Westerado: Double Barreled

Westerado: Double Barreled

Statistieken weergeven:
Multilanguage support
Please consider smart alternatives to add multilanguage support with the help of translator communities if extra translations are out of budget or you're missing human resources: for example like the devs of Diluvion did, using Google Docs to share text strings (see http://steamcommunity.com/app/446790/discussions/0/133256959381544586 ) letting communities add their own language.
It works, and will be free of charge for you.

Or simply add external XML, JSON files easily editable to add unofficial languages support from translators communities
Laatst bewerkt door hexaae; 17 okt 2020 om 9:32
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1-15 van 20 reacties weergegeven
very nice
but its again only englisch mono culture!
It's a pity there is no multilanguage support for this title: it's now for sale for 3€
I would have bought it immediately with a better languages support.
Laatst bewerkt door hexaae; 29 nov 2020 om 18:14
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