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Team Jolly Roger  [developer] Apr 29, 2014 @ 2:27am
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition / 02.08.2017
Interplanetary Version 1.1.6430 / 05.07.2017
  • Rearranged Technologies for visual clarity
  • Cloning Initiative project adjusted
  • Small under-the-hood improvement regarding Action Phase simulation
Interplanetary Version 1.1.6426 / 14.06.2017
  • Navigation Enhancements
    • Added the ability to pan the camera by holding Middle Mouse Button
  • New Planet and Visuals
    • New Player Planet: Breach
    • Enabled Starfield Background Randomization
  • 2nd Stage Targeting Polish and Fixes
    • Defense ranges automatically visible when targeting inside their area-of-effect
    • Made planet-clicking easier on Missile targeting by increasing the click area and adding a highlight
    • Canceling 2nd Stage Targeting now takes you right back to Targeting View
    • Fixed an bug that caused the Intel View of the wrong player to be shown when canceling 2nd Stage Targeting
  • Defense Polish and Fixes
    • Defense range visuals can be toggled on and off (B)
    • Fixed bugs that sometimes caused defenses to not activate when they should have
  • Build Menu Polish and Fixes
    • Improved Build Menu highlights
    • Allowed tooltips on greyed out buttons
  • Miscellaneous
    • End Turn button cosmetic adjustments
    • Removed Analytics
  • Balance Adjustments
    • Technologies rearranged
    • Technology Science costs adjusted
    • Railgun base damage reduced
    • Railgun upgrades adjusted
    • Missile base damage reduced
    • Missile projectile velocity adjusted
    • Missile upgrades adjusted
    • Laser base damage reduced
    • Laser upgrades adjusted
    • Super Weapon building HP increased
    • Telescope Array intel yield reduced
    • Data Security Hub counterintel yield reduced
    • Cloning Initiative Project buffed
Interplanetary Version 1.0.6383 / 20.11.2015
  • Fixed the occasional UI breakdown caused by opening and closing Codex
  • Railgun fragment amount reduced from 4 to 3
Interplanetary Version 1.0.6378 / 07.07.2015
  • AI performance optimizations
  • Minor Load Game performance optimizations
  • Fixed typos on Event Log
Interplanetary Version 1.0.6355 / 12.06.2015
  • Networking fixes
    • General network stability improved
    • Fixed issues with game getting stuck on Action Phase when players disconnect during turn processing/simulation
  • Game Setup fixes
    • Fixed Planet Material amount limit, now practically limitless
    • Fixed "Accept"-button to exit the menu instead of it working like an "Apply"-button
  • Event Log camera fixed to cycle through damage areas instead of each damaged building
  • Fixed Intelligence View occasionally showing the wrong player's information when navigating through the Event Log
  • Fixed chat overflow issues
Interplanetary Version 1.0.6324 / 28.05.2015
  • Fixed AI building over Ruins
  • Fixed Data Security Hub Science upgrade stacking Science every turn
  • Fixed AI building invalid Power Grids during load game.
  • Fixed ruins to be always visible
  • Fixed weapon list scrolling off screen
  • Fixed load game defeated planet icons and added Old Earth icon
Interplanetary Version 1.0.6308 / 22.05.2015
  • Camera zoom distance increased
  • Slightly Improved AI calculation speed
  • Disabled saving during action phase (caused major issues when loading saved games)
  • Fixed Science achievement triggering on all players
  • Fixed save game file names ignoring case sensitivity
  • Restored missing intelligence icons
Interplanetary Version 1.0.6295 / 16.05.2015
  • Network stability increased
Interplanetary Version 1.0 / 11.05.2015
  • New Features Added
    • Online Matchmaking
    • Match Customization Options
    • City Projects
    • AI Difficulty Levels
    • Save Games
    • Damage Area Visualizations
    • City/Science Growth Mechanics
    • Achievements
  • Event Log completely overhauled
  • New Tech Tree added
  • Offshore Mine building added
  • Upgrades rebalanced
  • Intel UI completely overhauled with added mechanics
  • UI improved overall
Interplanetary Version 0.7.5470_EAC_7.2 / 16.01.2015
  • AI can now only build one superweapon of each kind, as intended
  • Missiles and Lasers do not fire anymore if targeting is not properly finished
  • Upgrade related turn processing bug fixed.
  • City health bars now update properly on city icons and population bar
  • Hotseat victory conditions fixed
  • Intelligence View no longer cycles through dead planets
  • Building health bars now change color according to the damage level
  • Added scaling indicators to health bars
  • Codex updated
  • Minor AI fixes
  • Online Lobby UI fixes
Interplanetary Version 0.7.5435_EAC_7.1 / 19.12.2014
  • Shot difficulty now affects AI accuracy, which has also been generally lowered
  • Weapon damage to cities increased
  • Player turn status markers re-implemented
  • Victory screen bug fixes
  • Event log performance issues fixed
  • Action phase simulation accuracy increased (less zigzag movements for shots and the
  • chance of appearing to go through the planets is minimized)
  • Timeout for AI calculations added, fixing AI getting lost in thought
  • Missile bug fixed
  • AI turn message spam fixed
Interplanetary Version 0.7.5394_EAC_7 / 12.12.2014
  • Simple Single Player mode with early AI bots added.
  • Networking overhauled.
    • All previous online connectivity issues should be fixed!
    • Mobile broadband connections (and all other kinds of obscure things) now supported.
    • LAN multiplayer temporarily disabled due to new network structure.
    • Player turn status markers temporarily disabled. Will be back soon.
  • UI overhauled.
    • Menu UI graphics redone.
    • Menus streamlined.
    • Main Menu background modified.
  • Planet selection added.
  • Player avatars added.
  • Fixed the turn-processing freezing Laser bug (again!) Should be gone now.
  • Laser animation changed to a nicer one.
  • Optional game analytics added.
  • Loading screens added.
  • New music added.
  • Minor sound tweaks.
Interplanetary Version 0.6.4981_EAC_6.6
  • Fixed online games crashing at turn processing due to Laser weirdness [Edit: This problem still persists in some cases!]
  • City and Building graphics are now visible only if the player has enough intel
  • Camera now centers on the player planet when entering Targeting View
  • Material production upgrades changed to consume Planet Material
  • Cities now get destroyed when population reaches 0, as opposed to 1/6 of maximum
  • Sun gravity increased
  • Planets shifted farher from the sun.
  • Laser effects made slightly more visible
  • Defense building Visibility increased
  • Railgun Visibility slightly decreased
  • Missile Population damage increased
  • Laser Population damage increased
  • Defense Energy consumption increased
  • Upgradeable Intel amount for Data Security Hub decreased
  • Upgradeable Counterintel amount for Telescope Array decreased
Interplanetary Version 0.6.4390_EAC_6.5
  • Building Upgrade mechanics added
  • Turn-Processing time greatly improved
Interplanetary Version 0.5.4183_EAC_6
  • Codex
  • New Building Window
  • Misleading city lights removed from planet surface
  • Balance changes
    • Railgun damage increased
    • Asteroid Diversion damage increased
    • Weapon targeting angles decreased
    • Projectile minimum targeting velocity decreased
    • Planet speeds increased
    • Non-player planet sizes increased
    • Solar Laser distance from the sun decreased and standardized
    • Missile homing range decreased
    • Kinetic Defense range decreased
    • Shield Defense range slightly decreased
    • Mine visibility decreased
    • Defense visibility decreased
    • Science requirement for some technologies increased
    • Build Energy costs increased for Mines, Defenses and Intel buildings

Interplanetary Version 0.4.4061_EAC_5
  • Lobby Chat
  • New Player Planet: Noxious
  • New Planets and Suns
  • Steam Trading Cards, Badges and Emoticons
  • Defense Building Visibility Decreased
Interplanetary Version 0.3.4027_EAC_4
  • New graphics for cities, buildings and ruins
  • Different craters for different weapon impact points
  • Additional music for build phase and action phase
  • Targetable weapons damage reduced
  • Shield Defense doesn't block missiles anymore
  • Sound effect fixes
  • Networking host migration fixes
Interplanetary Version 0.2.3983_eac3
  • New Planet Texture
    • New player planet added: The Shredded Dune
  • Explosions!
    • Redone explosions for "normal" weapons to be more visible from far away and prettier to look up close.
    • Different color smoke for shots that land in water.
  • Sun Graphical Improvements
  • Various New Particle Effects
  • Keyboard Zoom Added
    • "E" and "Q" can be used to zoom in and out
  • Balance Tweaks
    • Damage increased for Missile, Laser and Solar Laser
    • Damage reduced for Railgun and Asteroid Diversion
    • Firing cost reduced for Missiles and Lasers
    • Activation cost increased for Shield Defense
    • Accuracy and range increased for Kinetic Defense
    • Build cost decreased for Kinetic Defense
    • Build and firing costs increased for Superweapons
    • Science cost increased for Superweapons
    • Population boost increased for "Arcologies" tech.
    • Planet material drain decreased

Interplanetary Version 0.1.3960
  • In-game chat
  • Indicators to show which players have ended their turns
  • Building unlocks in Techtree now have simple descriptions
  • Added a simple reminder when trying to end turn with no active research
  • New player planet texture: Jungle
  • Small changes to UI graphics
  • Changed the version number scheme

Interplanetary Version 0.0.3922
  • Online connections more stable
    • UPnP settings added
    • Port selection option added
  • Passwords added to online games
  • Defeated players' orbits are now greyed out
  • Minor fixes to the tutorial
  • Gamesettings folder is now hidden on Unix based operating systems.
Last edited by Team Jolly Roger; Nov 21, 2017 @ 12:47am