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Dancing Dragon Games  [Entwickler] 31. Mai 2016 um 8:26
Achievements are here!!!
Steam achievements are finally working. You may have to restart steam and make sure you've got the new updated files.

You should get an achievement just for starting a new game. As a thanks for being patient while we figure out how to bypass the crashes!

Enjoy! Best regards,

< >
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I was wondering why i was missing acheivements after i just beat the game like 5 mins ago, realized the update added them. XD
Hi, so I think this question is concerning all older players:

I bought and finished the game shortly after it came out, on hard difficulty. If I dig up my old save file on my slow laptop, will I unlock the achievements I already deserv? Or, in other words: Are the achievements retroactive?
Dancing Dragon Games  [Entwickler] 1. Juni 2016 um 8:26 
I'm getting word that the update is interfering with some Anti Virus software.

Believe me, this game is NOT a virus. :P

If you let me know which anti-virus software you're using, and at what point it flags, we might be able to help.

But if you can bypass your AV software for the time being, you're good. Consult this if you're still having trouble:

Thank you!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Dancing Dragon Games; 1. Juni 2016 um 17:25
Aylad 1. Juni 2016 um 8:43 
Obviously you're not intentionally going to cause trouble :) but I'd rather skip the update than compromise my AV. Norton 360 flags it during download, or at least steam says the download is paused. I hope you can get it sorted out. It's a great game.
This is awesome! I'm definitely gonna finish it again. Just restarted the game and got the first 2 achievements ^^
I noticed you don't have to beat Saehral on Hard mode to get the achievement btw, and that it presents a bronze framework. How come isn't beating the toughest boss of the game a golden achievement??
Zuletzt bearbeitet von M E T A L; 1. Juni 2016 um 16:45
Dancing Dragon Games  [Entwickler] 1. Juni 2016 um 17:23 
You can only fight her on hard :P And I think hard mode Qua Lon is tougher.
hmmm really? well I finished the game on Hard so I didn't know you couldn't fight her on other difficulties as for Qua'Lon he was much easier than Saehral, at least that's what I remember. Up to the point that you didn't need tech resistances and otherwise to defeat him.

But thanks for the clarification.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von M E T A L; 4. Juni 2016 um 13:19
So, is there an answer to my question?
Dancing Dragon Games  [Entwickler] 3. Juni 2016 um 20:18 
Ah, not at the moment. That's significantly more tricky.
That is too bad. I guess I have to replay the game. Thanks anyway.
I succeeded on getting all the achievements except the one you get once you kill Qua'Lon on Hard mode. Gonna try that now again. You were right btw Qua'Lon on Hard mode uses his Ultimate attack named "Last Stand of the Fey Lord" which automatically deals 10.000 damage to all your characters. The only way to stop him is using Humiliator or Equalizer before he launches the attack, which means you need to be EXTREMELY fast and my build was more focused on resistances.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von M E T A L; 4. Juni 2016 um 14:20
After a while I finally managed to defeat Qua'Lon on Hard Mode. I had 26 SPD with Chaska (having 2 Timekeepers equipped) and that way I could Humiliate Qua'Lon before he launched the attack. The Key however is to use Majesty with Alda and Ethers when you're stripped of your MP. Anyway, achievements work, you can get them all and game's really worth it. Loved the "final surprise" btw ^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet von M E T A L; 4. Juni 2016 um 14:24
Dancing Dragon Games  [Entwickler] 4. Juni 2016 um 17:15 
Congrats and thank you!
Anytime :skybornhappy:
Now's Echoes of Aetheria turn!!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von M E T A L; 5. Juni 2016 um 7:04
BTW, I noticed the game isn't tagged for having achievements in the store yet. You might want to fix that since the tag being missing can cause people who are interested in games with achievements to miss it. Adding achievements doesn't add the tag, as far as I know that has to be updated on the store page itself.
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