Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

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OGBobbyHD Apr 28, 2015 @ 5:10pm
No one joins my jobs
I can invite a lobby of 20 people to an online heist setup and no one joins. Is this a problem for you or just me?
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Mr. Juice Apr 28, 2015 @ 5:11pm 
ye, i know that feel
OGBobbyHD Apr 28, 2015 @ 5:12pm 
Originally posted by Hooman:
ye, i know that feel
It's really annoying I can sit and wait for up to 10 minutes, but as soon as I start the final heist it is a race to see who can get into the lobby first.
Lioyd2k Apr 28, 2015 @ 5:12pm 
same here
OGBobbyHD Apr 28, 2015 @ 5:13pm 
Originally posted by Left Eye:
same here
add me on social club or steam. My social club is bro_stud
Lioyd2k Apr 28, 2015 @ 5:29pm 
I wil ad you later to day to social club I have added you on steam
Assault Logi Apr 29, 2015 @ 10:34pm 
dem feels
rakumairu Apr 29, 2015 @ 10:39pm 
add me on RGSC CallMeDoubleD, ill help u if i can
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
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Date Posted: Apr 28, 2015 @ 5:10pm
Posts: 7