Grand Theft Auto V Legacy

Grand Theft Auto V Legacy

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_Oracle Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:39pm
How much disk space does this game actually needs?
I only have a mere 120GB SSD with 66.5GB of free space which is barely enough according to the Requirements spec. Some report it will actually goes up to 111GB (or atleast more than 65GB). Is this true?
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
EAzY-E Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:40pm 
yea, you'll have to intall on a mechanical hard drive
_Oracle Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:41pm 
What is the exact size?
Talkie Toaster Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:41pm 
Whilst the game is being extracted you will need over 100Gb free, after that it is about 63Gb in total, for me anyway.

There's no point in putting it on an SSD anyway really, I have ran GTA from both a 1Tb 7200RPM HDD and a Samsung Evo SSD - the FPS is exactly the same, it just loads a little quicker when playing Story Mode.
_Oracle Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:41pm 
Originally posted by Kebab Remover:
Whilst the game is being extracted you will need over 100Gb free, after that it is about 63Gb in total, for me anyway.

There's no point in putting it on an SSD anyway really, I have ran GTA from both a 1Tb 7200RPM HDD and a Samsung Evo SSD - the FPS is exactly the same, it just loads a little quicker when playing Story Mode.
I only have a SSD and 2x 80GB ancient old HDDs scrapped from old Dell/HP computers.
Last edited by _Oracle; Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:42pm
Talkie Toaster Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:43pm 
Ah, ok.

Well, it's really not a good idea to completely max your SSD space out, especially if it is also your system drive. You always want a good amount of space left over.
_Oracle Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:44pm 
Originally posted by Kebab Remover:
Ah, ok.

Well, it's really not a good idea to completely max your SSD space out, especially if it is also your system drive. You always want a good amount of space left over.
Can I installed the game on a seperate HDD and "extract" it on the SSD?
The HDD I have is really old, only 80GB, really slow to play games on.
Last edited by _Oracle; Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:44pm
Stefe Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:46pm 
Well, here's what I've got on my end:

And that's without mods. So I guess you're just BARELY out of room on your SSD.
Last edited by Stefe; Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:47pm
Talkie Toaster Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:56pm 
Originally posted by Apollo:
Originally posted by Kebab Remover:
Ah, ok.

Well, it's really not a good idea to completely max your SSD space out, especially if it is also your system drive. You always want a good amount of space left over.
Can I installed the game on a seperate HDD and "extract" it on the SSD?
The HDD I have is really old, only 80GB, really slow to play games on.

Yes you could do that no problem, I am still not sure one of your HDDs will be sufficient for the extract and install process but you won't know till you try.

If you have a friend who already has the game you could copy their install directory and place it in SteamApps>Common>Grand Theft Auto V and then buy the game. If you do this remember to also copy their appmanifest_271590.acf in order for Steam to recognise the data.

That method will require no extraction or download.
Last edited by Talkie Toaster; Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:56pm
_Oracle Dec 1, 2015 @ 1:02pm 
Originally posted by Kebab Remover:
Originally posted by Apollo:
Can I installed the game on a seperate HDD and "extract" it on the SSD?
The HDD I have is really old, only 80GB, really slow to play games on.

Yes you could do that no problem, I am still not sure one of your HDDs will be sufficient for the extract and install process but you won't know till you try.

If you have a friend who already has the game you could copy their install directory and place it in SteamApps>Common>Grand Theft Auto V and then buy the game. If you do this remember to also copy their appmanifest_271590.acf in order for Steam to recognise the data.

That method will require no extraction or download.

Wait so after I downloaded the game on my HDD it will ask me where I want the extract location?

So basically I will have 60GB of stuff in my 80GB HDD and when it asks me to extract I can say I want it to be installed to my 120GB SSD which only have ~67GB of space left?

Thanks for helping me btw.
Talkie Toaster Dec 1, 2015 @ 1:06pm 
Nah it is automatic I think actually, sorry, I misunderstood the question.

You select what drive you want to download the game to, once it finishes downloading it will automatically install I'm afraid. The only way around it is to download the game install from somewhere else and drag the files over to your SteamApps directory along with appmanifest_271590.acf and then buy the game on Steam.

Obviously you could also buy the game on DVD, or see if the digital version from R* website also needs extraction before install.
F A B L E D Dec 1, 2015 @ 1:36pm 
My entire GTA V game folder is 63GB
Last edited by F A B L E D; Dec 1, 2015 @ 1:37pm
Bongo Dec 1, 2015 @ 1:51pm 
Originally posted by Apollo:
What is the exact size?
_Oracle Dec 1, 2015 @ 10:13pm 
Originally posted by laff:
Originally posted by Apollo:
I only have a mere 120GB SSD with 66.5GB of free space
Originally posted by Apollo:
I only have a SSD and 2x 80GB ancient old HDDs scrapped from old Dell/HP computers.
lol why
I don't plan to play a lot of games, mostly just doing Unity projects. I decided to try out GTAV out of nowhere.
_Oracle Dec 2, 2015 @ 4:07am 
Originally posted by Ace Rimmer:
Nah it is automatic I think actually, sorry, I misunderstood the question.

You select what drive you want to download the game to, once it finishes downloading it will automatically install I'm afraid. The only way around it is to download the game install from somewhere else and drag the files over to your SteamApps directory along with appmanifest_271590.acf and then buy the game on Steam.

Obviously you could also buy the game on DVD, or see if the digital version from R* website also needs extraction before install.

I borrowed an external HDD with 170GB of free space. I will follow the instructions posted here.

Hope it works! Still waiting for the game to finish downloading. Aussie internet r.i.p.
Last edited by _Oracle; Dec 2, 2015 @ 4:11am
quixitoc Jun 14, 2019 @ 9:41am 
yeah, for me, when I changed the resolution to 4K, the storage space it takes up went to around 100gb. Maybe its just new tectures being installed?
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Date Posted: Dec 1, 2015 @ 12:39pm
Posts: 16