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Holotech Studios  [ontwikkelaar] 3 sep 2014 om 3:42
How to do complete re-textures of the existing avatars.
Here is the data pack that allows you to edit the base diffuse textures for all bundled avatars (and some of the props too). Now you can beautify (or deface) them at your leisure :).


Please read the pdf here https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8KlsC2kpc7nRHJZNWJHY0lyWDQ&usp=sharing about how to use them (It should be pretty simple: just edit them and place them in a certain folder - written in the pdf - and then, when you start FaceRig, the edited ones will be used instead of the stock ones).

What is also cool is that you don't even have to exit FaceRig to update your progress while you are editing them. Just save the tga from your graphic editing program directly in that custom folder, alt-tab to FaceRig, reload that avatar and the latest brush-strokes will be instantly visible :).

Happy painting :)

PS: Yes you can edit the color masks for extra custom patterns the same way too.
Laatst bewerkt door Holotech Studios; 7 sep 2016 om 7:17
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Holotech Studios  [ontwikkelaar] 3 sep 2014 om 3:42 
Also, please send us screenshots of your creations :).
What if I don't want to use the Windows file system and copy/paste files between two windows to use a custom texture in FaceRig? How can we add more menu items within the application?
Holotech Studios  [ontwikkelaar] 3 sep 2014 om 4:37 
Origineel geplaatst door trivialattire:
What if I don't want to use the Windows file system and copy/paste files between two windows to use a custom texture in FaceRig? How can we add more menu items within the application?

If you do not want to save your edited image file in the Custom Data Folder in a pre-set structure, then it is not yet time for you to start modding FaceRig models as most likely you will find the process too rigid for your taste.

Also: the more variables we put in the program interface that affect the avatars, the more CPU time it costs to render the avatar, and right now we want to bring that CPU time down, so that it renders faster on less powerful computers :)

Laatst bewerkt door Holotech Studios; 3 sep 2014 om 4:42
this really should be part of an authorised update patch included in the app
Laatst bewerkt door Iam8lu3; 3 sep 2014 om 4:42
Holotech Studios  [ontwikkelaar] 3 sep 2014 om 4:41 
Origineel geplaatst door Raven2099:
this really should be part of an authorised update patch included in the app

We din't want to do this during the Beta because of frequent updates, and at each change the data will be re and re-downloaded again and again, and some users are on limited data plans.
and/or have an auto installer for patching.... beta or not
Holotech Studios  [ontwikkelaar] 3 sep 2014 om 4:43 
Origineel geplaatst door Raven2099:
and/or have an auto installer for patching.... beta or not
Steam works as an auto installer for patching.

Edit: I think I got now what you mean, you wanted an installer that copies these particular modding files in their proper folders so the modders don't have to do it by hand....

Or to bump up the FaceRig download from Steam so that they download already placed there. We will likely do this after the beta period ends :)

Laatst bewerkt door Holotech Studios; 3 sep 2014 om 4:54
not for this sub patch steam dosn't

common sensce should always apply
Laatst bewerkt door Iam8lu3; 3 sep 2014 om 4:44
also i cannot access/loginto the facerig.com forum now...

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might want to fix that
Holotech Studios  [ontwikkelaar] 3 sep 2014 om 4:57 
Origineel geplaatst door Raven2099:
also i cannot access/loginto the facerig.com forum now...

The requested page cannot be found.

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might want to fix that

Thank you. We are forwarding this to Team Web (they are the ones developing and maintaining the website and configuring the hosting server, so we can focus on developing the program :)).
I just logged out and in again on the forum right now though and it did work.
When i type in the wrong password though i get the message that you are getting instead of the password recovery options. So that must be it - remember that all passwords got auto reset this spring, for security reasons.
Laatst bewerkt door Holotech Studios; 3 sep 2014 om 6:08
When the arms gonna release for arms sync? Cause I wanna wave my hands to my friends..
Holotech Studios  [ontwikkelaar] 4 sep 2014 om 3:18 
@Shinyfox Bacin: Having hands support is a long term goal and won't be in for some time as it also needs some new tech (mainly cameras with depth sensors and those are just becoming available to the general public). Right now we are focusing on face tracking and for the hands we will add some custom animations that can be triggered by button press (so you will be able to wave your hands as hello by pressing a keyboard button).
@Holotech Studios, Is there a way to have multiple skins on a prop? I see in the prop options it has a drop down menu for skins and it says defualt. I was wondering if there was a way to add more skins without over-writing the defualts. Thanks in advance
can this link be updated to include the Avian textures?
----Not a Holotech Studios dev, so I could be wrong on this----

Unfortunately probably not, since the Avian character isn't "theirs." The avatar belongs to the creators of Starbound, that is also why it is in a separate DLC, Holotech has only gotten the rights to distribute that avatar + skin, so to allow other people's to edit those skins I believe they first need separate permission from the creators of Starbound. At least, I think to remember that was the case for one of the other DLC-avatars from other games.

----/Not a Holotech Studios dev, so I could be wrong on this----
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