Lords of Xulima
Abysmal Performance
The performance of this game on my machine is beyond horrible. I understand the Linux version just came out so it's probably not particularly optimized, but this is ridiculous. When walking around I get framerates regularly below 30 FPS and ocassional momentary freezes where the game completely stops for a second or so. During some battles I've had the frame rate go into single digits. Granted, I am running at 2560x1440 (I had to change it in the config file), which is a lot of pixels to render, but I'm also running a superclocked 780Ti which, by all rights, should be able to brute force even the worst optimized game, which makes me think there is a problem. I did see an option in the config file about multithreading, but setting the to "true" made no difference. (Is the game running single threaded on Linux regardless?) Any help is appreciated.

My full specs:

Xubuntu 14.04 (3.17.8 low latency kernel)
Cinnamon desktop environment, compositing off
Nvidia Driver 346.35
Intel Xeon E3-1231v3 (Haswell, basically a i7)
32 GB DDR3
Nvidia GeForce GTX 780Ti
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 26 ความเห็น
I have the same problem.
Numantian Games  [ผู้พัฒนา] 5 ก.พ. 2015 @ 12: 26am 

We are working on it. Please help us doing some tests. Go near the Food Seller in Velegarn and note the FPS (you can use CTROL+11) to display it.
Than choose a very low resolution in the options screen and test it again to see if the FPS changes.

Let's see is the problem is related to the GPU or the CPU.

I'm trying to do this, but the resolution switcher doesn't work. Clicking the arrows does nothing for me on Linux.
Also, when changing it in the config file I don't think that worked either, the game options still said it was 1920x1080 when I set it to 1280x720 in the config.

So, looks like we can't test it until you fix resolution changing.
Numantian Games  [ผู้พัฒนา] 5 ก.พ. 2015 @ 4: 06am 

You can set it manually in the Configuration.txt file in Home/My Games/Lords of Xulima
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Numantian Games:

You can set it manually in the Configuration.txt file in Home/My Games/Lords of Xulima

Like I said, that doesn't seem work, the resolution is no different, and the game still says it's 1920x1080.

That also doesn't change the fact we can't change it in-game either, please fix that as well.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Squiddy (GOL); 5 ก.พ. 2015 @ 4: 18am
I had the same problem last night, but things are much better now, with the game running at mostly above 100 FPS. Was there an update i missed? Anyway, i will leave my specs just in case:

Ubuntu 14.10 with Unity
AMD FX-8350
Radeon 280x with Catalyst 14.12
Whatever was in the small update going from 1.6.9 to 1.6.10 seemed to help a little, though that's going by a small sample size. The framerate did seem more playable now, though still nowhere near what I should be getting on a 780Ti. I did as requested and checked framerate when standing next to the food vendor. At 2560x1440 I was getting around 45 FPS standing still next to the vendor lady. Here's a screenshot (doesn't have the FPS count since the Steam Overlay doesn't show in screeenshots):


Then I changed the resolution in the config file to 1280 x 720 and got about 57 FPS in the same spot. Here's a screenshot:


The same problem here plus occasional crashes to desktop on saving the game and during battles which is particularly annoying since it leads to constant game progress losses.

My specs.
OS: Fedora 21 x86_64 (kernel version 3.17.8-300)
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz × 8
GPU: GeForce GTX 770/PCIe/SSE2 with NVIDIA 346.35 drivers (resolution 1920x1080)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Frederick Barbarossa; 6 ก.พ. 2015 @ 5: 25am
Numantian Games  [ผู้พัฒนา] 6 ก.พ. 2015 @ 4: 48am 

Thank you very much for your reports, they are very helpful.

@Frederick: The crashes has happened with the last version 1.6.10?? That version should be 100% stable as we have disabled all the parallel optimizations. We have had here two hours reloading games automatically and no problem.

@LiamD: Have you set to false the parameter UseDesktopResolution in the config file?

@KeyRock: With that data are difficult to extract conclusions. It seems that the game runs better with Radeon cards than with NVidia ones ¿? It would be great if you can test it changing some of the options in the NVidia panel (triple buffering, filtering, antia-aliasing, mipmapping) to see if that produce any change.


โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Numantian Games:
The crashes has happened with the last version 1.6.10??

Now that you mention it I see that the occasional crashes dissapeared after the last update. Kudos t'ya!
But still the poor performance issue persists.
I'll try to do the "messing around with resolution and NVidia driver settings" trick you've suggested and then let you know in my further post about the outcome of it.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Frederick Barbarossa; 6 ก.พ. 2015 @ 8: 19am
Well, I've done some testing. Here are the results:
1920x1080 (native) - 110 fps
800x600 - 85 fps (kinda weird).
These are the numbers I get when staying still near the Food Seller in Velegarn. When moving around I occasionally suffer <30 fps drops with Ugly Stuttering (what a name for a game!)
Messing around with nvidia-settings doesn't help much.
Now's the worst thing. The first battle in a rat cave (Dobrick's quest) gives me totally unacceptable 7-10 fps (my mouse mournfully cries). In general fps in battles is mostly unplayable.

P.S. Killing my time while testing the game for my own money is the weirdest thing I've ever done.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Frederick Barbarossa; 6 ก.พ. 2015 @ 8: 33am
Yeah, framerate tanks HARD in battles. Luckily, it's a turn-based game, so it doesn't affect gameplay, but it is annoying.

I'll run tests with Nvidia Settings options when I get home in about 6 hours or so,
Numantian Games  [ผู้พัฒนา] 6 ก.พ. 2015 @ 12: 01pm 

Thank you very much for the information. The priority is, first of all, fixing the crashes and then the speed. So if the crashes are now fixed we will focus on the speed.

It seems that the worst case is during combat, isn't it?
disabling desktop compositing like compton leads to a huge fps boost. builtin xfce4 compositing doesn't affect fps, so I guess it is comptons problem with vsync. battles are still slow, but faster than before
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 26 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 4 ก.พ. 2015 @ 7: 56pm
โพสต์: 26