

Colonist give the animals beer
Had a hard winter no much food is left some animals are broken because there Hungry and my stupid Colonist will feed them with beer.The chickens then die because of the beer. I dont see anny adjustment to not allow that but to allow the colonist to drink beer for themselves...
Cant even butcher more animals because then i have not enough for milk and eggs
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
zykva Jan 15, 2019 @ 4:56am 
XD I love this game !
Jaasrg Jan 15, 2019 @ 5:14am 
Beer is just liquid bread, I don't see a problem.
Rad Jan 15, 2019 @ 5:21am 
Having 6 beer is also a meal.
BlackSmokeDMax Jan 15, 2019 @ 5:24am 
There's a pork chop in every can!
Plurples Jan 15, 2019 @ 6:08am 
One thing that can be useful in winter is decorative plants. They grow slowly and offer very little nutrition but it's better than nothing
EuroFighter1200 Jan 15, 2019 @ 6:22am 
managed it with much micromanagement that my colonist can drink beer in the evening because its healty xD and in the worktime its forbidden to touch. Suddenly a raid brings much food to me. Some stupid pirates tried to attack me in wintertime by -35 C° they all died and then i produced food for my animal from ttheir bodies xD
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Date Posted: Jan 15, 2019 @ 4:54am
Posts: 6