Resident Evil Revelations 2

Resident Evil Revelations 2

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WBacon  [developer] Mar 3, 2015 @ 1:10am
Revelations 2 Open Beta Now Available
(日本語はこの英文メッセージに続きます / Japanese follows English)

Hi everyone,

Per announcement earlier today, we are now ready to roll out the open beta program for Revelations 2 featuring split-screen local coop in both Campaign and Raid Mode.

We appreciate both positive and constructive feedback for the fixes and additions that have been rolled into this update.

Known issues/limitations:
  1. Menu option and UI elements specific to co-op mode aren't implemented in this build.
  2. Split screen mode requires two game controllers supporting XInput such as the Xbox 360/Xbox One game pad. Those using DualShock or other non-XInput device may need to resort to XInput emulation software.

Enabling split-screen coop mode
  • Campaign Mode -- simply press the START button on Player 2 game pad upon entering active gameplay. Ending the game or exiting to the main menu will automatically return to full screen single player mode.

  • Raid Mode -- pressing the START button on Player 2 game pad in the Vestibule (the staging area) will activate split-screen mode. Select character, configure your loadout, and select Raid missions as normal. Exiting the Vestibule and backing out to the main menu will automatically end split-screen mode.

    *Alternatively, simply disconnecting the 2P controller will force the game back into full screen single player mode.

How to access Beta branch
  • From your Steam ‘LIBRARY’ list, right-click on Resident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2 and select 'Properties'
  • Select the ‘BETAS’ tab.
  • Type bhr2qasplitmaster00 (case-sensitive) in the 'Enter beta access code' field and then click CHECK CODE.
  • Now, select "qa_split_master" from the pull-down menu and click CLOSE.
  • Wait for the Steam client to finish downloading the patch.
  • Launch Resident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2.

House Rules
Please keep this thread clean and focused specifically on the aforementioned fixes/additions for the purpose of collecting feedback based on your experience with this beta.

Any off-topic rants or confrontational replies that derail the thread may be removed as it becomes very difficult to collate feedback. Thanks for your understanding.

About Save Data...
Save data is compatible between public version and beta version.
While we do not anticipate the patch to introduce fatal bugs, we recommend backing up your save file just to be safe.

Save file is located in the following Steam installation directory:


(Note: xxxxxxxx is a number unique to your Steam User ID)

Posting Feedback
IMPORTANT: Please provide the following information when posting in this thread.

A) Your System Specs (please be as specific as possible)
1) CPU name and model
2) Graphics card/chip model
3) Video driver version number
4) Monitor refresh rate
5) System memory size
6) OS version (Windows 7, 8, 64-bit/32-bit, etc.)
7) OS language
8) In-game settings (fps, resolution, anti-aliasing, refresh rate, v=sync, etc.)

*Optionally, it would be very helpful if you can also generate[] and post a link to your dxdiag file -- a file generated from DirectX Diagnostics Tool -- which provides detailed hardware, software, and driver setup for your PC.

B) Specific issue
Please share the specific issue and the area where you are experiencing the said behavior.

C) Detailed reproduction steps, if consistently reproducible This step in particular is super helpful for the development team. The more detailed info you can provide, the quicker the team can reproduce the error state and (hopefully) fix the issue.

Reproducible Crash
If you are experiencing crashes repeatedly in the same area, there is a chance that your anti-virus software may be deleting important game files. If so, please try the following steps in order to isolate the issue:
1) Disable or temporarily shut down the anti-virus software
2) Open Steam client, right-click on Resident Evil Revelations 2 from Library, and select Properties
3) Click Local Files tab and select 'Verify integrity of game cache..."
4) Once the verification process completes, launch the game and verify if the crash still occurs (make sure to keep the anti-virus software turned off during this test)

Please also check the following two Steam Support articles which covers crashes as it relates to anti-virus software and other 'hidden' Windows processes that may interfere with the game and/or Steam client.

1. Programs Which May Interfere with Steam 2. Antivirus software reports Steam games are malicious

We look forward to your feedback!

  1. オフラインでの協力プレイ用のメニュー及びユーザインターフェースは未実装の状態になっております。
  2. オフラインの協力プレイで遊ぶ為には、Xbox 360/Xbox OneなどのXinput対応コントローラーを“2個”ご用意いただく必要があります。 PlayStation®のDUALSHOCK®などXinput未対応のコントローラをご利用の場合、Xinputのエミュレーションソフトウェアなどが必要になる可能性があります。

  • STORY・・・ 2個のコントローラーをPCに接続した状態で、2プレイヤー用コントローラーのスタートボタンを押すと、オフラインでの協力プレイが開始されます。ゲームを終了したり、メインメニューに戻ると画面分割は終了します。
  • RAID MODE・・・2個のコントローラーをPCに接続した状態で、レイドモードの拠点(レイドステージに入る前の部屋)で2プレイヤー用コントローラーのスタートボタンを押すと、オフラインでの協力プレイが開始されます。ゲームを終了したり、メインメニューに戻ると画面分割は終了します。


  • Steamの「ライブラリ」より「Resident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2」を選択し、マウスの右ボタンで「プロパティ」を開きます。
  • 「ベータ」のタブを選択します。
  • 「プライベートベータをアンロックするためにベータアクセスコードを入力」という項目に「bhr2qasplitmaster00」を入力した上、「コードを確認」のボタンを押します。 ※入力した内容に誤りがなければ「コード認証成功」と表示されます。
  • 「参加希望のベータを選択してください」のプルダウンメニューより「qa_split_master」を選択後、「閉じる」を選択します。
  • ベータブランチのデータが自動的にダウンロードされます。
  • ダウンロード完了後、「ライブラリ」より「Resident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2」を起動するとオフラインでの協力プレイが可能になります。
Last edited by WBacon; Mar 3, 2015 @ 11:45pm
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Showing 1-15 of 172 comments
Tubzbuster Mar 3, 2015 @ 1:22am 
Will this beta access also be receiving any beta patches to fix out some performance issues?
Last edited by Tubzbuster; Mar 3, 2015 @ 1:23am
Suramity Mar 3, 2015 @ 1:30am 
I'm less concerned about the coop, this game has TERRIBLE frame rate issues. My computer is really good too.
WBacon  [developer] Mar 3, 2015 @ 1:32am 
The beta patch also rolled back the rendering profile to the original shipping version so it should help on the performance side.

Just one caveat though. You may need to set Frame Rate to "60" or "30" and enable v-sync to avoid animation stutter.
Tubzbuster Mar 3, 2015 @ 1:36am 
Originally posted by wbacon capcom:
The beta patch also rolled back the rendering profile to the original shipping version so it should help on the performance side.

Just one caveat though. You may need to set Frame Rate to "60" or "30" and enable v-sync to avoid animation stutter.

Nice nice nice nice, thank you.
Engoni Mar 3, 2015 @ 1:37am 
Great that you guys listened and included split screen, there might be hope for future Capcom PC releases in the future :-)
FrozenSnowFox Mar 3, 2015 @ 1:40am 
Did you guys fix the refresh rate resetting from 120 to 60 every time you open the game? It's annoying changing that everytime I go into the game.
twiceXremoved22 Mar 3, 2015 @ 1:45am 
That's great! Now add an online version of co-op. We are playing on pc right?
I'm laughing so hard, now Pc gamers still waiting for " nothing"
Originally posted by wbacon capcom:
The beta patch also rolled back the rendering profile to the original shipping version so it should help on the performance side.

Just one caveat though. You may need to set Frame Rate to "60" or "30" and enable v-sync to avoid animation stutter.
Hey wbacon :)

I wonder if it's possible for Capcom to implemented the feature that was in RE5 PC version, LAN Coop to Revelations 2 as well? It would be nice to see LAN support on RAID mode :)
DviceT5 Mar 3, 2015 @ 2:02am 
Originally posted by wbacon capcom:
The beta patch also rolled back the rendering profile to the original shipping version so it should help on the performance side.

Just one caveat though. You may need to set Frame Rate to "60" or "30" and enable v-sync to avoid animation stutter.

You may need to set Frame Rate to "60" or "30" -> with 60fps still makes game laggy for me idk why. Oh I know cuz capcom has bad pc programming skills :( And 30 fps is cancer for eyes. Never offer to play with 30 fps wtf!!! Why the most ppl dont see how ♥♥♥♥ the game runs with 30 fps? slow mo

and vsync costs power. same stupid option.
Last edited by DviceT5; Mar 3, 2015 @ 2:06am
DviceT5 Mar 3, 2015 @ 2:04am 
Originally posted by Photonsynthesis:
I wonder if it's possible for Capcom to implemented the feature that was in RE5 PC version, LAN Coop to Revelations 2 as well? It would be nice to see LAN support on RAID mode :)

Do u rly need LAN if they add later online coop for raid?
MADagain321 Mar 3, 2015 @ 2:08am 
Ahhh really... open BETA you say WELL WHY CAN'T I SELECT ANY BETA AT ALL.

Also just add LAN and online coop like you promised... would be nice seeing as you support coop now
Originally posted by TheRAMPAGE:
Ahhh really... open BETA you say WELL WHY CAN'T I SELECT ANY BETA AT ALL.

Also just add LAN and online coop like you promised... would be nice seeing as you support coop now
Read the instruction in the OP.
This is incredible. You guys are doing an amazing job and I feel so bad that there are guys that are rating the game so poorly over issues that you're already working on and fixing.

Thank you.
bobu Mar 3, 2015 @ 2:28am 
my camera speeds were horribly altered by this patch. each of my weapons seem to have their own aiming speed now, as well as my moving + aiming cameras being much faster than normal. lowering my speeds to 2 is now(roughly) the equivalent to setting it to 4 as I had before.
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Date Posted: Mar 3, 2015 @ 1:10am
Posts: 172