The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online

dark convergence and hrothgar's chill nerf
I heard a nerf is coming for these set and i want to know will they nerf it alot of it will still be good to use? My mag necro is using this set and it go well with my skills to use, i find it a must have set for mag necro.

If they nerf it alot i might be going with my magicka warden but im not sure if it is strong or meta, what set to use and all that.
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Usually when they nerf something it ends up like black rose set.
BalSock eredeti hozzászólása:
Usually when they nerf something it ends up like black rose set.

I'm a newish player, would you mind elaborating what happened to blackrose set?
Altona Falcon eredeti hozzászólása:
BalSock eredeti hozzászólása:
Usually when they nerf something it ends up like black rose set.

I'm a newish player, would you mind elaborating what happened to blackrose set?
It used to be meta in pvp. Then it got nerfed so hard that the everyone forgot the whole set, because of how useless it was made and still is.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: BalSock; 2021. szept. 14., 4:31
Altona Falcon eredeti hozzászólása:
BalSock eredeti hozzászólása:
Usually when they nerf something it ends up like black rose set.

I'm a newish player, would you mind elaborating what happened to blackrose set?
since a great while now, zos will only nerf something thinking on its impact on the pvp side the only ones crying about gameplay changes are sweaty 24/7 pvpers and they are also the only ones who get heard.

while the pve side of things its becoming more and more stale, people are using the same gear for years because nothing new is woth swaping (for example ralequeen its the stam meta since 2018 and literally nothing comes close to this set), we almost saw a shift for proc sets to finally become viable on pve, but again, the pvp crybabys managed to change that too before it hit the live server
I wish they would just move the PvP out of Cyrodil so other players can enjoy the most iconic city and sewer complex in Tamriel. Just stick them in some giant barren area where they can happily slaughter each other for eternity. They could make a new area in Oblivion and call it Hell. That seems appropriate to me.
Dr.Abscondus eredeti hozzászólása:
I wish they would just move the PvP out of Cyrodil so other players can enjoy the most iconic city and sewer complex in Tamriel. Just stick them in some giant barren area where they can happily slaughter each other for eternity. They could make a new area in Oblivion and call it Hell. That seems appropriate to me.
I like this idea.
Dr.Abscondus eredeti hozzászólása:
I wish they would just move the PvP out of Cyrodil so other players can enjoy the most iconic city and sewer complex in Tamriel. Just stick them in some giant barren area where they can happily slaughter each other for eternity. They could make a new area in Oblivion and call it Hell. That seems appropriate to me.
The main story of the game is based on the three banners war so cyrodiil alliance war will always be the center of tamriel, no matter if you're afraid to step in there or not
Sehkh eredeti hozzászólása:
Altona Falcon eredeti hozzászólása:

I'm a newish player, would you mind elaborating what happened to blackrose set?
since a great while now, zos will only nerf something thinking on its impact on the pvp side the only ones crying about gameplay changes are sweaty 24/7 pvpers and they are also the only ones who get heard.

while the pve side of things its becoming more and more stale, people are using the same gear for years because nothing new is woth swaping (for example ralequeen its the stam meta since 2018 and literally nothing comes close to this set), we almost saw a shift for proc sets to finally become viable on pve, but again, the pvp crybabys managed to change that too before it hit the live server
Proc sets will never be useful for PvE unless they can crit. You're calling PvPers crybabies but you're ignoring a huge fact, maybe because you only choose to play a small part of this game but

NPC enemies will never complain about things being overpowered so nerfing things in PvE is not a priority, as long as people can complete content, no nerf/buff is important for PvE.

For PvP on the other hand, you're fighting against real players so any unbalance will be much more harmful for the game. You're just being stupidly toxic, good thing ZoS never listens to people like you anyway
Relequen being meta has nothing to do with PvP, genius. It's zos's inability to create useful sets.
I personally am a pve player, and I go to Cyrodiil to do quests all the time - I don't think there's anything stopping you from enjoying the landscape? Cyrodiil is huuuuge, and it's not like there's fighting going on everywhere.
I think PvP sux but it's probably because the lag is so bad I don't bother with it. Fighting myself is no fun and I'd like to see someone big on PvP take on Shrikes and the like. I play with allot of people good at both PvP and PvE but they play custom builds for each style. PvP isn't my style.
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Közzétéve: 2021. szept. 13., 17:11
Hozzászólások: 11