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Mike Aug 22, 2018 @ 4:15am
Scratches, dirt and destroyable map
Dirt and scratches must get added. I even would love to have an a little more destroyable map. Actually it might be easy to drive at least over signs. I believe adding this feature wont take long. It would be cool to break glass partly. Anyone agrees?
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Nadeox1 Aug 22, 2018 @ 6:20am 
There are already 'signs' props in the vehicle selector.
The thing is: more physical objects you add, the more power is needed..
Filling a map with many physical objects will have its toll on performance.
Blaatschaapje Aug 22, 2018 @ 6:37am 
Red faction is a game from 2001 and already had destroyable environments without impact on performance. There are also plenty of other games where environments can be destroyed with physics where there is no impact on performance.

Perhaps they could use different physics calculation on environment then the one used for cars.

Right now it feels kinda wrong to hit a sign and wreck your entire car instead of driving that sign over.
Last edited by Blaatschaapje; Aug 22, 2018 @ 6:37am
TwoTwoNine Aug 22, 2018 @ 11:35am 
This map contains a destructible bridge
also this map contains a destructible water tower and gas station
Nadeox1 Aug 23, 2018 @ 3:01am 
Originally posted by Paladin:
Red faction is a game from 2001 and already had destroyable environments without impact on performance. There are also plenty of other games where environments can be destroyed with physics where there is no impact on performance.

Perhaps they could use different physics calculation on environment then the one used for cars.

Right now it feels kinda wrong to hit a sign and wreck your entire car instead of driving that sign over.

Mixing different physics system (ie. soft & rigid body), especially if running at different rates (ie. 2000hz and 60hz), is not great and can cause more trouble than else.

Red Faction (Armageddon and Red Faction) are great games, but what we have here is a different beast.

Have not said it's impossible to have that done in soft-body, but in the current version you will soon hit performance issues due overhead (the way vehicles are distributed through cores and threads). Not a promise that maps will have destructible objects, but we will see what's possible :)
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Date Posted: Aug 22, 2018 @ 4:15am
Posts: 4