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Sabaithal Jun 3, 2019 @ 5:31am
New endgame crisis ideas?
Not that I'm unsatisfied with what we've got, I'm just curious as to what could be a good potential crisis to be added.

I'm thinking of something like a galactic plague first off. Since it would have to be bad enough to be considered a crisis, this plague would have to basically turn infected pops feral and attack the planet they occupy, possibly with mutated enhancements, and potentially infect other armies they attack even if they lose. This would not only make the player have to close borders with other empires but also potentially have to quarantine their own worlds to keep the plague from spreading. Difficult decision events might pop up in response, with picking the wrong one resulting in a leader/fleet/planet getting infected. Worst case scenario, you would have to use a colossus and "shield" one of your own planets to keep the plague from spreading, or just blow it up outright.

Second idea, something like a "leviathan invasion". Possibly linked to one of the more useless leviathans (like the cylindrical probe thing). Said leviathan sends a signal, triggering a certain preparation period before a force of powerful leviathan warships enter the galaxy and start attacking. They would be probably single ships, or groups of three. Small fleets if at all, but still powerful. Depending on how bad they are, you could consider them the 'hunters' the prethoryn warn you about.

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Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
Jewbacca Jun 3, 2019 @ 5:58am 
I had a pretty long idea back then.

1. Event.
Temple of the END(normal empire)

It appears that a new religion appeared spreading the word, that the END is coming. The primary concern, that it seemingly appeared on every empires' every planet at the exact same time. They are harmless, but something seriously wrong here.

Impossible signal (ME)

We are getting a strange signal, that has an impossible origin. It seemingly affect the organics' mind. Whatever this signal is it affect every single planet in the entire galaxy with the same strength. Like if every planet has a transmitter. We know for sure, that this is not possible, and further investigation required.

The END is coming (Hive Mind)

The Void is calling. The END is near. And we must stop it for the sake of our survival. We must investigate this signal.

Regardless of answer you get 10 000 unity, and a special project that has a base 10 000 research cost in all 3 types. Also a hidden 72 year timer start. If the timer runs out GAME OVER. The special project is shared between all empires with research agreement, or federation. If any empire finishes it all empire goes into the 2. event.

2. Event.
The Impending DOOM

Our research revealed, that some kind of ancient mechanism awakened in the galactic center. It's purpose is somehow destroying the entire galaxy. However we need a way to reach it, because no hyperlane leads there.

If jump drive, or psi jump drive not researched yet, then it goes into the researchable list.

3. Event.
Breaking the barrier.

We found the source of the signal. A giant ring world around a black hole equipped a shield we can't penetrate, or understand.

New special project with 100 000 research cost in all 3 types. This research is shared with all empires, and all empire, that does it contributes into it. AI automatically put everything on it.

4. Event.
A "Solution"

We can't penetrate the barrier, but we can bypass it with our transports. We must send down ground troops, and end this!

The ring world considered as a single entity with an INFINITELY large troop limit. It is immune to bombardment, but ground troops can destroy the 4 guardian, and Ragnarok. Ragnarok will only enter the battle if the 4 Guardian disengaged. The guardians cannot die, but they will disengage on 1 health. While Ragnarok is in battle the timer is paused.

Each guardian has the damage, and health equal to 250 regular assault army, and Ragnarok himself has damage, and health equal to 1000 regular assault army. All of them are immune to moral damage, and heal themselves 1000 health each day while there is no fighting on planet.

The Ring World is hostile to all empires, and everyone is considered allies to each other while fighting on it. AI designed to bring, and spam armies to it until they get enough military force to beat it combined. If player has armies in the system, then AI will calculates that too, and send message to all players when it starts to attack.

Goal: KILL Ragnarok.

5. Event.

The entity, that planned to destroy the Galaxy is gone. The moment it died the ring world, and all of our soldiers on it vanished. The Galactic center turns into a regular black hole system with a research station that gives 250 all research. It has no hyperlanes, but can be reached by jumpdrives, or gateway (if someone builds one)
Last edited by Jewbacca; Jun 3, 2019 @ 6:02am
EleventhStar Jun 3, 2019 @ 6:18am 
something that deletes or reconfigures hyperlanes would be cool.
or something that causes negative auras such as shield nullification across the galaxy.

anything thats not just a differently flavored "regular" fight.
_ALuX_ Jun 3, 2019 @ 7:25am 
Someone once had the idea of the Vultaum returning.
eeveexgurl Jun 3, 2019 @ 11:09am 
Originally posted by Nightskies:
An race of super-creatures (not leviathans) emerge from the galactic core. It was believed nothing could live there, some say they were an extremely advanced species that fled to the core to escape some ancient galactic threat. They emerge with one purpose: to preemptively eliminate the rest of the occupants of the galaxy too keep it from becoming too rich a target for the ancient threat from beyond....

after reading this all i could think of was the reapers from mass effect
Nightskies Jun 3, 2019 @ 12:16pm 
I am a failure of a gamer to have not known that. I take my idea and throw it in the recycle bin
Silver Jun 3, 2019 @ 12:25pm 
1. The Hunters. One of the current Endgame Crisis', being the Prethoryn Hive, reference being chased and hunted by unknown entities/empire known as The Hunters.

2. God-like Empire, one that can manipulate space and time (to an extent) where they are able turn an entire system into a black hole system, or possibly accelerate a star's age within a short time to decimate habitable planets.

3. Planet Destroyers... For fun! An empire that travels galaxies destroying planets and enslaving species just because they can. They have a super weapon that sits in the main system they enter in and it fires at planets at certain intervals, depending on difficulty.

I have some more ideas as well, but here's the first three in mind.
Last edited by Silver; Jun 3, 2019 @ 12:27pm
Greifenstolz Jun 3, 2019 @ 12:27pm 
Originally posted by Nightskies:
I am a failure of a gamer to have not known that. I take my idea and throw it in the recycle bin

Why? We have Tyranids and the Warp, might have Reapers as well :-)

Last edited by Greifenstolz; Jun 3, 2019 @ 12:27pm
Lokiel Jun 3, 2019 @ 1:01pm 
I would suggest an event about members of every non-robotic specie beginning to mutate spontaneously into monsters. The idea would be that it's a super-virus spreading through the galaxy. Each year, each planet would have a probability of turning a random number of its pop into an invading army. The probability would rise if the planet is in the trade network and/or if it already had an infection before and/or if it had a pop displaced from a world that is or was previously infected. Each year, the base probability would also rise slightly. Empire that are synthetic but not yet robotic would have a lesser probability of being infected but still could. A planet who has been conquered by the monsters would spawn a rather powerful fleet (since it would be isolated from other fleet of the same empire, it would need to be more powerful than your average crisis fleet) and could keep spawning more. Their invading army would raise the chance of the planet they attack to have infection, even if they are defeated. If you manage to conquer a planet that is totally overun by monsters, you would have a WAY higher chance of infection for pops on it and for worlds that are on the same trade route or who receive pops from that planet.

Resolution would come from a society research into a vaccine which would lower the chance of infection in your empire steadily each year, until it ultimately reaches zero (with a random event which could raise it again because of movements against vaccination). Other empires (especially members of your federation and vassals) would also begin to see a lowering rate of infection but at a slower rate than you. You would then only have to fight it out with the surviving fleets.

edit: before you research the vaccine, you should probably be at a higher risk of infection if your vassal or confederation is also infected.
Last edited by Lokiel; Jun 3, 2019 @ 1:46pm
Sabaithal Jun 3, 2019 @ 1:01pm 
Originally posted by eeveexgurl:
Originally posted by Nightskies:
An race of super-creatures (not leviathans) emerge from the galactic core. It was believed nothing could live there, some say they were an extremely advanced species that fled to the core to escape some ancient galactic threat. They emerge with one purpose: to preemptively eliminate the rest of the occupants of the galaxy too keep it from becoming too rich a target for the ancient threat from beyond....

after reading this all i could think of was the reapers from mass effect
Does kinda remind me of it too, though that wasn't the reapers MO.

In fact, I'm pretty sure the contingency bears strong resemblance to reapers. They are both machine races (well one is a hybrid) awakened to preserve/destroy organics that are on the verge of destroying themselves via technological singularity.
Nightskies Jun 3, 2019 @ 4:03pm 
The Enraged - totally not The Reckoning

prerequisites for activation: any psychic empire has been eliminated, more likely if they were fanatic spiritualists

prelude: A dozen years of repeated unsolved criminal cases and confusing reports had been gradually causing increasing disturbance, and finally has become accepted at large that something is actively, maliciously, interfering. The incident becomes officially recognized when a handful of ships, randomly selected from every empire, are suddenly abandoned by hysterical crew, each individual with disturbing claims including bizarre injuries. Subsequent investigation finds the ships seemingly undisturbed, aside from the crew's abandonment. Incidents continue without any real progress in identifying the cause. Almost all individual ships, especially construction and science vessels, vanish, and trade takes a large hit as soon, only convoys reach their destination.

Yet the real eye-opener is when the leader of the lead empire is found dead in a moment where (s)he was simply not monitored. For the first time, the cause makes an effort to communicate- before the body is taken care of, the leader lifts itself, announcing in a rasp, guttural voice: "This is our galaxy. You cannot deny us, the (defeated empire), our providence. For your transgressions against the flesh, for denying us the fruit of the worlds, we condemn all to destruction. As you die, our will to manifest strengthens!"

start of crisis: Ships with psychic equipment have severe penalties like the sentient computers with the Contingency. A random system with one colonized world/habitat is targeted by Enraged. A moderate fleet (by crisis measure) spawns which immediately starts attacking nearby targets, similar to the Prethoryn. This happens 12 times, each two months apart, before the defeated empire's home system converts. The pops, excluding those belonging to the original empire, are immediately killed, and a few large psychic fleets and station spawn. The world is converted to a more terrifying death-world, swirling with malevolent storms.

fleets: These resemble the destroyed psychic empire's aesthetic design, but now with a full set of purely psychic components beyond the capabilities of the fallen. Their unique weapons bypass armor, do good damage against shields, and only have a modest bonus against hull, making crystal reinforcement the most effective tank against them. They have decent shields and some armor, but have a lot of hull, making most advanced weapons effective against them. No troops spawn, instead, if a target is bombed to a mere 35%, the target is immediately
converted to a death-world left under the control of the host empire, but suffers from -200% habitability and causes massive negative growth. Any world abandoned then falls under the control of the Enraged and starts producing reinforcements similar to the Prethoryn.

special: Species of the original empire have 60% habitability on death-worlds and are immune to the negative growth. Once only they remain on the death-world, it is still converted to Enraged. They will grow under Enraged control as enforcers and will not rebel, but if invaded will create a Living Enraged rebel empire that will exclusively attack Enraged with their own psychic ships. (Not sure this can be done, but I think it can with a racial trait or perhaps just with the death-world properties.)

defeating death-worlds: Death-worlds are immune to Apocalypse weapons, as they bypass shields, can't be converted, and don't care if the planet is ripped apart. Once the homeworld system is re-captured, a large special project can be completed so long as the homeworld system is held. None of the fleets are dedicated to holding the homeworld, but it will be valued as one, so they're likely to defend it. A science ship can then convert a death-world into a terraform-able barren world as an anomaly.

end event: Once all death-worlds under Enraged control are removed, a system appears with a single massive death world. A psychic leviathan lingers, tethered to the world, wailing with a terrible voice of rage. Essentially a stationary version of The Reckoning, it will periodically cause an Enraged fleet to spawn somewhere in the galaxy if left alone.
_ALuX_ Jun 3, 2019 @ 4:13pm 
Originally posted by Nightskies:
The Enraged - totally not The Reckoning

prerequisites for activation: any psychic empire has been eliminated, more likely if they were fanatic spiritualists

prelude: A dozen years of repeated unsolved criminal cases and confusing reports had been gradually causing increasing disturbance, and finally has become accepted at large that something is actively, maliciously, interfering. The incident becomes officially recognized when a handful of ships, randomly selected from every empire, are suddenly abandoned by hysterical crew, each individual with disturbing claims including bizarre injuries. Subsequent investigation finds the ships seemingly undisturbed, aside from the crew's abandonment. Incidents continue without any real progress in identifying the cause. Almost all individual ships, especially construction and science vessels, vanish, and trade takes a large hit as soon, only convoys reach their destination.

Yet the real eye-opener is when the leader of the lead empire is found dead in a moment where (s)he was simply not monitored. For the first time, the cause makes an effort to communicate- before the body is taken care of, the leader lifts itself, announcing in a rasp, guttural voice: "This is our galaxy. You cannot deny us, the (defeated empire), our providence. For your transgressions against the flesh, for denying us the fruit of the worlds, we condemn all to destruction. As you die, our will to manifest strengthens!"

start of crisis: Ships with psychic equipment have severe penalties like the sentient computers with the Contingency. A random system with one colonized world/habitat is targeted by Enraged. A moderate fleet (by crisis measure) spawns which immediately starts attacking nearby targets, similar to the Prethoryn. This happens 12 times, each two months apart, before the defeated empire's home system converts. The pops, excluding those belonging to the original empire, are immediately killed, and a few large psychic fleets and station spawn. The world is converted to a more terrifying death-world, swirling with malevolent storms.

fleets: These resemble the destroyed psychic empire's aesthetic design, but now with a full set of purely psychic components beyond the capabilities of the fallen. Their unique weapons bypass armor, do good damage against shields, and only have a modest bonus against hull, making crystal reinforcement the most effective tank against them. They have decent shields and some armor, but have a lot of hull, making most advanced weapons effective against them. No troops spawn, instead, if a target is bombed to a mere 35%, the target is immediately
converted to a death-world left under the control of the host empire, but suffers from -200% habitability and causes massive negative growth. Any world abandoned then falls under the control of the Enraged and starts producing reinforcements similar to the Prethoryn.

special: Species of the original empire have 60% habitability on death-worlds and are immune to the negative growth. Once only they remain on the death-world, it is still converted to Enraged. They will grow under Enraged control as enforcers and will not rebel, but if invaded will create a Living Enraged rebel empire that will exclusively attack Enraged with their own psychic ships. (Not sure this can be done, but I think it can with a racial trait or perhaps just with the death-world properties.)

defeating death-worlds: Death-worlds are immune to Apocalypse weapons, as they bypass shields, can't be converted, and don't care if the planet is ripped apart. Once the homeworld system is re-captured, a large special project can be completed so long as the homeworld system is held. None of the fleets are dedicated to holding the homeworld, but it will be valued as one, so they're likely to defend it. A science ship can then convert a death-world into a terraform-able barren world as an anomaly.

end event: Once all death-worlds under Enraged control are removed, a system appears with a single massive death world. A psychic leviathan lingers, tethered to the world, wailing with a terrible voice of rage. Essentially a stationary version of The Reckoning, it will periodically cause an Enraged fleet to spawn somewhere in the galaxy if left alone.
Why aren't we funding this?
Spirit Jun 3, 2019 @ 4:25pm 
my end game crisis is pretty simple :
Nightskies Jun 3, 2019 @ 4:33pm 
I suppose I could make a mod that does the Enraged. While coming up with it, I was thinking about how it could be done in design. I'd need someone willing to do the graphical elements though.
Last edited by Nightskies; Jun 3, 2019 @ 4:35pm
Yawn Jun 3, 2019 @ 4:37pm 
How about a random empire chosen from your entire list made super OP and warped in with colony ships and a massive armada could be colonizers from another universe?
Nolo Contendere Jun 3, 2019 @ 4:55pm 
*sees title*
Stellaris is kinda a love letter to Sci fi in general, I think we have most Sci fi tropes covered with the current 3.

*reads thread*
....and this is why I'm not a writer folks!
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Date Posted: Jun 3, 2019 @ 5:31am
Posts: 22