How's the difficulty?
I like shmups but i suck at bullet hell. Game looks good but are there multiple difficulty modes? If so how many?
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There's 3 difficulty modes. Normal isn't what I would call "easy", but if you can hack it at Geometry Wars, Enter the Gungeon, or Android Cactus then you'll do fine. This isn't like the Ikaruga of twinstick shooters as far as difficulty goes, but I recommend it. The music and visuals are quite hypnotic, and the focus on shipdodging makes playing it have a nice trance-y feel.
I played on my friend's PC and I don't think normal was too difficult. I'm a big fan of the genre, and this game is definitely worth picking up. I do PR for a 4 player twin-stick shooter if you're looking for similar games. It's called Last Encounter. We'll be having a beta soon if you're interested!
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