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PvE Fans: What keeps you engaged?
I'm curious to know what PvE elements you all enjoy the most. What types of quests, map features, base-building activities, or other aspects keep you interested in the game?

Specifically, which elements on existing maps do you find the most engaging for PvE? Are there particular quests, challenges or specific buildables on these maps that you enjoy?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Honestly I'm a mindless wanderer. I like listening to a podcast and just lootin' n' shooting. The bigger and more complex a location is, the better. I like diggin' around like a rat but it's far more enjoyable when you can tell the map designer had fun and some passion for doing new or interesting things
cosmetics, thats it
i play for fun lol i get PTSD from freezer servers i remember i got chased down by a tank and a helicopter in freezer lol
oh no way, I just installed that large scale overhaul that was front page of the workshop and I checked discussions out of boredom while I was waiting. Recognized the profile picture from the list of developers from the overhaul. you dont see devs do this alot so good on yall for hunting for more advice from a wide audience! :steamthumbsup:
I like playing for the Quests as it makes it an adventure instead of free-roam sandbox gameplay. Of course, if I've completed all the quests, I'd like to make a base and create an armory to collect every single weapon on the map
I like the sandbox of it. I love building a little house or making some random hole in the ground bunker into a nice looking base.
I also like seeing my total kills counters go up as I loot and scavenge. I'm not into these gigantic quests that require guides to figure out, I just play for the survival aspect.
PvE servers often have more friendly communities than PvP severs. There's also the social aspect of being able to stumble across another player and have a conversation with them rather than it being a KOS basis. People tend to build their bases to be nicer to look at and visit because they don't have to worry about people trying to raid and destroy it.

Overall, PvE servers are much more relaxing than PvP servers in my opinion. You can just goof off with friends without having to watch your back for someone trying to snipe you from a bush.

One of my best memories on a PvE server was years ago on this server running "The Driftless" map. If you don't know, the map is an 'insane' sized map (four times larger than Russia), so that means there's a lot for people to explore and do. Something that map seemed almost designed for was road trips, considering how long the distances between towns are.
I remember getting into a van after loading a bunch of supplies into it and fitting some storage boxes in the back and just traveling down the road to see wherever it'd take me. I'd occasionally stop in some towns to stock up on supplies and gas. Eventually I ran into some players doing the same thing as me, so they decided to follow me. One of them had country songs playing over their mic for the authentic road trip experience.
Sadly that server has long since shut down. It was one of my favorites at the time. With the state of modern Unturned, I'm not really sure if an experience like that could happen again.
Last edited by Mr. Thiccums; May 26 @ 7:30am
a multi-step process like russia's MK2 easter egg is the peak for unturned quests. it's what every map tries to look up to, some are better than others, like every single one of yours and danaby's.
for the unturned quests they are boring and repetitive because that's the limit of quests without making them over-the-line, i'd just give them improvements.

• if the fetch quest tells the player to go find any amount water/food/meds, then make it exactly as buak did in "Supplies to survive" where the player finds said items on a crate, brings it back and can interact on the crates for food/water/meds.

• if the quest relates to a mega zombie, make it atleast a cop/military mega zombie and let the player repeat the quest if they want.

• don't lock the player on the same "special" boring ass mega zombie gladiator arena for the 4th time, make it like elver's church.

• don't make it like elver where the player has to kill 500 zombies 3 horde beacons and spend 1000 bullets, 60 bandages and meds. killing zombies is ok but don't make it a crazy number.

• if the quest asks the player to waste XP on Cook III, just tell the player to hand over the ingredients.

• don't make another boring safe zone fetch quest, atleast tell the player to find a radio on a military base

for base building just don't make it like Buak buildings needing nails and a lot of wood just to build a 2x2 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
aspects that interest me in the game are none besides drip, i play this game when the other better games i play don't get a good update.
the most engaging elements for PvE are Yukon's blizzard and Kuwait's sandstrom, random bear/moose attack from Buak and Arid's landimes. for a PvE game the enviroment is non-existant. make it more dangerous to go alone into the woods at night.

"Are there particular quests, challenges or specific buildables on these maps that you enjoy?" for quests read above, buildables i cannot answer that question i ain't that type of guy.
the shop process (sell loot, buy items), finding rare loot.

that's pretty much it, other servers on different "survival" (Most of them are just glorified easter egg hunts with PVP elements) games should adopt the same stratagem.
Building kill counter on weapon skin/server by legitimate means, both classic and spray n pray playstyle, series of maps with streamlined designs, and the ability to self-sustain without the need of having a vehicle or massive storage.

I also love the movement speed buffs. :3
Last edited by PichuYang; May 26 @ 9:00pm
hit zombo
I like walking around and shooting things.
Monkey brain see gun, monkey brain shoot gun.
Originally posted by tf2 pomson enjoyer #FIXTF2:
I like walking around and shooting things.
Monkey brain see gun, monkey brain shoot gun.
based and gunpowderpilled
Originally posted by Soup Time:
Originally posted by tf2 pomson enjoyer #FIXTF2:
I like walking around and shooting things.
Monkey brain see gun, monkey brain shoot gun.
based and gunpowderpilled
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