kNorTHy původně napsal:
Thank You for proving my point but let me retort......

I can not describe to you how wrong you are and what you think is happening right now, JCN is my 17 yr old SON I am 40 years old and played dayz since 2012 and he was watching me play since being young and started playing when he was 10/11 , so yeah he is a bad ass trust me

check the links of our videos playing in the past, you will feature in one soon :-)

have a nice day
Be sure to put in the things youve said in the chat don't just edit the little bit to make yourself look good show all of it. But hey you did remind me on how you were talking about certain races and then tried saying you weren't in such and such ways. I think you prove my point you want to say you promote but when people join they are met with such outright hostility that they are not only discouraged but bullied off the servers. Also just to point out how long people have been playing been playing since the start of the dayz mod. I don't mind some pvp where you have to fight tooth and nail. But don't have your group try a ♥♥♥♥ measuring contest in pvp by bringing a tank and just destroying a base or killing people for 30 minutes straight. And then go oh we need people in your eyes it's we need fresh meat we're bored.
Please read my first response and take it in which will then equate to JCN=Bandit1

you are more than welcome to come fight on cherno where it is not militarised, you will get destroyed on there too.

we play all the dawn patrol severs except for the pve one which i think you need to go and play on because that is where you belong and will help you with this stress you are under.

I will ask server owner if he can find the log of the chat we are referring, he is good at that stuff, because I know i didn't do what you are saying
7kNorTHy původně napsal:
Please read my first response and take it in which will then equate to JCN=Bandit1

you are more than welcome to come fight on cherno where it is not militarised, you will get destroyed on there too.

we play all the dawn patrol severs except for the pve one which i think you need to go and play on because that is where you belong and will help you with this stress you are under.

I will ask server owner if he can find the log of the chat we are referring, he is good at that stuff, because I know i didn't do what you are saying
44 minutes of the chat so might want to look up on your video. That being said you just showed you dislike people who have a difference of how we should pvp and that they belong on a pve server which you don't play which shows you actually bully and don't like anyone who doesn't play as unusual over aggressive playstyle while being passive aggressive in chat to the point of insults.
Lord have mercy :-)

PVP = maximum risk Maximum fear, fear is alleviated with experience.

PVE = zero risk zero fear,

pve has its uses for beginners i guess but you are just best going in deep and experiencing the real game, but pve dayz is a 100 percent different game I do not want to play. I thrive on adversity.

also who said it ws a video about tha convo? i wouldnt be asking admin for chat logs if had video of it, Its something else :-)

Have a nice day
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