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wr0nic Nov 3, 2022 @ 12:43pm
New DLC price... 80% from maingame?
this is crazy....
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Showing 1-15 of 52 comments
Rigben Nov 3, 2022 @ 1:07pm 
You are right, base game should cost more.
Tactical Drongo Nov 3, 2022 @ 1:09pm 
with how much you can get out of it I tend to agree with rigben
Gnollmar Nov 3, 2022 @ 1:31pm 
In other news, the sims 4 base game is free now, does that mean they should make all the dlc free too? no? :O
GrenadesAndHamm Nov 3, 2022 @ 1:41pm 
These three responses are why may people can't stand the Rimworld community. And most of them act like these guys. They'll do or say anything to defend anything done by the devs.

You're absolutely right. It's way too much. And, although the Dev says it's nearly all original material, people have listed the mods from where they are taken.

Their excuse is that when the mods are incorporated into the game (which is about 90 percent, if not more of Rimworld base game, previous mods), they will not have errors because they're no longer mods. The problem with that theory is that nearly every mod I have, and I use more than 100, typically have no errors until the game is updated to a new version. And why does it throw errors then? Because the new version incorporates mods into the game which I didn't have amongst other small various fixes. So, within a week or so, those mods giving errors get updated and no more issues. Without the modding community, this game wouldn't be nearly as popular as it is. I credit Tynan The Developer, which sounds like he belongs in Conan's world, for that amazing decision which made this game what it is today. By the way, Tynan The Developer is far more vicious than Conan. (He's very greedy, true. But he actually seems like a nice and decent guy most of the time)

Rimworld is popular, apparently. And the devs are known for being very greedy when it comes to offering sales (they rarely do) and offering DLC at reasonable prices. I've been with the game since Alpha 2 long before it was on Steam, and have had no interest in the DLC's offered. Not because of price, but because the mods that were incorporated weren't something I ever was interested in.
ACS36 Nov 3, 2022 @ 1:59pm 
Originally posted by Tactical Drongo:
with how much you can get out of it I tend to agree with rigben

Time spent is such a terrible argument to justify the price of anything. Costs to produce and distribute are the only metrics that should matter when releasing new content.

The game is exceptional, but is costs very little to produce these DLC's after the base game was created. Most of the cost is the new art assets, the coding is trivial because the frame work is all ready in place to add whatever they need to the game.

I'm not sure why so many consumers are fine being taken advantage of time and time again. Probably mostly ignorance. Consumers don't seem to realize that the developer could make an insane profit even at 10-15 dollars for the DLC. Well above what most people will earn in their life time for less than a years worth of work.

Last edited by ACS36; Nov 3, 2022 @ 2:01pm
Townsie Nov 3, 2022 @ 2:02pm 
Originally posted by ACS36:
Originally posted by Tactical Drongo:
with how much you can get out of it I tend to agree with rigben

Time spent is such a terrible argument to justify the price of anything. Costs to produce and distribute are the only metrics that should matter when release new content.
So if you make a game from scratch as a single person, using only things you already have, it should be free?
martindirt Nov 3, 2022 @ 2:13pm 
If I have a product, I can say it's cost 500$. If ppls keep buying it for 500, and nobody else has that product, I can keep the price or increase it. If ppls stop buying it from me and/or others start selling the same /similar product, I prolly have to lower my price.

1: Point me to the game, where is the same/similar to RW, and I can waste 3k hrs.
2: Until ppls buying the DLC, the price is correct.
Wrong Window Nov 3, 2022 @ 2:38pm 
I agree. The DLCs area a bit expensive in relation to the price of the base game. I don't agree that you'd get the same experience using mods. Close, perhaps, but not the same. Choosing to not buy a product because you believe the price isn't warranted is perfectly reasonable. Just don't act surprised when someone disagrees.

Originally posted by GrenadesAndHamm:
These three responses are why may people can't stand the Rimworld community. And most of them act like these guys. They'll do or say anything to defend anything done by the devs.

Much like the DLCs, the community is an optional experience. Quite a few people routinely answer questions that could be solved with a simple search by using the search function on these forums or using even a shred of initiative and using the wiki. Much like any game forum there is an abundance of laziness and enablers. The weird thing is people who complain about the community, lurk, and then pounce to flex when any complaint arises.
Caelinus Nov 3, 2022 @ 2:41pm 
Originally posted by ACS36:
The game is exceptional, but is costs very little to produce these DLC's after the base game was created. Most of the cost is the new art assets, the coding is trivial because the frame work is all ready in place to add whatever they need to the game.

You do know salaries, rent, equipment, and cost of living are all things right?

Seriously people, if there was ever a game and DLC that is fairly priced for the amount you can get out of it, it is this one.
Last edited by Caelinus; Nov 3, 2022 @ 2:42pm
psychotron666420 Nov 3, 2022 @ 2:42pm 
Originally posted by ACS36:
Originally posted by Tactical Drongo:
with how much you can get out of it I tend to agree with rigben

Time spent is such a terrible argument to justify the price of anything. Costs to produce and distribute are the only metrics that should matter when releasing new content.

The game is exceptional, but is costs very little to produce these DLC's after the base game was created. Most of the cost is the new art assets, the coding is trivial because the frame work is all ready in place to add whatever they need to the game.

I'm not sure why so many consumers are fine being taken advantage of time and time again. Probably mostly ignorance. Consumers don't seem to realize that the developer could make an insane profit even at 10-15 dollars for the DLC. Well above what most people will earn in their life time for less than a years worth of work.

Assassin creed games, call of duty and EA sports games costs a lot to produce for all the new graphics despite the fact that the games are cookie cutter trash. To me I wouldn't pay more than 10 bucks for any of those games, that's how I value it, but I'd pay 60-70 bucks for a rimworld caliber game that I'll enjoy for years to come.
wr0nic Nov 3, 2022 @ 3:44pm 
blah blah... quote " but I'd pay 60-70 bucks for a rimworld caliber game that I'll enjoy for years to come." yes, I played it a lot, no problem, and got the prior DLCs, but now it is getting much more money... this is a cashgrabcowshit, sorry. just bit more options
pan terrorizer Nov 3, 2022 @ 3:49pm 
Originally posted by wr0nic:
blah blah... quote " but I'd pay 60-70 bucks for a rimworld caliber game that I'll enjoy for years to come." yes, I played it a lot, no problem, and got the prior DLCs, but now it is getting much more money... this is a cashgrabcowshit, sorry. just bit more options
*paradox sweats nervously*
pan terrorizer Nov 3, 2022 @ 3:51pm 
Originally posted by wr0nic:
blah blah... quote " but I'd pay 60-70 bucks for a rimworld caliber game that I'll enjoy for years to come." yes, I played it a lot, no problem, and got the prior DLCs, but now it is getting much more money... this is a cashgrabcowshit, sorry. just bit more options
Although for real i dont think the DLC's are some cashgrab. The DLC costs alot time and resources compared to recent DLCs back then, it's basically screaming at Lamborghini for having too expensive cars.
T888 Nov 3, 2022 @ 4:35pm 
Perfectly happy to pay this price. Rimworld is a game that I have played for hundreds of hours and I find myself thinking about it from time to time when not playing it.. Not the game itself but the stories it generates and the kind of stories I would like to try out in the future. To me, that has no price, a game that entertains me even when I am not playing it.

And every expansion adds more features that modders can use to create even more awesome mods. I hope they keep churning out expansions forever, I'd be there day one to buy every single one.
Invictus Nov 3, 2022 @ 4:44pm 
Originally posted by ACS36:
Originally posted by Tactical Drongo:
with how much you can get out of it I tend to agree with rigben

Time spent is such a terrible argument to justify the price of anything. Costs to produce and distribute are the only metrics that should matter when releasing new content.

The game is exceptional, but is costs very little to produce these DLC's after the base game was created. Most of the cost is the new art assets, the coding is trivial because the frame work is all ready in place to add whatever they need to the game.

I'm not sure why so many consumers are fine being taken advantage of time and time again. Probably mostly ignorance. Consumers don't seem to realize that the developer could make an insane profit even at 10-15 dollars for the DLC. Well above what most people will earn in their life time for less than a years worth of work.

Prices are never set like that.

What matters is what people are willing to pay, not the production cost.
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Date Posted: Nov 3, 2022 @ 12:43pm
Posts: 52