There Came an Echo

There Came an Echo

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jokeserver Jun 24, 2016 @ 1:10pm
Bugged intro mission
The very first command I had to give to Corrin in the intro mission was never accepted. The on-screen command was "move to office 623" and the commands I spoke were "to office 623" (the mic didn't pick up "move" at first), "move to office 623", and "corrin, move to office 623". Each of these received the error response from Val, "They're not conscious, Sam."

I right-clicked and brought up the command menu and selected the "move to office 623" option and Val said, "Corrin, move to office 623 they're not conscious, Sam." I only managed to proceed by selecting "on my mark" and clicking "move to office 623" then saying "mark".

The command history showed that it recognized my commands but did not accept them until the last two.
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jokeserver Jun 24, 2016 @ 1:23pm 
Here is the log.
Feep  [developer] Jun 24, 2016 @ 6:26pm 
This is the first time I've seen this reported in quite some time. "They're not conscious, Sam" is Val attempting to tell the player that Corrin is unconscious...which is clearly not happening, there's not even any combat.

I'm not sure how it happened, and the log doesn't reveal anything of note. I would simply restart the mission or jump on a new save seems extremely unlikely to happen again. If it does, send me your save file directly (it's found at steam/userdata/[somenumber]/319740/remote, and I'll try to replicate it on my end.
jokeserver Jun 25, 2016 @ 5:19pm 
Like I said, I got past it via "on my mark" without restarting, so it's not a problem anymore. If it happens again I'll email my save file.
Gauss Oct 10, 2020 @ 5:24pm 
Had the same issue. Exited the application and restarted it, and had no further problem.
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