Grand Theft Auto V
First time installing and everything went well. I fired up GTA V and was able to create a Social Cub account. The game continues with the startup animation to teh point where the girl is stand ing there with a cell phone and giving the peace sign. It never gets past this.

During this I hear the windows error sound and if I alt tab I can see the pop up.
The error is ERR_SYS_THREAD

It will say something along the lines of a error was found, please reboot your system and try again, that does not help.

Setting apps to Admin and a whole host of other attemped fixs have not been able to get me ingame :(

I have not been able to get into the game yet :(

I have tried a ton of thing but nothing is getting me past this, Rockstar support is of no help really.

My systems is my workstation but games just fine, no other game that I play has any issues with Steam.

Windows 8.1 Pro
Supermicro X10DAX
2x E5-2698 v3
128 GB DDR4
2x Titan Blacks SLI
OS drive is Intel P3700 400GB PCIe SSD
Display is ASUS PB287Q - Yes I want to play in 4K

So the main question is I see there has been a few patches, but I have not been able to get that far for the game to patch up, at least I don't think it has done this automatically through Steam.

Is there a place where I can manually download the latest patches and apply them ?

Thanks for any help.
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I have the same error - I think it's probably down to the game not supporting dual processors. I managed to get it working once by setting the processor affinity in the task manager, but haven't been able to get it going again...

Also no help from Rockstar support -_-
Succes !

Well I have some good news.
My system has 2x E5-2698 v3 processors, 32 cores / 64 threads.

No matter what I did I would receive that ERR_SYS_THREAD.
Even if I disabled 1 CPU.

Here is my fixed that worked for me.

I fire up the game with the Steam Launcher.
It will error out with ERR_SYS_THREAD

I then bring up the task manager and select GTA V Launcher.
Right click and drop down to Affinity.
I deselect all cores.
Now I enable CPU 0 (Node0) through CPU 0 (Node 8)
I cannot use any more than that as I will get that error.

The I hit retry on the GTA V Launcher and the game will work.

It seems GTA V is not NUMA aware and limited by the number of threads it can use.
Users with different CPUs might have to set Affinity slightly different than what I did,
I somehow do not think they will ever do a patch for this because I am such a rare user, but who knows.
Only just seen this - thanks for the info, I'll give it a try!

I think the first time I got it working I went for 8 threads - and then later on went for more, so that's probably why It didn't work on later occasions.

Agree that it's probably a fairly rare occurrence, but it also seems likely that someone rendering or whatever in their dev team is likely to have a multiprocessor system?

Regardless, would have been nice to get more than an automated email from support.

Hope it works for you :)

I have made a full report to GTA V support, and they have responded to me, not on this last email yet, they are pretty slow.

Another friend suggested I might try another work around instead of doing the start GTA V, let it error out and thenj go into the task manager to set affinity.

Here is his post from over on
I haven't tried this yet so I don't know.

I think there may be a work around for this.

Either right click on the game shortcut and select open file location or find the exe manually, probably named gtav.exe or gta5.exe (I don't know yet).
Then browse to that dir using the cmd prompt, easier when you have a cmd from here on your right click menu but most people won't.

Anyways the idea is to try out the start command.
start /affinity blahblahblah gta5.exe

I think /node is the one you'll need...

If you manage to find a node value that works, you can change the shortcut to do that.
In the shortcut properties you may have to set the initial window placement thing as hidden if a dos window comes up before launching the app.
Not sure on that one.
Thanks for this, guys. I'm experiencing the exact same problem and have been looking for a solution for days (with the help of Rockstar support). My workstation has two Xeon E5-2680 processors, so I'm glad I've finally found a possible cause for the crashes.

The weird thing is that the game used to work perfectly fine from the day I installed it (April 25) until April 30, when the 350.1 update came in. Since then, it crashes every time with the ERR_SYS_THREAD error.

I'll try your workaround using affinity tonight.

Edit: it's working! I simply enabled all the cores of one processor (0-15) and disabled all the others, and now the game is working again. Thank you all.
Отредактировано Robrecht; 5 мая. 2015 г. в 9:50
I disabled hyper threading and it worked for me. Before the update, it would only use every other core anyway. I have Dual E5-2650s 8c/16t. So either, getting it at 16 total threads, or disabling hyper threading did it.
Yeah the new C612 systems might behave differently, mine that did not help :(
Glad to hear you got it working :)
Hey folks, just wanted to add that I explained about the affinity workaround and mentioned this thread in my Rockstar support conversation, and got this reply:

"We are happy to hear your issue has been resolved. Rockstar us currently working on finding a permanent fix for this issue."
I have ASUS Z10PE-D8 WS and 2 Xeon E5 2697 v3, 128GB DDR4 ECC, I was getting the ERR_SYS_THREAD error and haven't been able to play in a while. Interestingly I had an EVGA Classified SR-2 with two Xeon X5680's (hex core) and was able to play the game without issue. I had an issue that board fried so I upgraded to my current hardware and it wouldn't run. I thought since it ran fin on dual hex-cores it would be fine on dual 14 core. Interestingly enough this morning I received an answer to my ticket telling me to disable hyper-threading which is wholly unacceptable. Why would I cripple my computer for this game, but then I found this thread. Setting the affinity worked perfectly. Thanks so much!!
I just wanted to say that by setting the affinity, I am able to play again. This is also after upgrading to a Z10PE-D8 WS.
Good to hear that is working for you guys :)
I have 2x E5-2680 (Sandy Bridge). Changing the affinity worked for me. Thanks Buckeye!

I'm also glad to see other gamers with dual processors. :squirtyay:
Those are nice chips :)
DP systems are just about all I run these days, so I am happy I could get it working.
Good luck and have fun ! :)
I've discovered a more automated workaround to build on Buckeye's.

I got tired of waiting for the game to crash then changing processor affinity every time I launched the game.

Steam games operate on the same affinity as the Steam client, so I created a one-line command script to launch Steam with affinity confined to a single NUMA Node. The command is as follows:

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start /affinity FFFF steam.exe

I created a cmd file with this command and placed it in the Steam installation directory. Every time I launch Steam, I use this command script.

Note: Your affinity mask may be different depending on your system's core count. I use "FFFF" because that is the hex equivalent of the binary "1111111111111111", which is a bit vector that describes the cores to use. I have 16 logical cores per NUMA Node, so I set the Steam client to run on the first 16 cores by entering the hex equivalent of 16 consecutive 1's. If that is confusing, please let me know. You can post your core count, and I can help you with the affinity mask.
Отредактировано Astartes; 6 мая. 2016 г. в 19:45
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Дата создания: 17 апр. 2015 г. в 7:52
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