The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online

Change CLASS Token
Yeah yeah, this is for sure, not the first time this feature is asked; but I think is about that time to really add it. ESO has been in my life for a long time. Since the release on PS4 actually. The, years after I moved to PC, so I had to start again from the beggining, cuz there is not cross save feature. I can understand it. But what I don't understand is that, after so many years, and several times asked by the community, this feature is not added yet.

For sure, I am not the first person that has his main character builded so bad. Yeah yeah, we can have up to 10 (20 if bougth in crown store) characters. But I think the Devs. actually are ignoring us here. A lot of players, don't want new character. Say it's because of the missions progression, other achievements, or the main reason; crafting. I am sure, that this would fix a lot of concerns if all recipes, motifs, (even investigations for some people,) etc the knowledge of this would be bound to all characters and all account actually, instead of each character. This already exist with some event motifs and cosmetics, but not with all.

Resuming. The main reason of having a "main" character is the crafting feature, with the motifs knowledge, wich is massive todays. Actually I think there is not an option to make another "main" character like this for most players. This eventually leads to have a "crafter master character" who owns all account motifs, recipes, lead and excavation level, etc.

This usually happens cuz most players we start with our firs character to cover this all, but eventually it leads to have a "bad combat character" in most cases. My own? I have a Nordic Templar Archer... No sense at all today. I have other characters like DD archers and a great immortal tank that I would like to have them as main, because is so fun to play with them. But eventually my feeling leads to "this is not my main". This is a masive game, and at this moment, to have another main character is almost like starting the game from the bottom. I am pretty sure, that this does not happend in the case of a player that does no care about crafting. But for those who do, this is a problem.

So, as many players of Tamriel, I believe we really need a "Change Class Token". After so many years is about that time to bring as that "fan service" thing.

I've read that the issue is "technical" actually. But I don't actually believe it. There are MMO games that have the option to change the class at any moment. I also believe that in cases like Star Wars KOTOR, where the class is linked to the story you will live, is not an option. But ESO treats you the same who ever you are. You have the same lines if you are a Templar, DK, Warden, Sorcer, Necromancer (which is beaing destroyed after every update) or Nightblade. So I don't really believe in this, as "technical" issue. Will be that easy as reset all class skills. And done!. The game already did few times (since PS4 in my experience) a reset of all skills because of massive updates that changed the habilities at all. This wouldn't be much different. You take the token and use it. You change the clas, and back in game, you'll recive only the skill points that were used on the class tree. And that's it. If that calculation is so difficult, then reset all skills, and give the skillpoints to build it up again. But I can't believe this is an issue, since we have the option to reset all skills (scrolls or paying), change appearance, race, alliance...

Devs even did an update with One Tamriel where the levels were "deleted" as limitations for maps and quests. Before that, choosing an alliance was really important since you were unable to visit the territory of other alliances. Loosing all those maps, stories, quests...

I believe this have been bigger, game changers and technical challenges, rather than "Class changing token" feature.

Further than this, this is my opinion and point of view. Do you thing I am crazy, or this has some sense. Maybe I am wrong, or not. What do you think?
I really would like to have much more fun with my main character and have the option to rebuild it at any time. This would also be healthy for devs pockets, since this would be paid in crowns.

I would like to hear from you. And maybe, some day, a dezv sees this and take it in practice.


PS: I'm not englis native, but a self learner. Sorry for any gramatical mistake done. Cheers!
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
I stopped playing ESO because I sincerely despise Nightblade (and obviously that’s my first main character), because outside of stupidly high skill floor (I don’t care that this is the most DPS-y class for people with 10k hours) only redeeming quality is invisibility that allows you to play pvp if you suck or walking around cities killing people and stealing while evading guards (which is actually super fun). I would like to change class aswell because any other class would be a better pick for me. But we didn’t get this token 5 years ago when I was playing, and aren’t getting now or in future (Perhaps just because buying “all shards”,”all progression” etc stuff for new characters sells better than potential class changing token that would gut their fishy pseudo-QoL sales a lot).
Lowbei May 15 @ 9:37am 
Nope. Not gonna happen. New characters can be leveled to 50 within 1-2 hours nowadays and part of the journey is to learn how to play the class.
Mai Selph May 15 @ 10:20am 
Originally posted by Lowbei:
Nope. Not gonna happen. New characters can be leveled to 50 within 1-2 hours nowadays and part of the journey is to learn how to play the class.
This, actually.

I don't know how exactly you would level a character in just 2 hours, but I agree with the rest. I leveled some of my characters on dolmen trains and now I have no idea how to play them properly, and even what most of their skills do. So I'm taking my time with other alts and level them through questing just so I can actually learn how to play them.
Lowbei May 15 @ 10:37am 
Originally posted by Mai Selph:
Originally posted by Lowbei:
Nope. Not gonna happen. New characters can be leveled to 50 within 1-2 hours nowadays and part of the journey is to learn how to play the class.
This, actually.

I don't know how exactly you would level a character in just 2 hours, but I agree with the rest. I leveled some of my characters on dolmen trains and now I have no idea how to play them properly, and even what most of their skills do. So I'm taking my time with other alts and level them through questing just so I can actually learn how to play them.
nbrp powerlevel 1-50 usually takes an hour or two and costs about 1-2mill.
Grr May 15 @ 3:58pm 
There are many threads on the official forums with many many people asking for it. I have 5000+ hours in this game and I don't like alts. I like my one character but I find dragonknight extremely boring. I would happily pay real money to change my class. They need to add it, it's only 3 skill lines. I advise making threads on the official forums.
Last edited by Grr; May 15 @ 3:58pm
Lowbei May 15 @ 4:06pm 
Originally posted by Grr:
There are many threads on the official forums with many many people asking for it.
Many threads with people asking for something doesnt mean its a popular idea. Most players dont read the forums.

Originally posted by Grr:
I have 5000+ hours in this game and I don't like alts. I like my one character but I find dragonknight extremely boring.

So you only have one character that you find to be boring, but refuse to roll any alts. Thats not something ZOS needs to fix.

Originally posted by Grr:
I would happily pay real money to change my class. They need to add it, it's only 3 skill lines. I advise making threads on the official forums.

Its not going to happen. Try making another character.
Last edited by Lowbei; May 15 @ 4:06pm
Grr May 15 @ 4:16pm 
Originally posted by Lowbei:
Originally posted by Grr:
There are many threads on the official forums with many many people asking for it.
Many threads with people asking for something doesnt mean its a popular idea. Most players dont read the forums.

Originally posted by Grr:
I have 5000+ hours in this game and I don't like alts. I like my one character but I find dragonknight extremely boring.

So you only have one character that you find to be boring, but refuse to roll any alts. Thats not something ZOS needs to fix.

Originally posted by Grr:
I would happily pay real money to change my class. They need to add it, it's only 3 skill lines. I advise making threads on the official forums.

Its not going to happen. Try making another character.
I have lots of alts all leveled and I never use them, I have a connection to my character not my alts. I have done nearly everything on my main. Changing your class makes more sense than changing your race or gender in elder scrolls. A class is 3 skill lines it would not be hard. You can lose and gain vampire/werewolf so I don't see why you can't lose and gain 3 other skill lines. I'm sure ZOS will implement it eventually especially considering a lot of people would pay real money for it. I know because I've read the threads and there are hundreds of posts on these threads and they appear quite often. Also you don't even own the game on steam so I wouldn't be surprised if you're a troll.
Last edited by Grr; May 15 @ 4:19pm
Lowbei May 15 @ 4:23pm 
Originally posted by Grr:
Originally posted by Lowbei:
Many threads with people asking for something doesnt mean its a popular idea. Most players dont read the forums.

So you only have one character that you find to be boring, but refuse to roll any alts. Thats not something ZOS needs to fix.

Its not going to happen. Try making another character.
I'm sure ZOS will implement it eventually especially considering a lot of people would pay real money for it. I know because I've read the threads and there are hundreds of posts on these threads and they appear quite often. Also you don't even own the game on steam so I wouldn't be surprised if you're a troll.
I stated a fact. They will not be adding a class change token, and they have been pretty clear on this subject, which is why there isnt one.

People are welcome to call others "trolls" for making factual statements, but its not going to change the facts involved here. Bye
Grr May 15 @ 4:27pm 
Originally posted by Lowbei:
Originally posted by Grr:
I'm sure ZOS will implement it eventually especially considering a lot of people would pay real money for it. I know because I've read the threads and there are hundreds of posts on these threads and they appear quite often. Also you don't even own the game on steam so I wouldn't be surprised if you're a troll.
I stated a fact. They will not be adding a class change token, and they have been pretty clear on this subject, which is why there isnt one.

People are welcome to call others "trolls" for making factual statements, but its not going to change the facts involved here. Bye
They said they'd never add alliance change tokens, and yet they did. People asked for years for companions and finally we got them. People for years asked for a necromancer class and for spell crafting, at times we were told there were no plans or it wouldn't happen. People asked for the subscription to be optional, people asked for one tamriel. People ask for specific new zones, classes or even nerfs/reworks. It may take time and pressure but eventually you do get somewhere even with compromise. You do understand market research right? If a company wants to make money they will often bend to the desires of the consumer.
Last edited by Grr; May 15 @ 4:33pm
Lowbei May 15 @ 4:33pm 
Originally posted by Grr:
Originally posted by Lowbei:
I stated a fact. They will not be adding a class change token, and they have been pretty clear on this subject, which is why there isnt one.

People are welcome to call others "trolls" for making factual statements, but its not going to change the facts involved here. Bye
They say they'd never add alliance change tokens, and yet they did. People asked for years for companions and finally we got them. People for years asked for a necromancer class and for spell crafting, at times we were told there were no plans or it wouldn't happen. People ask for specific new zones, classes or even nerfs/reworks. It may take time and pressure but eventually you do get somewhere even with compromise. You do understand market research right? If a company wants to make money they will often bend to the desires of the consumer.
lol not gonna happen. byee
Grr May 15 @ 4:34pm 
Originally posted by Lowbei:
Originally posted by Grr:
They say they'd never add alliance change tokens, and yet they did. People asked for years for companions and finally we got them. People for years asked for a necromancer class and for spell crafting, at times we were told there were no plans or it wouldn't happen. People ask for specific new zones, classes or even nerfs/reworks. It may take time and pressure but eventually you do get somewhere even with compromise. You do understand market research right? If a company wants to make money they will often bend to the desires of the consumer.
lol not gonna happen. byee
Clearly a troll.
Lowbei May 15 @ 4:36pm 
Originally posted by Grr:
Originally posted by Lowbei:
lol not gonna happen. byee
Clearly a troll.
I cant imagine calling someone a troll who is stating factual information, but call me whatever helps. No worries :)

Enjoy the dragon knight! Its a great class!
Last edited by Lowbei; May 15 @ 4:37pm
Berserkr May 15 @ 6:48pm 
If they wanted to make a class change token I'm sure it would already be in the store as it would probably be a hot seller, so the fact that there isn't one shows you there most likely never will be
Really wish they'd just let you pick whatever class you want whenever you want, IMO the single best feature of FF14.
Sythik-X May 16 @ 6:25am 
I don't see this ever happening, I'd imagine a Level 50 boost being in the future because 1-50 is entirely useless. CP is the only levels of some value, 1-50 is simply an intended gate and if they can make money to skip that they will. (e.g. Shards, skill lines) Class token wouldn't be near as profitable.

Takes realistically 3 days to level 1-50 if you play normal or get distracted ALOT. After that, its super easy to get crafted gear or overland items. I have every class at 50, geared and playable (I don't even acknowledge them but the options there)
Last edited by Sythik-X; May 16 @ 6:26am
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