Galactic Inheritors

Galactic Inheritors

FiatLux Apr 2, 2016 @ 7:37am
Galactic Inheritors need graphics fixed on 4/3 screens
Galactic Inheritors needs graphics fied on screens running 4/3 and 5/4 resolutions .
Game is designed for widescreen so in settings menu , in Help and so on then a piece of the right side is missing...
Also , needs "windowed" size fixed for same as when "Windowed" then lower part of window is hidden behind stat taskbar on Windows , plus part of right side of screen also misses on that type of setup on 4/3 monitors
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Rufus Jun 3, 2016 @ 1:37pm 
Your right, I can't even see the buttons. Something should be done about abandoned games (it seems to be abandoned by devs) There should be a warning like "this game is incomplete and unlikely to ever be completed, buy at your own risk" putting it in a bundle to palm it off on unsuspecting gamers is no better than a scam and it's a travesty if these people see a single penny of the income generated by it.
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