

The one thing that I hate in ESO
I really like ESO. It has great stories. It has lots of quests and MANY things to do-- maybe even too many. I also like the fact that this game is NOT button mashing type of game like EQ2. HOWEVER, what I HATE is the fact that in order to max out our damage abilities, we have to change skill bars in combat. Who thought this was a good idea? Why they couldn't have simply put in one skill bar with about ten openings is the question. Am I the only one who hates this design philosophy of the developers?
最后由 sandytaxman 编辑于; 5 月 7 日 上午 10:22
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正在显示第 1 - 15 条,共 24 条留言
Kissing Fish 5 月 7 日 上午 9:57 
the 'design philosophy' is the way it is because ESO is not cringe like WOW and we're eternally grateful for it.
最后由 Kissing Fish 编辑于; 5 月 7 日 上午 9:58
Zayrownd 5 月 7 日 上午 10:06 
引用自 Kissing Fish
the 'design philosophy' is the way it is because ESO is not cringe like WOW and we're eternally grateful for it.
sandytaxman 5 月 7 日 上午 10:24 
This does NOT address my complaint. Are you saying that you agree with their design philosophy in having to change bars ?
最后由 sandytaxman 编辑于; 5 月 7 日 下午 1:18
Palynzer 5 月 7 日 下午 12:28 
The problem is that it is designed for consoles and their limited controls.
I remember hating the same thing with the Dragon Age sequels.
In the first one we had hundreds of skills in the bar, obviously thanks to the keyboard.
Starting with DA2, which included consoles, we had to settle for carrying only a few interchangeable abilities.
The same thing happens here, lazy devs...it wouldn't cost them anything to change just the UI for PC.
usafirefly 5 月 7 日 下午 12:48 
CHAT -- it stinks! What a lost opportunity for grouping with people for things.
Kissing Fish 5 月 7 日 下午 4:30 
引用自 sandytaxman
This does NOT address my complaint. Are you saying that you agree with their design philosophy in having to change bars ?

Dude, no one cares about your complaint, just sayin..
And it doesn't matter whether you or i agree or disagree with their 'design philosophy'.
Give it a rest already. I hear not caring is good for 'mental health' or something..
最后由 Kissing Fish 编辑于; 5 月 7 日 下午 4:31
Kak 5 月 7 日 下午 5:31 
I like the way it is, at first I hated it, and I hated to be limited by only ten skills. But the game seems calculated well enough and provides a variations of sets to enhances these abilities, i like the way it is for now. I'm a healer and I always have fun using all of the ten abilities. I played WoW and had like 30 abilities, i used most of them, but i think more than 10 is an overkill now. It's just how you use them. Also most of the abilities on WoW are fillers that you don't use that much.
Reigen-sama 5 月 7 日 下午 5:49 
Just get an Oakensoul Ring and profit.
phlooph 5 月 7 日 下午 6:01 
If you get the Oakensoul ring you can play one bar. I have always hated bar rotation, so that ring is a God send.
I have 6 toons with the ring. I would have more, but ran out of transmute stones. Once you get the mythic ring, you can use transmute stones to make more.
最后由 phlooph 编辑于; 5 月 7 日 下午 6:02
it's the same thing as swapping weapons. only you swap like 6 or 7 depending on what secondary you use....
Mai Selph 5 月 10 日 下午 9:37 
引用自 Kak
Also most of the abilities on WoW are fillers that you don't use that much.
Because WoW has "utility" abilities which you can use for stuff other than combat. Like mage portals and food, or dk/shaman water walking, or warlock summoning rituals, etc.
ESO skills are purely combat, so the skill bar is limited to your current skill rotation, and 10 slots is enough for that.
Divirt 5 月 11 日 上午 6:33 
For me, this is also the most powerful irritant in the game.
And the most unpleasant thing is that scrolling panels makes mistakes at the most important moments. Nobody canceled the lags and braking.
MisoForever 5 月 11 日 上午 8:32 
no 1 cares
brassring39 5 月 11 日 上午 9:16 
All the server crashes.
mikaeliby 5 月 11 日 上午 10:05 
I do very well with one bar...
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发帖日期: 5 月 7 日 上午 9:52
回复数: 24