The Long Dark

The Long Dark

crashing before cinematic
Pardon the low-effort bug report/fix, but I wanted to drop a note in case this helps anyone else. I'm running TLD (the new DLC) on a Debian machine with Intel onboard video using Wayland, and TLD crashes after the "press any key" but before the cinematic or menu comes up.

I resolved it by using "gamemoderun %COMMAND% -force-glcore". If you don't use gamemode, omit that part. So it's probably related to the Vulkan translation layer somewhere.
最近の変更はReiyukaが行いました; 2022年12月6日 9時39分
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A lot of Vulkan-related issues on various Linux setups since a while now (including mine) - using -force-glcore has become sort of the goto-option to prevent it. But thanks for posting it.
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