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Sydalesis Apr 10, 2019 @ 11:57am
Neocron 3 please
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Linkblade Apr 13, 2019 @ 4:06am 
Update for Toxikk already confirmed for 2019 by Sharkster
Skansy Apr 23, 2019 @ 8:53am 
ReaKKtor cant do Neocron 3 ... sorry.

Neocron belongs to KirK, CEO of NuKKlear.
And they already announced it on their Homepage (
Sharkster  [developer] Apr 24, 2019 @ 4:20pm 
*sigh* As this is brought up again and again,'s the full story behind that claim:

In the late 90s, Neocron was envisioned and written by Martin Schwiezer, original founder of Reakktor Media. Martin did not only come up with the name, the logo, the story of the entire world behind Neocron, but also assembled the dev team, organized the funding and directed the development of Neocron 1 and 2.

Martin left Reakktor in ~2004 (after the completion of Neocron 2 and after having written the initial concept for Black Prophecy, a MMOG space sim later published by Gamigo).

Lead producer Holger Nathrath took over the position as head of the studio. He directed the ongoing development of Black Prophecy.

When Holger left Reakktor in ~2008 (and with no other lead personnel left), Kirk Lenke, originally an administrative assistant to Martin with no direct role in the development of Neocron, became head of Reakktor.

Unfortunately, under Kirk's lead, Reakktor Media filed for bankruptcy twice, with the latter filing being terminal for the studio in 2012.

Kirk laid off the entire staff, terminated the studio and had the Neocron rights transferred to another company under his control.

In 2013, Martin J. Schwiezer relaunched Reakktor (the brand he originally founded) with many of the original staff as Reakktor Studios and developed TOXIKK (released 09/2016).

Kirk Lenke's new company, Nukklear, lists Neocron 1, Neocron 2 and Black Prophecy as their "GAMES" on their homepage (you decide what to make of that).

The homepage also states that Neocron 3 is in the making at Nukklear.

In 2014, Nukklear listed a lot more games.[] Namely: Horizon Overdrive, Neocron Reloaded, Desdroid, Bang Bang Bang, War Tactics and Radical.

The whereabouts of these titels are unknown today, as they were removed from the website without any comment.

Regarding Neocron 3, the originator of the IP, Martin Schwiezer, is not aware of any proceedings that point to any active development. Neither was he asked to consult on the IP, nor was any other current Reakktor member (who also was on the original Neocron dev team) ever asked to work on a new Neocron.

This is the full background (and the reason why there will never be a new Neocron with the consent of the original IP creator(s)). No secrets in this story neither... You can read every aspect of this summary in public community boards, Wikipedia, trade registers etc.
Last edited by Sharkster; Apr 24, 2019 @ 4:40pm
Linkblade Apr 25, 2019 @ 3:24pm 
Um, and why exactly can't you make a game equal to Neocron and give it a different name? Overload for example is also made by many of the original devs of Descent and is its spiritual successor but has a different name.
Sharkster  [developer] Apr 25, 2019 @ 10:31pm 
Absolutely. This is what we're currently discussing.
apterous May 4, 2019 @ 8:34pm 
cyberpunk mmo yes pls
SlenderKnirpZ May 9, 2019 @ 11:15am 
If you allow me in short to say: Just work also on Toxikk again! Please. Its gone so quiet about this game.No new maps nothing.Also the community seems still silent? Damn I mean often the games I love most become forgotten and abaddoned:steamsad:. But as long you say theres still hope for Toxikk im glad.I know im not the only one but I confess its been a while since I played it because it was crashing on start gain.

Best wishes from S'Slender-K!
Linkblade May 9, 2019 @ 2:20pm 
Originally posted by ‡†SlenderKnirpZ‡†:
If you allow me in short to say: Just work also on Toxikk again! Please. Its gone so quiet about this game.No new maps nothing.Also the community seems still silent? Damn I mean often the games I love most become forgotten and abaddoned:steamsad:. But as long you say theres still hope for Toxikk im glad.I know im not the only one but I confess its been a while since I played it because it was crashing on start gain.

Best wishes from S'Slender-K!
Sharkster confirmed that they want to bring out an update for Toxikk this year! (I'm too lazy to dig out the exact post).
SlenderKnirpZ May 10, 2019 @ 1:12pm 
Oh? Hello! Thats good news.Good to hear or read. Toxikk just need a few things more:New content,maps.New weapons or vehicles.A bigger playerbase of course, and last not least a big comeback or breakthrough.Finally. Its time that I try at least to recommend this game again.:steamhappy:
Sackback May 10, 2019 @ 1:36pm 
They're so cute before all hope is lost.
SlenderKnirpZ May 10, 2019 @ 2:17pm 
I know xd.They always was.
Linkblade May 10, 2019 @ 2:19pm 
Originally posted by UCantHang:
They're so cute before all hope is lost.

xD yeh, hope is the last to die! Toxikk will be the next Fortnite :P
Last edited by Linkblade; May 10, 2019 @ 2:19pm
SlenderKnirpZ May 10, 2019 @ 2:56pm 
I hope not xd! All I know is Fortnite or Overwatch have age restriction 12(?) years I think? Til now I didnt played them.But my feeling says im better of with my beloved Toxikk,Hl 2-Deathmatch,C.O.D.WW 2 Deathmatch.Toxikk Vehicle Deatmatch XD this is really bad ass.:steamhappy::steammocking:
Warl0ck Jun 1, 2019 @ 1:26pm 
@Sharkster ... I remember it a bit different. When I read your post it sounds like Kirk was the problem with the bankruptcy.. But I think you missed the part when Martin sold Reakktor to 10T Studios ... and that was when the ♥♥♥♥ began to hit the fan.
The company was already on it‘s way down when several people planed to leave Reakktor to switch to 4HEAD, which became Cranberry Productions.
Holger Nathrath, who was CEO at this point planed to leave, and also Kirk did.
10T managed to change Kirk‘s mind to stay (I guess with a big pile of money and the offer to become the CEO) but then 10T was going down.
I don‘t know what exactly happened then .. but I think Kirk was able to get KK running without 10T until the second Bankrupt.
Last edited by Warl0ck; Jun 1, 2019 @ 1:37pm
Sharkster  [developer] Jun 1, 2019 @ 4:38pm 
@Warl0ck: What does speculation add to the story?

All details and dates in the above description are correct and confirmed by MJS. It's surely right that things started to go downhill for KK after Martin left the company. But after directing Neocron 1 and 2, he felt it was time for a change. I don't think you can blame anyone for carreer decisions. Especially if they're made AFTER a successfully completed project.
It's good to have him back though. ^^

Originally posted by Warl0ck:
When I read your post it sounds like Kirk was the problem with the bankruptcy.

If that's what you take from it. I can't judge, as I wasn't part of Reakktor back then. But again... what do speculations add to the story? The post above doesn't imply any accusations of whom to blame, but focus on the sober facts.

We decided to release the above info as it is about time the differences between Reakktor/MJS on the one side and Nukklear/Kirk on the other, are made clear.
Last edited by Sharkster; Jun 1, 2019 @ 5:51pm
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