When will Toxikk II ?

some of you may know me from the past when I actively played Toxikk. I wonder if we'll see Toxikk II? it's time to revive the Areana FPS genre. Especially after Epic killed all Unreal Tournament games, there was room for a big game of this type of Arena FPS with Movement Unreal and Toxikk. Toxikk developers are still relatively active in discussions, for example they can provide us with direct information on when we will see a successor
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Sharkster  [developer] Mar 9 @ 5:18pm 
There will be no Toxikk 2 for obvious reasons.

We're fans of the AFPS genre and the idea of reviving it. That's why we did Toxikk and made it the best game we could. But we have to face the reality that AFPS is dead.

This simple truth is the reason why UT4 was aborted and also why every AFPS game since the old days has failed (despite some gems).

But we'll soon™ announce a new (non-AFPS) title.
Anub1ss Mar 10 @ 5:46am 
Originally posted by Sharkster:
There will be no Toxikk 2 for obvious reasons.

We're fans of the AFPS genre and the idea of reviving it. That's why we did Toxikk and made it the best game we could. But we have to face the reality that AFPS is dead.

This simple truth is the reason why UT4 was aborted and also why every AFPS game since the old days has failed (despite some gems).

But we'll soon™ announce a new (non-AFPS) title.

Toxikk is great, but unfortunately the game struggled from the beginning with a low number of players and the long time of the game in early access.

Me remember when I was running around the arenas in ESL battles, maybe it would be nice to at least partially revive the original Toxikk with some kind of tournament?

Even so, I think AFPS is not dead and there is more room for this concept than years ago. maybe make it special in the form of wards, battlepass, skins and other nonsense.
Originally posted by Sharkster:
There will be no Toxikk 2 for obvious reasons.

We're fans of the AFPS genre and the idea of reviving it. That's why we did Toxikk and made it the best game we could. But we have to face the reality that AFPS is dead.

This simple truth is the reason why UT4 was aborted and also why every AFPS game since the old days has failed (despite some gems).

But we'll soon™ announce a new (non-AFPS) title.

I'm still rather furious about what has happened to arena FPS. The whole Nexuiz/Xonotic controversies (Illfonic buying the name, early Xonotic balance and physics issues that divided the playerbase, etc.) were bad, but not as bad as what Epic did as far as killing arena FPS is concerned. That was all but intentional once they saw how successful battle royale in Fortnite was as they added things to UT4 the community specifically said they didn't want and then used that as an excuse to kill the game not to mention delisting all of the Unreal games years later. Much like Xonotic was a successor to Nexuiz, Toxikk very much was a successor to Unreal Tournament 2004 (albeit a spiritual one) and had some awesome moments if you could ever find anyone online. Maybe it was being in early access for a little too long or maybe it was lack of marketing or even the instant gratification crap Call of Duty kids are hooked on nowadays, but for whatever reason this game didn't hit the audience it deserved. One can only hope that this game somehow gets revived or someone else steps up to resurrect these kinds of games for a new generation to play.
Last edited by AFreakinProblem; May 21 @ 1:38am
PsyKot1k May 30 @ 6:36pm 
I dont think AFPS is dead, just isnt a top notch new game out to play. Quake Champions came out and it was terrible all around, and still is. Then most people tried newer games and stuck with them i have to assume like i did playing Apex, and random games that come out. i tried this game a few times and i didn't care for it that much. OW2 is still pretty popular and it's quite similar to AFPS just without item pickups. That and people play the ♥♥♥♥ out of Apex TDM, and Valorant deathmatch.
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