Does anybody still play this?
Wanted to try it but all I got was bot matches in quick match... any wayto fix this? or I HAVE to buy the upgrade to browse servers?
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
PredatH0r Jul 2, 2022 @ 3:16pm 
The player base is very small and often there is simply no one playing the game online.
The full version / server browser won't make a difference in that regard. If there are players online on a server that falls within your skill rating, you will be connected to that server.

You can also use your steam client and click on View / Servers and select TOXIKK in the bottom left drop box.
.Girz0r Jul 2, 2022 @ 4:26pm 
Friday nights is your best bet for "Frag Fest Friday". Also being active in the Discord definitely will result in matches :) []
420GreenThumbs Jul 2, 2022 @ 6:24pm 
I play every evening. I check the server browser regularly and find players each day to have a few games with. Come play and see if you can keep up :-) Always welcome new players.
farenhaid_1 Jul 2, 2022 @ 6:43pm 
Originally posted by 420GreenThumbs:
I play every evening. I check the server browser regularly and find players each day to have a few games with. Come play and see if you can keep up :-) Always welcome new players.

Yeah but how do I check that exactly? do I need to buy the full game?
PredatH0r Jul 3, 2022 @ 12:52am 
Originally posted by farenhaid_1:
Yeah but how do I check that exactly? do I need to buy the full game?

As I said: in your Steam client, click on the "View / Servers" menu and select TOXIKK on the bottom. You will see all TOXIKK game servers and the number of players on them.

Alternatively you can download a 3rd party server browser, like mine.
It is available in the Steam Workshop for TOXIKK and also on
farenhaid_1 Jul 3, 2022 @ 8:55am 
Originally posted by PredatH0r:
Originally posted by farenhaid_1:
Yeah but how do I check that exactly? do I need to buy the full game?

As I said: in your Steam client, click on the "View / Servers" menu and select TOXIKK on the bottom. You will see all TOXIKK game servers and the number of players on them.

Alternatively you can download a 3rd party server browser, like mine.
It is available in the Steam Workshop for TOXIKK and also on

So if I just press CONNECT using that, does it send me to the match in question?
PredatH0r Jul 3, 2022 @ 1:52pm 
Both browsers will connect you to that server.
However, TOXIKK servers have a Skill Class (SC) range and will disconnect players who are blow or above the limit.
The server browser in the steam client doesn't show the SC range, my SteamServerBrowser shows it in the "Skill" column:
The Testlab servers require to own the full game because they run client-side mods.
The "All Maps+Mods" server can be voted to custom maps and/or mods, which then also require players to own the full game.
∆ηεẘbïş Jul 5, 2022 @ 2:15am 
What killed this game for me was how all the most diehard of tryhards were out in force in its infancy, wasn't like there were enough players to server hop much, and eventually the DHTHs cleared w/e server they were in and came to yours. Ranks made it nearly impossible to have a chill match either when you were good but didn't want to try that day. While I get being the best is kind of the goal with top arena FPS players, these people had 0 consideration for just how improbable it was for their victims to escape to players in line with their own skill. They almost seemed to relish in it. And thus, I and everyone else I ever got this game for moved on and played other games.

I still wonder if it wasn't a cash grab, you can see much of the default Unreal Editor file structure and naming conventions in the released game. I can't write it off as an oversight when your game directory reads like an alpha and plays like modded UT3. But I digress.
farenhaid_1 Jul 5, 2022 @ 8:03am 
Originally posted by ∆ηεẘbïş:
What killed this game for me was how all the most diehard of tryhards were out in force in its infancy, wasn't like there were enough players to server hop much, and eventually the DHTHs cleared w/e server they were in and came to yours. Ranks made it nearly impossible to have a chill match either when you were good but didn't want to try that day. While I get being the best is kind of the goal with top arena FPS players, these people had 0 consideration for just how improbable it was for their victims to escape to players in line with their own skill. They almost seemed to relish in it. And thus, I and everyone else I ever got this game for moved on and played other games.

I still wonder if it wasn't a cash grab, you can see much of the default Unreal Editor file structure and naming conventions in the released game. I can't write it off as an oversight when your game directory reads like an alpha and plays like modded UT3. But I digress.

Sad, I was looking forward to play a good arena shooter that isnt quake champions... idk why but that game doesnt click with me, I miss games like UT a lot.
PredatH0r Jul 5, 2022 @ 12:03pm 
@Anewbis: Did you play the game only when it was early-access or also after its release?
Because it was released with skill classes and had servers with skill class restrictions so that beginners don't get smashed by veterans. Developers got a lot of critics for implementing this and sticking to it, when "DHTHs" saw populated beginner servers but were not allowed to join them.

The game is based on UDK, a scaled-down version of UE3, so it is no surprise that the game follows the UE3 folder structures. It's a requirement for running on that engine.

AFAIK QC is the only AFPS with a decent sized player base these days.
There is still Quake Live if you enjoy the ClanArena game mode. Diabotical has a small but very competitive player base, also very ClanArena (Wipeout) focused.
Xonotic comes pre-installed by default on Ubuntu Linux and also runs on Windows, which is always good for some quick FFA fun.
Warsaw/WarFork and ReflexArena are also fun games with interesting movement, but suffer from a small player base too.
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