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Fudz 2 ago. 2015 às 8:17
'Pan' Estates - Greek God Pan - ARCADIA Bay
I have always had an avid interest of the Greco-Roman world, while I was playing Life Is Strange the Prescott's "Pan" Estates made me think of the Greek god Pan. Lately I have been reading into what is called Hermeticism and the Kabalah and such.

EDIT: Pan lives in Greek haven of ARCADIA

"With his homeland in rustic Arcadia, he is also recognized as the god of fields, groves, and wooded glens; because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring. The ancient Greeks also considered Pan to be the god of theatrical criticism.[4]"

Theatrical Criticism = Mr Jefferson with photography?

Pan :

According to the hermetic view, the contellation of Capricorn is when the Earth is farthest away from the Sun, hence least light. Ushering in Winter. This is why the devil is represented with horns and goat feet and such. Research the freemasonic 'Baphomet'. Which is a re arranged word for metaphor. Its important to note that the word for winter in Italian is 'Inverno' - hell. We celebrate Christmas or Saturnalia on 25th December (beggining of Capricorn) when the Sun begins to start rising back to Spring in March, hence the birth of the Sun. The days start to become longer and nights shorter until we reach beautiful Spring when growth occurs and food is once more available to be harvested. Pan is half goat half human, considered a nymph which is like a deamon. Deamons represent the subconscience elements that humans always have. The things that drive them sexually and such, things that the Greeks believed we were put on earth to rise above.

Considering the prescotts are trying to fulfil some prophecy, it could be purposeful to name it pan estates. Surely it is connected to the 'end of the world' and various wierd things happening.

I remeber these estates being the cause of the problem of the sea life that the fisher near the diner was complaing about. In Mythology Pan has a flute that has the power to lure people. Hes like the goat person from Narnia. He sings to Lucy a song and she thnks of the promises of Spring to come, but he can do this for nefarious means. This reminds me of Nathan and Jefferson luring girls.

Wiki says this also:

Pan's greatest conquest was that of the moon goddess Selene. He accomplished this by wrapping himself in a sheepskin[23] to hide his hairy black goat form, and drew her down from the sky into the forest where he seduced her.

Could this be a reference to the two moons? Somehow the prescotts or whatever evil power has altered the moon, thus altering time or something. I definitely think there is a connection with the God Pan.
Última alteração por Fudz; 2 ago. 2015 às 9:32
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A mostrar 31-42 de 42 comentários
Mirage 2 ago. 2015 às 14:46 
Originalmente postado por Eel:
Originalmente postado por Blind Roach:
Its insane how much this discussion has moved. I thought Pan Estates was like a shop where you could buy pans and other kitchen appliances...
It's not as simple as kitchen pans, but I seriously doubt it has anything to do with Greek mythology either. So far, we've seen no goats or nymphs or goat-people. Not even depictions of them, and the only belief system mentioned is native Indian.
"Pan" is most likely a buzzword, with meaning like in "Pan-European", and symbolises that Prescott's living complex is not just housing - it has built-in shops, club, gym, and everything else a modern person needs. You know, just like any other recently built elite district.
Maybe, maybe not, but the connection between Pan and Arcadia is there.. worth a thought anyways.
Fudz 2 ago. 2015 às 14:51 
Originalmente postado por Eel:
Originalmente postado por Blind Roach:
Its insane how much this discussion has moved. I thought Pan Estates was like a shop where you could buy pans and other kitchen appliances...
It's not as simple as kitchen pans, but I seriously doubt it has anything to do with Greek mythology either. So far, we've seen no goats or nymphs or goat-people. Not even depictions of them, and the only belief system mentioned is native Indian.
"Pan" is most likely a buzzword, with meaning like in "Pan-European", and symbolises that Prescott's living complex is not just housing - it has built-in shops, club, gym, and everything else a modern person needs. You know, just like any other recently built elite district.

Etymology and the magic of words is an amazing thing that researchers have always been startled by. For example the name Thomas can have an evil allocation. We sometimes say "to hell and tommy" Tommy or Thomas or the hebrew Thamuz was a name for the devil, or the destroyer. This is due to the fact that Tom always refered to something cutable as opposed to Atom, which is not divisble. Im crap at explaining but watch this: Theres way more to it.

I have no doubt that Pan is a reference to Greek mythology. We say Pan as a way of saying 'all encompassing' like pan airway or something but even then 'all encompassing' comes from the characteristic of the God Pan, which is where the recycled English word pan comes from. Dont understimate the power of words. Rosicrucians and Freemasons studied these things intensly during the 16th and 17th centuries.
TCPippin 2 ago. 2015 às 15:02 
Does "frying pan" also come from all-encompassing Pan? I mean, there's such thing as reading too deep into stuff. As joke goes, "Mr. Freud, sometimes a banana is just a banana".
Fudz 2 ago. 2015 às 15:06 
Originalmente postado por Eel:
Does "frying pan" also come from all-encompassing Pan? I mean, there's such thing as reading too deep into stuff. As joke goes, "Mr. Freud, sometimes a banana is just a banana".

Yes it does, the 'pan' is the geometrically ideal shape of a surface where many items may be deposited. Yes I am saying that a kitchen pan is related to the 'pantheon'. Pan applied to theon means all encompassing Gods or 'all the Gods'. To 'panic' means to have a mind that is dedicated to worrying about consequences, we constantly think about the repurcussions. In a sense we are observing all the ramifications when we are panicing.

Read any book on etymology and its right there.

I know that Pan Estates can be ideal on its own. But thats just it, no one questions it. Sean Prescott could have called it forest estates or something, but he had to link the God which is linked to Arcadia.

EDIT: Peter PAN lurs the children away with him. In the story Peter Pan plays a flute.
Última alteração por Fudz; 2 ago. 2015 às 15:12
TCPippin 2 ago. 2015 às 15:33 
Originalmente postado por Fudz:
Yes it does, the 'pan' is the geometrically ideal shape of a surface where many items may be deposited.....
EDIT: Peter PAN lurs the children away with him. In the story Peter Pan plays a flute.
For a theory to be legit, you need far more than a random coincidence and some forced similarities. You have to show that multiple related major points and plot developments are the same.
Using your style of reasoning I might just as well say that the whole LiS is a Bible rehash, with Max being Jesus Christ. She's timid, loving, caring, she has superpowers that she never uses for personal gain but for benefit of other living things, she keeps resurrecting Chloe (who is both an Apostle and Lazarus in this case), gathers a whole bunch of people who love her, but don't really understand what she's saying, and now she's captured by Romans because of her best friend's bone-headed decision.
Romain 2 ago. 2015 às 15:33 
Maybe the explanation for the two moons are more simple than all the theory out there. These two moons are like all the other sign ( the snow, dying animals, eclipse) = the world going crazy in arcadia bay for some reason (butterfly effect because of Max power). It's different here because 1 moon disapear when Chloe die. But maybe it's just the world going back to normal, finally Chloe die so there is only one moon left in the sky ... that would explain why we will have to let chloe die later to save Arcadia Bay.
And am i the only one to think if Sean Prescott is responsible for the storm comming why he would invest money on real estate complex ? The storm gonna destroy the town, he would be ruined.
I don't think Dontnod is going to introduce some greek mythologie just with one episode left. There is alredy the Native Indian stuff to explain the power. But it was nice to learn about this Pan story and your references. You should google the totem animals : Butterfly, deer, blue birds, squirrel, there is more anwsers there. imo
Mirage 2 ago. 2015 às 15:36 
Originalmente postado por Fudz:
Originalmente postado por Eel:
Does "frying pan" also come from all-encompassing Pan? I mean, there's such thing as reading too deep into stuff. As joke goes, "Mr. Freud, sometimes a banana is just a banana".

Yes it does, the 'pan' is the geometrically ideal shape of a surface where many items may be deposited. Yes I am saying that a kitchen pan is related to the 'pantheon'. Pan applied to theon means all encompassing Gods or 'all the Gods'. To 'panic' means to have a mind that is dedicated to worrying about consequences, we constantly think about the repurcussions. In a sense we are observing all the ramifications when we are panicing.

Read any book on etymology and its right there.

I know that Pan Estates can be ideal on its own. But thats just it, no one questions it. Sean Prescott could have called it forest estates or something, but he had to link the God which is linked to Arcadia.

EDIT: Peter PAN lurs the children away with him. In the story Peter Pan plays a flute.

Wasn't it that Peter pan was actually kidnapping and murdering the lost boys? Originally anyways. Or that he was some form of death angel.
Mirage 2 ago. 2015 às 15:37 
Originalmente postado por Elyzian:
Maybe the explanation for the two moons are more simple than all the theory out there. These two moons are like all the other sign ( the snow, dying animals, eclipse) = the world going crazy in arcadia bay for some reason (butterfly effect because of Max power). It's different here because 1 moon disapear when Chloe die. But maybe it's just the world going back to normal, finally Chloe die so there is only one moon left in the sky ... that would explain why we will have to let chloe die later to save Arcadia Bay.
And am i the only one to think if Sean Prescott is responsible for the storm comming why he would invest money on real estate complex ? The storm gonna destroy the town, he would be ruined.
I don't think Dontnod is going to introduce some greek mythologie just with one episode left. There is alredy the Native Indian stuff to explain the power. But it was nice to learn about this Pan story and your references. You should google the totem animals : Butterfly, deer, blue birds, squirrel, there is more anwsers there. imo

The moon was only present during the time you were at the party, and it was gone as soon as you left the party, it's not related to the death of Chloe.
Agressive Pigeon 2 ago. 2015 às 15:46 
Originalmente postado por Mirage:
Originalmente postado por Elyzian:
Maybe the explanation for the two moons are more simple than all the theory out there. These two moons are like all the other sign ( the snow, dying animals, eclipse) = the world going crazy in arcadia bay for some reason (butterfly effect because of Max power). It's different here because 1 moon disapear when Chloe die. But maybe it's just the world going back to normal, finally Chloe die so there is only one moon left in the sky ... that would explain why we will have to let chloe die later to save Arcadia Bay.
And am i the only one to think if Sean Prescott is responsible for the storm comming why he would invest money on real estate complex ? The storm gonna destroy the town, he would be ruined.
I don't think Dontnod is going to introduce some greek mythologie just with one episode left. There is alredy the Native Indian stuff to explain the power. But it was nice to learn about this Pan story and your references. You should google the totem animals : Butterfly, deer, blue birds, squirrel, there is more anwsers there. imo

The moon was only present during the time you were at the party, and it was gone as soon as you left the party, it's not related to the death of Chloe.

I think the disasters might be related to Jefferson's personality, the double moons disappearing mean that he no longer needs to have 2 personalitys, they were gone after his speech wich was probably when he got to his car and got the gun.

The storm could be his outburst, he no longer has anything to hide and is free to do anything he wants without having Max or Chloe on his way.
Romain 2 ago. 2015 às 15:46 
Originalmente postado por Mirage:

The moon was only present during the time you were at the party, and it was gone as soon as you left the party, it's not related to the death of Chloe.

Yes you're right, my memory was bad about this. Damn got to figure out why the second moon disapear at that (edit) specific moment. That's weird.
Última alteração por Romain; 2 ago. 2015 às 15:48
TCPippin 2 ago. 2015 às 15:50 
Originalmente postado por Blind Roach:
The storm could be his outburst, he no longer has anything to hide and is free to do anything he wants without having Max or Chloe on his way.
An intriguing thought, but if the whole weather change reflects not Max's powers, but Jefferson's mood swings... What's up with the snow, the eclipse, the dead whales? Kate's incident was a few weeks ago, and since then the psycho was laying low.
Jeckenn 2 ago. 2015 às 15:50 
All I can say to all of this is Christian Divine, the writer of this amazing story, is an author I need to seek out some of his other published works because this guy can write! No doubt about it...

Also if we are going on symbolism then the three bullet necklace that Chloe has worn through out the entire game could be a symbol that the third time she dies she stays dead...I hate to say that because I love her character and I think Chloe is by far the best character in this amazing story. I hope and pray Max can somehow save her if she is able to save herself...
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Postado a: 2 ago. 2015 às 8:17
Comentários: 42