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Gamepad support
Is there a bug in gamepad support? I geep having gamepad drift. The funny thing is that the drift keeps happing even after i have disconnected the gamepad.
I know gamepad support has ben dropped an returned a few times but i am still having problems. Its with a microsoft Xbox controller. I have recalibrated the gamepad a few times and it works fine in other games.

I have also reported the issue ingame a few times.
Écrit par handofthesly:
The update coming in a few weeks will be improving gamepad support. Hopefully this fixes the issues you are having, if not then keep sending the feedback so the Devs know what still needs fixing
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The update coming in a few weeks will be improving gamepad support. Hopefully this fixes the issues you are having, if not then keep sending the feedback so the Devs know what still needs fixing
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