Shadow Warrior 2

Shadow Warrior 2

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DisableBore Sep 6, 2016 @ 1:14pm
PC Optimization : A Friendly Compilation
This thread is meant to be an informative summary on the PC features and customization options.

Before you ask anything in a new thread, check if your concern is listed.

Also consider checking the system requirements on the store before asking as well.
They are there for a reason.

Thread will be updated before and after release.

Now, many thanks to KriS for all the details and sticking the thread so others can quickly see it.

Disclaimer : These are all said by the developer Flying Wild Hog. I am not related in any way to the studio, I'm just a fan who decided to gather their posts and intel in order to make a useful guide to keep users informed on the game's polish.

All present features

No Denuvo and GOG version has no form of DRM

Uncapped FPS, Variable refresh rates available

21:9 Ultrawide support

Controller support

Photo Mode with features like FOV, post process, exposure, filters, camera tilt, hi-res screenshots and slowmotion

Uses DX11

Temporal AA support

SSAA support

Sli support

Customizable crosshair

AMD Eyefinity and NVIDIA Surround support (HUD and movies are automatically constrained to the center display)

Resolution scale slider

HDR display

Full key mapping

FOV slider

Playing at 1080p FPS rates are = 660 - 40 fps on High / 970 - 60fps on Ultra

Texture quality = 2 gb - High textures / 4 gb - Ultra textures

You can turn off almost the entire HUD and Ui if you want, eg. Damage numbers and the enemy health bars.

You can disable and edit chromatic aberration / lens dirt / motion blur / DOF / lens flare

Steam Cloud support

Crossfire support

Linux and Mac versions are upcoming. No support at launch.


Volumetric fog and light shafts , real-time reflections ,real-time shadows for a lot of lights sources

No regional censorship (eg Germany or Australia )

Crossplay with GOG players

Coop is 100% optional and campaing never forces you to buddy up.

Ancient Chinese Secrets ;)

Video showing option menus and performance benchmarks

ULTRA in a 1070

LOW in a 1070 ( Russian text (AVG FPS

Thanks in advance to the devs and to all forum members, yer welcome.

On Media

Thread got quite the attention, so for those interested, here's some of the sites that got this linked one way or another. (Polish (Hungarian, didnt credit the thread, nor KriS ) ( German, also didn't credit us haha ) ( Spanish. Also not credited the thread, but clearly used the info too )

All Sources. WARNING: Wall text
Last edited by DisableBore; Mar 14, 2017 @ 3:33pm
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Showing 1-15 of 468 comments
DisableBore Sep 6, 2016 @ 6:00pm 
if anyone knows a detail ive missed, please comment about it. Good PC versions deserve to be celebrated
Last edited by DisableBore; Sep 7, 2016 @ 4:43am
jordyexists Sep 6, 2016 @ 8:09pm 
Originally posted by TheDisableBore:
Good PC ports deserve to be celebrated
This man speaks the truth.
id.dav81 Sep 6, 2016 @ 8:35pm 
Didn't expect less from FWH)))
ToxicKookie Sep 6, 2016 @ 9:01pm 
Originally posted by TheDisableBore:
Friendly Compilation of info on the PC version

Is there such a thing as a sadistic Compilation of info on the PC version?
KriS Sep 7, 2016 @ 12:25am 
Originally posted by TheDisableBore:
Controller support

Xbox controller (XInput) and PS4 controller support.

Originally posted by TheDisableBore:
Playing at 1080p , FPS rates are= 660 - 40 fps / 970 - 60 fps

On Ultra gfx settings.

Originally posted by TheDisableBore:
PS to KriS : if you are ok with it, mind if i add you to ask you details or atleast comment here more on the PC port overall?

Sure, if you have any questions I'll gladly answer them.
DisableBore Sep 7, 2016 @ 4:13am 
Originally posted by KriS:
Sure, if you have any questions I'll gladly answer them.

Added, thanks a bunch!

Originally posted by ToxicKookie:
Originally posted by TheDisableBore:
Friendly Compilation of info on the PC version

Is there such a thing as a sadistic Compilation of info on the PC version?

Oh jolly, I had a good laugh
MattaClark Sep 7, 2016 @ 4:39am 
Originally posted by TheDisableBore:
if anyone knows a detail ive missed, please comment about it. Good PC ports deserve to be celebrated

This game is a Port?
DisableBore Sep 7, 2016 @ 4:43am 
Originally posted by MattaClark:
Originally posted by TheDisableBore:
if anyone knows a detail ive missed, please comment about it. Good PC ports deserve to be celebrated

This game is a Port?

No, of course not. I meant version.

I should stop making threads on vodka.
DisableBore Sep 7, 2016 @ 6:48am 
Well, on the meantime, might as well ask the following ;

Vulkan support in the future by any chance?

On the very lowest settings , what machine could run it? ( estimate )

Any built-in performance metrics? ( fps counter )

Number of graphical options? Such as texture quality, particles, ect

Film grain slider and motion blur quality? ( low, med, ect)

How up can you turn FOV?

Does the game have fully rebindable keys? ( an extra line to add a second config would be sweet )

Save system with autosave/manual save?

Multiple save slots?

Directx12 possible in the future?

Cross platform (PS4, GOG, ect) play for coop?

Can we expect the PAX skins to be purchasable as DLC in the future? Many would gladly pay for them!

Can you disable COOP so you are 100% lone wolf, akin Dying Light?

Thats all I can think of right now.

Huge thanks in advance
Last edited by DisableBore; Sep 7, 2016 @ 6:55am
MySeLf Sep 7, 2016 @ 8:46am 
Variable Refresh Rates is not equal to Unlocked Frame Rate. Does this game have ANY kind of frame rate limitation?

If it has it's a deal breaker for me.
KriS Sep 7, 2016 @ 9:08am 
There are no frame rate limitations (if you disable VSync of course).
MySeLf Sep 7, 2016 @ 9:52am 
Originally posted by KriS:
There are no frame rate limitations (if you disable VSync of course).
Thank you for your quick reply.

Here, Have my money! (just bought it)

Loved SW, one of my favorite games. Against my better judgement, I pre-ordered a game for the first time and I hope I don't regret it.
I hope it runs at +100 FPS in a Asus ROG GTX 1070 @ 2Ghz + 4790K @ 4.5Ghz @ Asus ROG Swift 144HZ G-Sync.

Worst thing that could happen to it in my opinion was to run slugish in a High End PC.
Last edited by MySeLf; Sep 7, 2016 @ 1:37pm
aXe Sep 7, 2016 @ 2:21pm 
Originally posted by ToxicKookie:
Originally posted by TheDisableBore:
Friendly Compilation of info on the PC version

Is there such a thing as a sadistic Compilation of info on the PC version?


Oh and also will we be able to increase draw distance/LOD/whatever its called in the .ini? Some people like myself have issues with short draw distance on our nvidia cards.
Last edited by aXe; Sep 7, 2016 @ 2:34pm
Luv it.

50Fps High near Ultra in an i7 with GTX780... likely..

Have "Stereoscopic 3D" here... and also Wondered "Will it?" (because the new DOOM [4] Cannot do Stereoscopic3D [Unlike the also excellent old DOOM 3]). But it ain`t no dealbreaker really, but its a great option sometimes..

Also; assuming it will do full keyboard Re-mapping UNLIKE the console port Metal Gear 5 which crippled Left-handed and/or Disabled players who need/ed full-remapping. Refunded that. Then (I hear) months later they put in `Partial re-mapping`... but I had refunded.
Hopewerth Sep 8, 2016 @ 10:03pm 
This is a very useful discussion, thanks for making it. Also I'm really glad to see all these options in the game! I have to say the graphics are also looking amazing.

One thing I was worried about and am very excited to see is the Field of View Slider. It's missing from so many games that have an outrageous default FOV, and it seems like such a personal thing. I feel like an option should be mandatory!
Last edited by Hopewerth; Sep 8, 2016 @ 10:14pm
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