

Rinmiva Jun 2, 2018 @ 11:41am
Couples won`t sleep in one bed
The couples in my colony won`t sleep together anymore. If I assign two of them to sleep in one bed, they will sleep together for one night, but the next time I check they have seperate rooms again. They still get sad when they sleep seperated. I`m not sure for how long it has been like this..
These are the mods I use:
Giddy-up! Core
Giddy-up! Ride and Roll
Giddy-up! Caravan
Giddy-up! Battle Mounts
Animal Gear
Animal Gear Basics
More Furniture [B18]
Spidercamp`s Decorative Plants (B18)
Animal Tab
RimCuisine B18
Prision Extensions

I`d be very happy if anybody could help me! Thanks alot! :)
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
grapplehoeker Jun 2, 2018 @ 3:28pm 
Very few relationships last forever.
What is their working/leisure schedule like? Are they spending enough quality time together? And I don't mean bedroom time.
INST_4D Jun 2, 2018 @ 3:41pm 
is one of them sick and is sleeping in a hospital bed?
i don't use any of these mods so i don't know which one causes the bug if it is one.
Rinmiva Jun 3, 2018 @ 1:58am 
They spent alot time together and they like each other +100..
They also have freetime together..
No, noone is sick, they just sleep in different beds :(
grapplehoeker Jun 3, 2018 @ 3:37am 
Originally posted by Mii^5Rin:
They spent alot time together and they like each other +100..
They also have freetime together..
No, noone is sick, they just sleep in different beds :(
And what happens then when you have allocated them to one double bed and made sure there are no other free beds available?
Rinmiva Jun 3, 2018 @ 4:20am 
Originally posted by grapplehoeker:
Originally posted by Mii^5Rin:
They spent alot time together and they like each other +100..
They also have freetime together..
No, noone is sick, they just sleep in different beds :(
And what happens then when you have allocated them to one double bed and made sure there are no other free beds available?

One of them will sleep on the ground..
Astasia Jun 3, 2018 @ 5:31am 
My guess is a conflict between prison extensions and more furniture. Looks like prison extensions does some stuff with beds and it probably messes up when dealing with modded beds. If you aren't using more furniture beds at all and it's an issue with base game beds, then it might just be an issue with prison extenstions itself. It sounds like a dead mod somebody reuploaded and might not be working correctly.
Rinmiva Jun 23, 2018 @ 5:14am 
Originally posted by Astasia:
My guess is a conflict between prison extensions and more furniture. Looks like prison extensions does some stuff with beds and it probably messes up when dealing with modded beds. If you aren't using more furniture beds at all and it's an issue with base game beds, then it might just be an issue with prison extenstions itself. It sounds like a dead mod somebody reuploaded and might not be working correctly.
Okay, thanks alot for your help! :) i will try it without prison extension :)
Omega13 Apr 9, 2019 @ 4:03pm 
Not to necro this one but I have had a similar problem for some time and do not use prison extensions. In fact, the only crossovers I have with your mod list are More Furniture and the Giddy Up series. I've noticed that it seems to occur when both members of the couple want to go to bed at the same time. One "claims" the bed and the other will either pick a new bed or, if there is none, just pass out on the floor (but leave the couple's bed assigned to himself). Did you ever find a solution for this?
Rinmiva Apr 10, 2019 @ 12:30pm 
Originally posted by Omega13:
Not to necro this one but I have had a similar problem for some time and do not use prison extensions. In fact, the only crossovers I have with your mod list are More Furniture and the Giddy Up series. I've noticed that it seems to occur when both members of the couple want to go to bed at the same time. One "claims" the bed and the other will either pick a new bed or, if there is none, just pass out on the floor (but leave the couple's bed assigned to himself). Did you ever find a solution for this?

No, I still couldn`t find a solution :( I started a new colony with some different mods ( I removed prision extensions and more furniture), but I still have to assign them manually.. so I guess the Giddy Up series is the problem?? But I don`t want to remove it, so I guess it just is like this now... It would be great if you could tell me though in case you find a solution! :)
Omega13 Apr 10, 2019 @ 1:11pm 
There's no way Giddy Up is a problem; it doesn't do anything to beds. I suspect it's a vanilla problem but people just aren't noticing it or don't care. The only workaround I've seen is to never have unassigned beds (turn extra beds into medical beds or guest beds if you use hospitality). That way they at least won't reassign themselves; they'll just conk out on the floor now and then.
Preechr Apr 10, 2019 @ 1:49pm 
I've had this same problem a LOT. I actually think its just a sign that the relationship is not very physical, because I've had couples that bang every night at the same time I have couples that refuse to sleep in the same room. This may just be me roleplaying a bit, but without digging up proof in the code I choose to believe the game has compatibility built in somewhere. Its rare to see someone opt for the floor if there's a bed space assigned to them (remember to assign them both to the same bed) but I have had a couple of instances where that happened.

At least one will still get the debuff from wanting to sleep with the other, but its also rare to see both with that when there's an issue. You can make all extra beds medical and that can force them to sleep where you assigned them usually. Also, keep this in mind when you are planning a caravan and split them up for a bit. If you notice that there's a big gap in who likes the other more, remember that when they need a rescue (which you can influence) which will give a big relationship boost for "Rescued Me."
Omega13 Apr 10, 2019 @ 2:18pm 
Trust me I've been keeping an eye on this; it's triggered when one tries to go to bed while the other is on their way there. The first person to decide to rest seems to "reserve" the bed the way a stack will get reserved by someone on their way to haul it. So the latecomer sleeps on the floor or picks out a new bed. This is new behavior that came with 1.0.
Last edited by Omega13; Apr 10, 2019 @ 2:19pm
你说你是猫 May 4, 2019 @ 2:22am 
This bug is caused by Giddy-up!
Omega13 May 4, 2019 @ 2:53am 
Wild. Who would have thought? Thanks for the info, Awakening.
Bar0th May 4, 2019 @ 4:04am 
Specifically, it is Giddy Up: Ride and Roll. If they are riding to a job (in this case going to bed), it calls ReserveEveryThingOfJob, which has a very specific condition for beds:

if (targetJob.targetB.Thing is Building_Bed) { Building_Bed bed = (Building_Bed)targetJob.targetB.Thing; targetBCount = bed.SleepingSlotsCount; }

Basically, if mounted the rider will reserve all sleeping spots available in the bed, rather than just the 1 needed... No idea why, but that is the piece of code that breaks the bed assignments (maybe it has issues when removed too?)
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Date Posted: Jun 2, 2018 @ 11:41am
Posts: 16