Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

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Jeo Nugu Sep 29, 2019 @ 8:14am
I fixed my "Error code 134" problem on Steam!
EDIT: My error 134 problem is still fixed, but now there seems to be a completely different issue with their logon servers not responding. :(

According to Rockstar support, you need to update the GTAV launcher, but apparently it doesn't update properly if it is run through Steam,so you need to run it once outside of Steam instead, so here's what I did to fix it. (Disclaimer: These are the steps that worked for me, but I make NO guarantees they will work for you. The process is simple, so you lose nothing by giving it a try.)

You need to go to the GTA V install folder, but I find it easiest to get to it through Steam...

1.) Locate Grand Theft Auto V in your Steam games list.
2.) Right-click on it and go to Properties.
3.) Click the Local Files tab.
4.) Find the GTAVLauncher.exe in the install folder and double-click to run it.
5.) The launcher should open and start to update. (The update progress window may minimize during the update, so check your taskbar and don't assume it finished or closed if you don't see it on your screen.)
6.) When the update is done, it will take you to the Rockstar Social Club sign-in screen. Enter your login information and verify your email if asked.
7.) After signing in, the launcher will open. Click the "Play on Steam" button if you want, or you can close the launcher and go back to your Steam client and click the "Play" button like you normally would.

Again, it worked for me and I was able to play offline (Story Mode) with my trainer working and all that stuff. Good luck! :)
Last edited by Jeo Nugu; Sep 29, 2019 @ 8:28am
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
Jeo Nugu Sep 29, 2019 @ 8:32am 
Definitely something wrong with the Social Club. I can't even sign in on the Rockstar Social Club website... it just says "An unexpected error occurred. Please contact customer support."
Last edited by Jeo Nugu; Sep 29, 2019 @ 8:38am
Jeo Nugu Sep 29, 2019 @ 8:42am 
Okay, new fix... IF you want to play OFFLINE, you can force the launcher into offline mode with this trick. (It's an old trick so maybe you guys already know about it, but here it is anyway.)

In your GTAV install folder, create a text file named "commandline.txt" and put this line in it;


This will cause GTA V to load into Story Mode automatically and you won't even see the opening screen that lets you choose the various startup options.

Now, since I was able to sign into Social Club during the launcher update earlier, it remembered my login and allowed offline mode to work, so your mileage may vary with this command line trick. Once again, good luck and I hope it works for you!
W Oct 15, 2019 @ 7:15am 
Doesn't work for me... Any other solution?
Jeo Nugu Oct 15, 2019 @ 2:15pm 
Originally posted by Casra:
Doesn't work for me... Any other solution?

Aw, that sucks. :( Sorry, but this is all I got.
tin Nov 16, 2019 @ 7:06pm 
For anyone arriving here by Google with error 134....

It appears the new launcher respects the -scOfflineOnly option, and will refuse to log in or update if it's set. If you have that set, and the launcher gives error 134, remove it temporarily to let the launcher log in and update. You can then put the option back and it still works.
Hempsi Dec 24, 2019 @ 12:28am 
Originally posted by tin:
For anyone arriving here by Google with error 134....

It appears the new launcher respects the -scOfflineOnly option, and will refuse to log in or update if it's set. If you have that set, and the launcher gives error 134, remove it temporarily to let the launcher log in and update. You can then put the option back and it still works.
remove what?
Jeo Nugu Dec 25, 2019 @ 7:01am 
Originally posted by EmoTrash (the cool emo):
remove what?

He mean remove the -scOffilneOnly launch option if you have it set.
Squigger Dec 27, 2019 @ 9:28am 
Originally posted by Weki Meki:
Originally posted by EmoTrash (the cool emo):
remove what?

He mean remove the -scOffilneOnly launch option if you have it set.

How would I do this? It seems Im having the same issue as you lot.
Mybao2Love Dec 27, 2019 @ 9:29am 
Jeo Nugu Dec 27, 2019 @ 9:45am 
Originally posted by Squigger:

How would I do this? It seems Im having the same issue as you lot.

If you don't know how to remove it, then you probably didn't set it (it's blank by default), so there's nothing to remove, but here are the steps anyway...

1.) Find GTA V in your games list in Steam.
2.) Right-click on it and select "Properties"
3.) In the Properties panel, click on the "Set Launch Options" button.
4.) In the box that opens, if you have any options set (i.e. -scOfflineOnly) clear the box and click Okay.
Last edited by Jeo Nugu; Dec 27, 2019 @ 9:46am
Squigger Dec 27, 2019 @ 12:24pm 
Originally posted by Weki Meki:
Originally posted by Squigger:

How would I do this? It seems Im having the same issue as you lot.

If you don't know how to remove it, then you probably didn't set it (it's blank by default), so there's nothing to remove, but here are the steps anyway...

1.) Find GTA V in your games list in Steam.
2.) Right-click on it and select "Properties"
3.) In the Properties panel, click on the "Set Launch Options" button.
4.) In the box that opens, if you have any options set (i.e. -scOfflineOnly) clear the box and click Okay.

Set Launch doesn't even appear as an option for me. Must be something else in my case
Jeo Nugu Dec 27, 2019 @ 3:46pm 
Originally posted by Squigger:

Set Launch doesn't even appear as an option for me. Must be something else in my case

So, you're saying you don't have a "Set Launch Options" button at all (which is not possible), or is the launch option box just empty?
Last edited by Jeo Nugu; Dec 27, 2019 @ 3:47pm
Beanie Sandals Feb 10, 2020 @ 5:56am 
None of this has worked for me. And I have tried literally everything
fariszakwannn Mar 21, 2020 @ 7:54pm 
i have a same problem. im waiting for 2 days to download this game. but i didnt find something that can solve this problem:steamsad:
Will it work on GTA4? I have the same problem
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Date Posted: Sep 29, 2019 @ 8:14am
Posts: 16