Does an "enemy" context tag exist? (or: other, better solutions for that modifyhealthaction problem)
This is a bit of a continuation for my terrible workaround for a problem I was having http://steamcommunity.com/app/327510/discussions/2/1457328392105459245/

I did some more tests regarding ModfyHealthAction and why it gave dealt extra damage to the player if the player had additional ARMOR_REDUCTION. I think I figured it out, and that is ARMOR_REDUCTION brought the player's armor into the negatives when dealing the damage, which granted a straight damage increase if the player was knocked into negative armor.

Also I did some tests to make sure ARMOR_REDUCTION wasn't applying to EVERY attack, to and from the player just in case there was some insane glitch that everybody missed but nope, thankfully that is working properly. 50 ARMOR_REDUCTION did no more extra damage to the player from enemy attacks. Hell, it didn't even do extra damage to the player for player made explosives, like mines.

So I was trying to think of other solutions, and I thought an enemy context tag on the ModifyHealthAction might possibly fix the problem, if that is how ARMOR_REDUCTION was respecting the player in the first place (because something is definitely in place) but I couldn't even figure out an enemy context tag at all so I can't even see if that would work. It would definitely be a lot simpler than the ARMOR_REDUCTION negation trick I made that I'm still really unhappy with.

If that doesn't work anyways, any ideas for a better solution? I would take almost anything over that dumb dumb workaround I made.
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There's a tag "is_enemy" and another tag "is_unique" if the enemy is considered unique (i.e. a boss).

Players have a context tag "player" (I don't know why it's not "is_player", but welp.)
Mr. Podunkian lähetti viestin:
There's a tag "is_enemy" and another tag "is_unique" if the enemy is considered unique (i.e. a boss).

Players have a context tag "player" (I don't know why it's not "is_player", but welp.)

Damn, attaching the enemy context tag to the modifyhealthaction didn't fix the problem. I guess that means however ARMOR_REDUCTION works it's doesn't involve context tags in that capcity.

That's unfortunate, I was hoping for a better solution. Any ideas?

edit: i came up with something I feel good about. http://steamcommunity.com/app/327510/discussions/2/1457328392105459245/
Viimeisin muokkaaja on king bore haha; 10.7.2017 klo 13.08
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