Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

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GTA V 3D support only for Nvidia 3D vision ?
Hi Guys..

Just noticed that GTA V supports 3D and was so exited to play GTA V in 3D with my 280x and Philips 27 3D monitor but now after a bit of googling i came to know it supports 3D vision and no news about AMD..

This really sucks. why there is no support for AMD HD3D ? Any news ?? Any idea if it will ?

If not i am going to be on sad customer... I enjoy 3D espacally in firstperson mode.

This is what the page says """ GTAV for PC pushes Los Santos and Blaine County to even greater levels of detail, running at 1080p and 60fps with up to 4K resolution and support for up to triple monitor configurations, as well as NVidia 3D Vision for up to triple monitor setups""""
En son VortexSkd tarafından düzenlendi; 12 Nis 2015 @ 1:07
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25 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
I heard AMD HD3D died...
if Nvidia 3D Cap is still in Use why not AMD ? I enjoyed Tomb Raider and was out of this world.
İlk olarak SKD tarafından gönderildi:
if Nvidia 3D Cap is still in Use why not AMD ? I enjoyed Tomb Raider and was out of this world.

Not many people bought into it; developers didn't like it, etc.

It's like how Nvidia's PhysX is getting more and more use; it just works, and the developers like it more.
It's because AMD cant handle DX11 on most games well!
AMD's implementation of 3D was quite horrible to be honest and alot of developers did not like it and want to develop for it because it was a mess to deal with.(The 3D was fine, but everything else was just bad) Now AMD 3D has kind of died and barely supported other than in AMD sponsored titled (still lots don't have it).
İlk olarak Jedi Masta Moses tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak SKD tarafından gönderildi:
if Nvidia 3D Cap is still in Use why not AMD ? I enjoyed Tomb Raider and was out of this world.

Not many people bought into it; developers didn't like it, etc.

It's like how Nvidia's PhysX is getting more and more use; it just works, and the developers like it more.

What are you saying my friend. Any Passive 3D TV or monitor will support HD3D. all we need is passive 3D glass to get full effect. my monitor supports passive 3D and i have 4 classes for my family as i also have a LG 3D 42.

active glass have flicker which is why i went to passive as i didn’t want to spend extra to get 120hz DLP. So technically speaking, AMD 3D is cheaper to run
İlk olarak SKD tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak Jedi Masta Moses tarafından gönderildi:

Not many people bought into it; developers didn't like it, etc.

It's like how Nvidia's PhysX is getting more and more use; it just works, and the developers like it more.

What are you saying my friend. Any Passive 3D TV or monitor will support HD3D. all we need is passive 3D glass to get full effect. my monitor supports passive 3D and i have 4 classes for my family as i also have a LG 3D 42.

active glass have flicker which is why i went to passive as i didn’t want to spend extra to get 120hz DLP. So technically speaking, AMD 3D is cheaper to run

Lets put it this way.
You're a game developer; there's two methods of making a game 3d.
You only have enough time/money to include one.
One is easier to code into a game than the other, and is more popular.

Why would you choose the harder one, that no-one bought into?
İlk olarak ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ AMENO ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ tarafından gönderildi:
AMD's implementation of 3D was quite horrible to be honest and alot of developers did not like it and want to develop for it because it was a mess to deal with.(The 3D was fine, but everything else was just bad) Now AMD 3D has kind of died and barely supported other than in AMD sponsored titled (still lots don't have it).

Dx11 natively supports 3D, why can these so called developer idiots use that ? it will work on both. As usual Nv did some Ment to be played crap and hope it will run ok on AMD hardware.
En son VortexSkd tarafından düzenlendi; 12 Nis 2015 @ 1:28
İlk olarak Jedi Masta Moses tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak SKD tarafından gönderildi:

What are you saying my friend. Any Passive 3D TV or monitor will support HD3D. all we need is passive 3D glass to get full effect. my monitor supports passive 3D and i have 4 classes for my family as i also have a LG 3D 42.

active glass have flicker which is why i went to passive as i didn’t want to spend extra to get 120hz DLP. So technically speaking, AMD 3D is cheaper to run

Lets put it this way.
You're a game developer; there's two methods of making a game 3d.
You only have enough time/money to include one.
One is easier to code into a game than the other, and is more popular.

Why would you choose the harder one, that no-one bought into?

3D Vision driver support for Passive interlaced. if not Dx11 supports and easy to implement.

3D vision is used just bauause Nvidia pushed for it. noting else is why i am worried. I wish AMD show such aggression when it comes to game support. this is one main reason people go for Nvidia. I started from NV FX 5200 till 7series then moved to AMD. but i see why people jump to Nvidia now and cant blame.
Getting a better card is of no use if we cannot fully enjoy it. My next card would mostly be Nv just because of this one reason. but ya i cant expect good life out of the NV card. a small price we give for better game support and i am ready to take it.
En son VortexSkd tarafından düzenlendi; 12 Nis 2015 @ 1:34
İlk olarak pkkonerko14 tarafından gönderildi:
will gtav pc have side by side 3d in the options?

3D vision wont support SBS. if GTA V supports SBS i will be happy as it will work on AMD as well. but 3D vision NV will be same as Max Payne 3 which sucks. Tirdif DDD wont support x64 and GTA V is x64 only.. Really worried. Any one who cracked the game should know. i have sent an eamil to rockstar and steam support asking for the same and awaiting reply.
As a Nvidia 3D Surround owner, 3D is more of a gimmick. NVIDIA does it better just because they have a larger market share so thus greater implimintation. It sucks to say, but if you want to really experience 3D, your going to pay through the nose for it. Asus 980 Matrix SLI here on 3 VG48qe, still surround 3D isn't the greatest optimized, as most have realized, its more gimmicky due to eye strain issues that still remain.
lzsb dont thinks me ,i am leifeng
I tried both 3D vision and HD3D and finally I realized which monitor we buy matters and I bought Philips 27 for my 280x and 3D SBS and TB both rocks. Tomb rider and also movies simply rock. but if my hook my PC to my 42 LG 3D cinema. 3D effect is not that gr8.

So i can clearly say its all about monitor you buy if you get ghosting.

In another 7.5 hrs we will know if GTA V has 3D support for AMD as well. if not i am going to be really pissed and GTA V will be my last Rockstar game. Next up will move to torrent which i use to do long back. why waste money if i can enjoy it fully. So i have made it clear to myself.
En son VortexSkd tarafından düzenlendi; 13 Nis 2015 @ 8:27
It does indeed work with AMD and Tridef, according to this thread:
İlk olarak shani tarafından gönderildi:
It does indeed work with AMD and Tridef, according to this thread:

Hardcore Necro lol
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25 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
Sayfa başına: 1530 50

Gönderilme Tarihi: 12 Nis 2015 @ 1:05
İleti: 25