Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

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Quartzo 25 ABR 2015 a las 7:41
GPU use around 30% in GTA V, how do I fix?
I monitored use with msi afterburner, CPU usage was 50 ~ 60%, and the use of GPU 32%.
After I followed a few steps I saw in the forum using this program:
and then using the CPU went to 80 ~ 100% and microstutterings stopped, but the fps is only 30 having falls to 15. The GPU usage is only 25%, there is no difference in frame rate, GPU usage , CPU usage at lower or higher settings.

.CPU - Pentium g2020. not causing this bottle neck, there are videos with this processor running the game very well
.Gpu - r7 260X 2GB think the problem is here, do not know how the hell the game just is not using it.
.4gb ram - all right here
.HD160 - :( small but not important
.Power supply - Satellite Sl-8600eps 600w reliable

please help me, waited so like everyone else, and now I can not play; (

sorry my English, I used the google translator
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Mostrando 1-13 de 13 comentarios
Player10 25 ABR 2015 a las 7:43 
And CPU usage is 100%? Thats after patch 21 april, wait a fix.
Quartzo 25 ABR 2015 a las 7:47 
CPU was 50 - 60%. After I used this program:
increased to 100% and the performance has improved, but the GPU is still around 30% and does not rise at any time. And yet this unplayable
mc_mufffin 25 ABR 2015 a las 7:56 
Ok so forgive me if i get any off this wrong but...

You un-parked cores on a Pentium g2020. Firstly thats a Dual core, theres supposed to be no benefit from un-parking cores on a Dual core, none should be parked on a Dual core by Windows OS default. say CPU usage improved drastically which is awesome so hey, unparking seems to have made an improvement.

Secondly, on the note of improved CPU usage, i see you say CPU usage is 80%-100% yet GPU usage is low and FPS are low.

Now, call me an Ass hat if you need but that really does sound like a CPU bottleneck to me. Dont just take my word though, get extra input. What i would do if i was you is pop over to a place were you will get some sound advise and no trolling. Ask the guys there about this situation.

Explain that you have 80%-100% CPU usage and low GPU usage. Post here and they will likely give sound advice, its a great forum, been a member for about 6 years now:
Última edición por mc_mufffin; 25 ABR 2015 a las 7:57
Quartzo 25 ABR 2015 a las 8:10 
thank you, but check this out:

is the same processor and the performance difference is absurd, so I believe that is not bottleneck. The CPU usage is not at 100% all the time, it reaches 100% at times but the GPU usage does not change at any time, it seems that the game ta ignoring my GPU.

I'm using the beta driver amd.
Oooska 25 ABR 2015 a las 8:20 
With only 4GBs of RAM, you will definitely be making use of virtual memory. If you have a slower mechanical hard drive trying to both stream data and cache ram simultaneously, I can easily see that being a massive bottleneck for the system, which would potentially starve both CPU and GPU...
Última edición por Oooska; 25 ABR 2015 a las 8:22
Quartzo 25 ABR 2015 a las 8:27 
I'm not using all 4GB of ram, and temperatures are good around 60 ° C
mc_mufffin 25 ABR 2015 a las 8:32 
Ok bud, would be worth spending few minutes of your time visiting that link i posted, you will get good advice there.

Good luck getting the problem sorted.
Murilo 27 JUL 2015 a las 20:31 
Re-ativating this topic, i have the same problem now, CPU using 99%, but GPU is using 30%, max is 60%
Gee Ellis 27 JUL 2015 a las 21:20 
Publicado originalmente por Quartzo:
I'm not using all 4GB of ram, and temperatures are good around 60 ° C

the reason you are not using more than 4GB system RAM is because the operating system is paging to and from your hard drive, virtual ram in essence.

The OS reserves some portion of RAM usually 15-20 % for I/O and background services also, you are clearly bottlnecked by a lack of RAM (and that is just to start with).

But yes this game is poorly optimised.
mc_mufffin 28 JUL 2015 a las 15:28 
Publicado originalmente por Mustafá:
Re-ativating this topic, i have the same problem now, CPU using 99%, but GPU is using 30%, max is 60%
CPU 99% and GPU 30%?
So your CPU is being used fully and not able to push your GPU as its busy. Sounds conclusive to me, i will leave the rest to you.
Última edición por mc_mufffin; 28 JUL 2015 a las 15:29
Salt 2 OCT 2015 a las 4:54 
I dont know if you have solved this problem yet but same thing happened to me with my 4670k running two msi 770 4 gb cpu usage was 90-100% but gpu was 75% and 50% had around 45-70 fps. So what I did was ripping out my gpu and replacing it with a 4790k since I did that both of my gpus has Ben running 95%-100% and given me the desired framerate. Ps u might wanna upgrade to at least 8 gigs of ram

Hidekisys 2 OCT 2015 a las 4:56 
Increase your graphic settings? And no, 4GB of RAM is not alright.
Última edición por Hidekisys; 2 OCT 2015 a las 5:18
Salt 2 OCT 2015 a las 9:50 
It wont help him increase settings since the cpu is occupied with too much information already it's just gonna make it worse. Upgrade cpu and ram ur gonna want a quad core for gta with at least 3.5 ghz
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Publicado el: 25 ABR 2015 a las 7:41
Mensajes: 13