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Riot  [ontwikkelaar] 16 nov 2014 om 11:41
Post your suggestions for Salt here!
A few people have recommended doing a sticky post for suggestions and I think that's a great idea. If you have any suggestions or features you'd like to see in the future, please post them here! Thanks guys.
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OK, I've thought of a few more...

1. Add snakes to the game.
2. Add the occasional noise of a flying bug when you're on an island.
3. Change the footstep sound when you're walking on sand versus grass. Also, maybe slow down a little bit when running in sand.
4. The ability to customize flags. For example, I could have an "L" on a flag to tell me that there's lots of logs on this island, or "M" to designate moonstone boulders.
5. Offshore rocks and sea spray. (I've suggested this before but I mention it again because I really like this one.)

And finally, maps:

Probably my absolute favorite game from the 1980s was "Seven Cities of Gold" where you were an explorer (basically Christopher Columbus) and you sailed west into the unknown to discover computer generated continents & islands. The game kept a map up to date with the areas you had explored. I found finishing the maps more rewarding than collecting gold or any other goals the game had.

I suggest that once a player has a compass, sextant, and some way to write, he/she gets the ability to craft a map and have the computer update this as the explorer finds new things. I know we can do this manually now, but that is work. This is a game.

Also, maybe the pirate cartographers could have pieces of maps for areas you haven't explored yet.

PS - That's a really cool avatar, Riot! T-Rex in a business suit.
Wow, did you read the other post? We've been posting suggestions there for days now. If so, I will not repeat here.
a buckler, momentum physics, so when running down a hill u gain speed, u gain to much speed u fall at take minor damage, slightly more fruit or fruit giving a bit more food, and the grass, is a real pain when looking for arrows maybe make dyes for armor and arrow fletching making arrows easier to spot, old flintlock pistols and rifles,(maybe) people complain about guns but there isnt really much of an advantage with those, considering the reload time per bullet
and thirst? create a buildable rig that lets u convert salt water to fresh water, maybe have little ponts on the islands
and visible schools of fish, or just visible fish here and there, and a bow fishing rig
and dont get me wrong, grass looks great, but if u focus on one point infront of you, and circle around staying focused on that point, the grass texture also moves
and a balance wheel for boats, so when u are stearing u can spin it back to straight easier, or even just add a mark, like a piece of rope on the top of the wheel
sharpening stones to temperarily, or permenantly increase currently equipped weapon damage slightly
one or two big masses of land per seed, those large masses have fresh water streams and such, maybe a friendly npc or two with homes along the way
and player made mades, u fine a paper, ink, a feather, and a sextant, you use the sextant, right click to switch to paper, and u can mark that paper with icons, mapping out the territory on your own basically
player made maps*
using two deer antlers as a deer call
maybe a bleed effect from weapon damage, animals and npcs drop bones, craftable bone needles and string fron plant fibers, to stop bleeding
more animals, maybe even being able to get one pet/companion, npc, a dog, anything
@ Day Man

Are you nuts?

Why not one post with all your suggestions im one instead of flaming the whole thread..
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Geplaatst op: 16 nov 2014 om 11:41
Aantal berichten: 2,185