Pillars of Eternity - Public Beta

Pillars of Eternity - Public Beta

Maarduk Aug 20, 2014 @ 6:29am
No Xp for killing?
I would like to give XP for killing, pick locks, remove traps, like classic rpgs
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Showing 1-15 of 46 comments
hairyscotsman Aug 20, 2014 @ 1:38pm 
The rewards for that list are in the game already.
Rewards are loot, more loot and not losing health resource.
XP comes from quests. This was stated some time ago, during development, as a design feature. I see this as being an encouragement to stick to the main objectives unless there's a reason to go off track.
Last edited by hairyscotsman; Aug 20, 2014 @ 1:42pm
Kozzy Aug 20, 2014 @ 8:33pm 
Imo i like this way more, takes the grinding bs out of rpgs (:
Do side quests and main missions to get xp (:
Last edited by Kozzy; Aug 20, 2014 @ 8:33pm
Sammy Aug 21, 2014 @ 12:41am 
The problem with it is that it makes the gameplay less free and more narrative-restricted. If the only way to get XP is doing quests, then the only way to progress your characters is to progress the story.

With xp for killing and respawns/random encounters you can systematically earn xp even if you don't want to do some or all quests.

Originally posted by Kozzy:
Imo i like this way more, takes the grinding bs out of rpgs (:
Not really, it just removes the opportunity to progress without questing for the player, no one forces anyone to "grind", it's just this system forces you to follow the narrative. Good if you like story-driven games, not so much if you like more sandbox open experiences.
Obsidian isn't exactly a sandbox type company.
Cluas Aug 21, 2014 @ 6:26am 
There will be plenty of side-quests. Perhaps even "go and kill 20 goblins"?
arekasama Aug 21, 2014 @ 11:16am 
Originally posted by kromando33:
The problem with it is that it makes the gameplay less free and more narrative-restricted. If the only way to get XP is doing quests, then the only way to progress your characters is to progress the story.

With xp for killing and respawns/random encounters you can systematically earn xp even if you don't want to do some or all quests.

Originally posted by Kozzy:
Imo i like this way more, takes the grinding bs out of rpgs (:
Not really, it just removes the opportunity to progress without questing for the player, no one forces anyone to "grind", it's just this system forces you to follow the narrative. Good if you like story-driven games, not so much if you like more sandbox open experiences.
But as much as this game, like the IE games, is a combat heavy game, so it is a quest heavy game. It's not a Bethesda (sandbox) game. You are supposed to be doing quests. At the very least, the main chain of quests to finish the game. When you face optional enemies out of quests, you would do it for fun and loot (inmediate or nearby). But you won't be able to grind mobs to raise level and then tackle content A or B, much you could do in a MMORPG.

It doesn't need to be your cup of tea but that's the idea.
Last edited by arekasama; Aug 21, 2014 @ 11:17am
Magnus Magnusson Aug 21, 2014 @ 11:38am 
No XP for kills makes the game feel more like Space Quest or Kings quest and less like an open world ready to explore. Having big XP for quests and token XP for vanquishing foes preserved the illusion of a free open world.
Maarduk Aug 21, 2014 @ 11:48am 
D&D Board Game(And others) have XP for Kills. I miss those times
theBlackDragon Aug 21, 2014 @ 1:25pm 
Originally posted by Magnus:
No XP for kills makes the game feel more like Space Quest or Kings quest and less like an open world ready to explore. Having big XP for quests and token XP for vanquishing foes preserved the illusion of a free open world.

Or VtM: Bloodlines, which imho had a pretty awesome experience system (and I am glad PoE is going the same route).
Kozzy Aug 21, 2014 @ 8:26pm 
Originally posted by kromando33:
The problem with it is that it makes the gameplay less free and more narrative-restricted. If the only way to get XP is doing quests, then the only way to progress your characters is to progress the story.

With xp for killing and respawns/random encounters you can systematically earn xp even if you don't want to do some or all quests.

Originally posted by Kozzy:
Imo i like this way more, takes the grinding bs out of rpgs (:
Not really, it just removes the opportunity to progress without questing for the player, no one forces anyone to "grind", it's just this system forces you to follow the narrative. Good if you like story-driven games, not so much if you like more sandbox open experiences.
This is not skyrim, go play that if that is what you want. There is nothign wrong with making exp only quests and imo that takes away alot of the pointless grinding in alot of rpgs.
Kozzy Aug 21, 2014 @ 8:27pm 
Originally posted by theBlackDragon:
Originally posted by Magnus:
No XP for kills makes the game feel more like Space Quest or Kings quest and less like an open world ready to explore. Having big XP for quests and token XP for vanquishing foes preserved the illusion of a free open world.

Or VtM: Bloodlines, which imho had a pretty awesome experience system (and I am glad PoE is going the same route).
Amen, Vtm:Bloodlines nailed it
Pendali Aug 22, 2014 @ 2:25pm 
Well, I for one am crying bloody murder! Ice wind dale had combat XP, worked just fine. I thought that was the kind of game I´m paying for? (if it ain't broke don't fix it) So stopp trolling around! Cos this is´nt what you advertised.
Blackdragon Aug 22, 2014 @ 3:21pm 
One thing I never understand, is why break things that were perfectly good?

This game claims to follow in the footsteps of old-school IE CRPGs, which ALL HAD XP FOR KILLS. Because it made sense, and because it was a staple of the D&D ruleset.

Now they remove the kill XP. Why? Beats me. This is not a text adventure to only reward completing quests. If you want the game world to feel alive and engaging, you should incentivise interaction rather than discouraging it.

As for loot - they screwed it up too. In BG, IWD, Fallout games, the enemy's entire inventory could be looted from his corpse. In PoE, people I kill usually don't drop any of the stuff they carry (with some exceptions). WHY? Why couldn't they just stick to the things that worked?
Blackdragon Aug 22, 2014 @ 3:26pm 
Originally posted by Kozzy:
Amen, Vtm:Bloodlines nailed it

Bloodlines was NOT a party-based tactical RPG with an open world. It was a first-person, single-character, strictly story-driven type of RPG. There, the experience system Troika used made sense. But that same Troika used a very different XP and loot system in a different type of CRPG - Fallout 1-2.

PoE is the new incarnation of BG, not VtM:B. Trying to proceed from the opposite would be a grave mistake.
RedneckDevil Aug 23, 2014 @ 9:15pm 
mmmm i can see with the wilderness areas because u only get to loot crafting marerials but visiting and destroying some cultiest...damn i have so many armors/magic items/cp/weapons/items that i can shake a stick at.
the thing is when playing, i didnt even realize that there was no exp kills until i visited the forums....and it didnt change my perspective. i had fun. i explored and i was careful in combat (thank good for finding out about D and S buttons, i havent had to rest in a LONG time now since i found those keys).
im still exploring and im looking at enemies not as meatbags to gain exp from but as combat in "do i really want to risk it?". so far ive been careful and sneaky out in the wilds, but even with no exp the murderhobo came out of me (my character is a pirate) and i was enjoying myself slaughtering all those cultiests. i did not think once that i wasnt be rewarded because i was thinking about all the phat loot and crazy magical items i was getting. out in the wilds, that feeling changed but didnt bother me because then i was thinking "why would these things have gold/armor/etc in them?' and it was fine. i started exploring to see what the world was like and what i could find.

so no without kill exp u still CAN enjoy being a murderhobo AND explore as well.
this of course is strictly IMHO and u are free to disagree
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