X3: Terran Conflict

X3: Terran Conflict

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Working on the hub
At the point that I delivered the chips and the rest, Did the repairs and need to talk to Mahi Ma but when I land nothing and I can't com. the station to talk to Ma.
What to do now?
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
musoyama May 19 @ 8:05pm 
I think you need to dock at the HUB.

Have you worked out how you're going to source the materials? You need to be working on the silicon and microchips immediately - especially since you'll need to use the silicon to make the chips. Now is also a good time to source marines using the HUB exploit.
DanKara May 19 @ 8:38pm 
IRRC its not a Comm-Option.
Mahi Ma will start her dialog after a short while (stay docked until then).
Nomes586 May 20 @ 4:23am 
Nomes586 May 20 @ 2:32pm 
Sat and waited about 20 min. Nothing. Flew out and came back with 10000 energy sat for 20 min. nothing.
I hope I don't have to reload a very past save.
musoyama May 20 @ 3:24pm 
Is Gate Realignment available in the HUB menu? If so - connect it to somewhere safe - in my case 100% Queens Harbour.
Nomes586 May 21 @ 4:46am 
Not realignment of the gate I just delivered the 10,000 energy to see if Ma would talk to me after I delivered the Chips and Computer Comp and fix the and fix the capacitors. .
He should talk to me and he hasn't. Missions say talk to Ma when I dock it doesn't happen. Is there a way to get ma to talk?
It's been like 5 years since I played this game.
I don't remember the Hub plot being bugged, though
Umm.. all of them are at 100% health?

I can't really think of anything. Though I don't really remember the sequence of events, either. I remember the hub picking was a bit confusing and that you can't change them for a long while, so have to be sure you like what you pick. (Personally, I like to block off Xenon sectors with the hub, so they don't convoy thru sectors I have stuff in or transverse thru the hub, itself. No real path benefit don't that... just isolation of their sector... though they do have a hidden gate inside their sector, more often than not.)

I'm pretty sure you can jump plot scripts in this game, but it flags your file as modified, since it's basically a cheat.

Your game isn't modded is it?

Did you try comm'ing the station while not docked at it?

Did your ship fully dock? I remember there being one dock that was kinda broken on the hub. A Docking computer would bypass any such docking problems, though.

Hmm... did your boron or trade rank go down? I don't think it's tied to the hub plot, once it starts though... just guessing.

(it's a long shot, but...) Umm... she's not docked at the station with a space suit is she? Look real close at the docking ports and see if their is a space suit docked on one of them. If there happens to be, then you'll have to flood the docking ports with ships and hope she moves and then scoop her up. (I don't think this is the problem though... space suit problems shouldn't be a thing once she transfers off your ship)
Last edited by Hydra_360ci; May 21 @ 12:10pm
Nomes586 May 21 @ 2:43pm 
OK I undocked, commed the station talked to Ma and now I'm off and running.
Thanks for the help.
Last edited by Nomes586; May 21 @ 2:44pm
I never did finish that plot. Think the most I ever gotten on it was 4 gates. Really have to make a microchip complex to even have a chance of finishing that plot. And that tubing turns ugly, fast....
Last edited by Hydra_360ci; May 22 @ 7:44am
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