Lost Save Games or Saves from other sources
To all those poor souls that lost their saves or want to import from other sources This game has two directories of save game :
1) Local drive:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\playerid\292120\remote it is directory with steamcloud On
2)LocalDrive:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\SquareEnix\FinalFantasyXIII\save directory without Steamcloud
in my case i deleted accidently my saves while steam cloud was ON so i clicked right mouse button on remote folder (First path) past version option copied saves then disable steam cloud option in steam,because if you copy to this folder steam won't read it.Launch game create new save file then you will have second path created copy those saves that you retrived at past remote folder and you can launch game it's exactly same with saves from other sources
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I've been playing FFXIII without Steam Cloud.

Then I changed my mind to use Steam Cloud so I can enjoy my save on another PC.

When I click enable Steam Cloud, I only find 1 save which is my first testing save I don't want to use.

How to upload my %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\SquareEnix\FinalFantasyXIII\save\* to Steam Cloud?

And I also see that my Achievements is only 1 (while I'm now playing on Chapter 8)

Please help, thank you :)
you must start a game with this save that was without steamcloud than while in game you must turn on cloud and than save that will create save in cloud but about achivements i must inform you that achivements are unlocked up to date so it wont unlock for past game
I want to express my sincerest gratitude for the above post. My game file of about 20 hours, was lost, but with this post was able to save it. Thank you!
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Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2014. okt. 16., 8:13
Hozzászólások: 3