Move or Die

Move or Die

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Pievirus 5. apr. 2020 kl. 6:34
Idea Overhaul Part 2 - FORMAT WIP


Mirror Mirror (mutator) - The screen will shine, then flash every few seconds, flipping the screen with each flash. Horizontal movement is swapped each flip.

In the walls (mutator) - Holes in the walls are randomly generated around the map. Monster teeth/hands/things reach out every so often, killing any player directly inside the hole.

Eat your greens (mutator) - Each player must eat a pea (or any veggie) every 5 (or so) seconds, otherwise their speed is decreased and running doesn't regenerate health. Veggies spawn frequently around the map.

1 Up (mutator) - Each player can take one hit of damage (with half a second of invincibility) from any source. Regenerates 50% health if the death was caused by not moving.

Microwave Oven (mutator) - The screen melts and fizzles exponentially the longer the round takes.

Burnout (mutator) - An extra mini bar is added next to each health bar (or above each head), that bar being stamina. The more each player runs without stopping, the faster stamina drains. Reaching 35% stamina begins to slow the player, continuously getting slower the lower it goes, eventually forcing you to stop before you burnout (badum tiss). Standing still regenerates stamina at a fair rate, while jumping instantly drains 10% stamina. Slower movement still gives the same amount of health from normal movement (unless the devs have a system of slower regeneration at slower speeds, up to them to change it if so.)

Snake (mutator) - Lines of death blocks rise from the ground. One line every 2 seconds somewhat near vertical line of a random player. Each line of blocks climbs up the map at about 12 blocks per second, and all vanash at once when the line reaches the top of the map.

-Blizzard - Strong directional wind constantly blows, pushing players back. Snowballs spawn frequently in the wind that knock back players slightly. The wind will change direction every 6 or so seconds. Foggy blizzard screen effects included.

-Sticky notes - Players can slap a sticky note on the wall with the player's color (down arrow...or action button idk). Other players who come in contact with a note are stuck on the note for one second before breaking off. 4 second cooldown.

Slippery when wet - Players leave a trail of water behind them, being very slippery if players run on it.

Slicey when whet - Blocks can randomly turn into knife blocks. Touching a knife block activates a knife that pops out in one direction 0.5 seconds after being touched, and retracts after 0.9 seconds.

Dark world - Changes the map to look like the darkest pits of hell. Many blocks turn into Blaze blocks (New block, read below).

Charged Chains (mutator) - Many lines of wire connected to switches cover the map. Any player that flips a switch, powers on electricity to all wires. Any player caught on a background tile with a wire while electricity is on kills them. Once a switch is flipped, all switches go offline for a random time between 5 and 15 seconds. Electricity is not instant, but travels 20 blocks per second through all wires from where the switch was flipped, and once all wires are electrocuted in the map, they all deactivate at once.

Cold souls - A frost soul can spawn anywhere on the map. Players who collect it, gain an aura that slows other players when nearby. Dying shatters the soul.

(New stuff from here)

Whomp - Pressing down in midair causes you to fall at high speed, smashing the ground and mildly pushing other players away. 1 second cooldown

Booster pack - Each individual player gains a random MOVEMENT mutation.
- Chaos - Every player gains a random PLAYER mutation, therefore excluding: Lights off, Staller, Confusion, Turbo mode, Decoys, Underwater, Switcheroo and others that may bee 'too' much.

Dead wind - Dead players can trigger a strong, short range blow that knock living players back. (3 second reload)

Trojan Virus - Blocks randomly turn from tiles to death blocks and back every second (fizzle floor indication for what blocks and when), all character models rotate and spasm (cosmetic), and irritating screen glitching occurs

Hungry Ego - Food spawns around the map, in which collecting makes the player slightly bigger in size (Up to 'Boss Fight' size)

Silver Lining - Whenever a player collects an objective item (or in some cases are just ahead in a race after about 5 seconds), or dies in any way, one random player gains a vicious speed boost for one second, and another player is slowed for one second.

VHS - At any time, the game can randomly fast-forward x1.5, slow down by 0.5, reverse by 1.0 (deaths and objectives are reverted), or stop completely for 1 second. Comes with quick static screen movement and speed symbols like the good ol' days.

Everything is fine - Life bars appear full and near death screen effects are absent. 'you forgot to move' text replaced with 'Everything is NOT fine!' on the score screen.

Sweaty armpits - Consistantly moving for 5 seconds creates sweat. Touching another player while sweaty splatters one side of them with your fluids, painting one side of their character. All splatters that are present on another LIVING player at the end of the round, that splattered player loses one point and gives it to the sweaty player. Only one color can exist on a characters side, and each character can be painted on each side of their body. Sweat lingers for one second after you stop moving, jumping however doesn't reset the timer for sweat but also doesn't add to the running time to build up sweat. Paint is only removed via death, which prevents the sweaty player(s) from stealing points.
-This mutator could be fused with Burnout (although i like both about Sweaty
Burnout XD)

Charged! - Holding 'up' charges the jump, up to double the normal jump height. You only jump when releasing the jump key.

Fling! - Jumping catapaults you forward and up. (TOTALLY MADE THIS BEFORE "WHAT THE GOLF")

♥♥♥♥ marks - Running accelerates the speed at which you go, instead of immediately moving. Instantly changing direction while running, creates a skidding action which blows adjacent players back depending on how fast you were going. Skidding has a decreased movement slow on your character. (TOTALLY MADE THIS IDEA BEFORE "ACCELERATION")

Overshadow - Players directly below other players are frozen for 0.5 seconds. Doesn't penetrate blocks.

Glider - Players fall at 50% speed and glide towards whatever way they were facing at the peak of their jump. Attempting to change directions while gliding only slows the speed at which you move while in the air. Health degeneration is halfed while gliding.

Double-time - Time is doubled for all gamemodes (some modes don't have a time limit so this may be pointless)

Wall jump - Players can jump on a wall, then jump off it (0.75 seconds on the wall before falling, and falling speed is reduced by half while on the wall)

Beat Drop - Every 3 seconds, the entire map will bounce, forcing everyone to jump if they're on the ground.

Helix - Holding jump lifts the player in a helix. Pressing jump while touching another player, lifts both players and spins them once, effectively swapping places. The helix only occurs after reaching the peak of a normal jump and can be avoided by not holding after reaching the peak. In gamemodes where players phase through each other (Eg: Speed run), swapping places is impossible.

Razzle Dazzle - Random ground tiles will spawn a pink glow with rising confetti effects. Running over such effects will grant the player a 1 second speed boost. Confetti rain included with each trigger.

Final Pulse - Dying causes a shockwave that blows all players away from where they died. The closer players are to the death, the stronger the pushback.

Key Collector - Each player (or team) has a key spawned randomly around the map. Collecting the key grants an extra point at the end of the round. Not collecting the key, halves the amount of points at the end of the round (rounded down).

Spike-cone - Spikey pinecones will rapidly fall from the ceiling, sticking to players. Catching three Spike-cones, kills the player. (The amount of pinecones that fall depend on the horizontal size of the map, adding more for every few blocks, but increasing the amount of blocks needed specifically for speedrun maps so not to make it unfair)

Froot Boot - Players can kick fruit at high speeds that knock back players (Medicore knockback - 3 second cooldown)

Heavy Hearted - Every 10 seconds a player is alive, they are slowed by 10%, reaching a maximum of 50%. Dying resets the countdown. The effects carry over to each round until a new mutator is chosen.

Panic Running - The lower your health, the faster you run. The amount of health regained stays the same no matter what speed, as to not make the speed effect quick and pointless.

Now for the fun part...


MUTATOR OVERLOAD - Each time mutators are changed, there is a 33% chance that OVERLOAD Mutators activate, giving a whole new set of upgraded mutators to choose from. Not all mutators can OVERLOAD and instead UPGRADE to rarer mutators, and if players dont possess upgradable mutators in the Not-a-Store, are instead given a set choice of ones that can. OVERLOAD Mutators last for 3 rounds and are chosen 3 times before reverting to normal mutators.
When OVERLOAD Mutators are active, different parts of the soundtrack play, such as in 'Gaelic Conclusion', use 2:04-2:30 instead of 0:28-0:55, for new stuff to listen to as the OVERLOAD occurs.....also to get more people interested in listening to the soundtrack on Spotify maybe, who knows... c:
OVERLOAD MODE can be Toggled the same way you would toggle Mutators on/off before your game starts.

List of UPGRADED Mutators:
Skin Swapper - Switcheroo
Teleporter - Astral Projection
Jumpolines - Lethal Jumps
Life Hug - Velcro
Moooove - Hardcore
Fly or Die - Move and Die

List of OVERLOAD Mutators:
Underwater - Pressurized Water
Staller - You Must DIE
Turbo Mode - XLR8
Enhance - Tunnel Vision
Double jump - Triple jump
Lights out - Horizon
1Up - Second Wind
VVVVVV - Barrel Roll

Pressurized waters - Works like 'Underwater' but all players must collect giant bubbles to restore health. (OVERLOAD VERSION OF UNDERWATER)

You must DIE - Be the first to die to gain points. Health degeneration is heavily decreased. Death blocks will slowly spawn around the map, disappearing once a player touches them, which makes it fair for gamemodes like Color Craze where there is no way to die except lack of movement.1st to die: 2+ points, 2nd: 0+, 3rd: -1, 4th: -2. (OVERLOAD OF STALLER)

XLR8 - All things are sped up. Timers, movement, score screen, all the things. Comes with higher pitched sounds. (OVERLOAD VERSION OF TURBO MODE)

Tunnel vision - Each players camera is zoomed in by 50% and focused on another random player. Couch mode would focus on one random player each round (or however 'Enhance' works in Couch mode). (OVERLOAD VERSION OF ENHANCE)

Triple Jump - Well unless you have a brain 2 pixels big, you already know... (OVERLOAD OF DOUBLE JUMP)

Horizon - The map's lighting slowly closes in on a random horizontal placement, darkening the rest of the map and brightening only where the beam is. (OVERLOAD OF LIGHTS OUT)

NSFL - Blurs everything but the players. Also gives all characters horrified expressions. (OVERLOAD OF NSFW)

Determinaton / Second Wind - 10 Seconds into the round, all dead players are revived at their spawn, or a random block for gamemodes such as "Fizzle Floor" and "God Gun".

<^>v / Barrel Roll / Wall run - Jumps are replaced with 90 degree turns. Players turn 90 degrees backwards from the way they were facing (think of wall running). This could instead be a gamemode closely related, or a deadly combination of: Fizzle Floor, Shifty Ground, Falling Blocks and Vertigo.

CHAOS MODE - Every 3 rounds in a match, there will be 3 different mutators chosen, each die rolling a mutator within different categories; Player, Area, and Death Defying. The Player category consists of mutators like 'Jetpacks', 'Flutter', and 'What the golf?', the Area category consists of mutators like 'Underwater', 'Lights out', and 'Turbo Mode', and the Death Defying category consists of mutators like 'Hardcore', 'Death Touch' and 'Move and die'. Certain mutators may be removed or put into certain categories to avoid glitching/game breaking results (E.g: Jumpolines with Lethal jumps, and RNG dice for obvious reasons).
CHAOS MODE can be Toggled the same way you would toggle Mutators on/off before your game starts.

Other Stuff to mention

I have decided to disregard noting down Blocks, Characters, and other Special Things but will definitely talk about it in Discord (especially characters) when prompted...

I also have a bunch of unused names and quirks in my notes that i obviously didn't mention since they're unfinished, but am happy to share on the server whenever.

...aaaaaaaaaand thats about it...

Again, all my Art and Icons will be on THE MOVE OR DIE DISCORD SERVER because im useless at steam discussions.

Sidst redigeret af Pievirus; 5. apr. 2020 kl. 6:58