F1 2015
Low fps with controller
I made a video with my problem


When im using a controller or a wheel then the framerate drops like crazy, but when im using a keyboard then i have to problem with running 60 fps.
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Zeanix 14 juil. 2015 à 14h43 
A thing i have found, the game stops using my graphics card when i have a controller plugged in - http://i.imgur.com/dZFdmdw.png When im using my keyboard my graphics card is used well.
Tiago 20 juil. 2015 à 16h14 
this needs more visibility. i had the exact same problem. fps goes to crap when i use a wheel; unplug it and everything is fine.
same problem here
GTX970 but fps are dropping like crazy when i play via x360 controller
So how to fix this?
We are aware of this problem and are working on a fix for it. Thanks
Sooo, how is this coming along?
i am experiencing the same thing
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Posté le 10 juil. 2015 à 13h47
Messages : 7