Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

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Ciliany Sep 18, 2019 @ 10:10am
[SOLVED] Failed to initialize social club. (error code 17)
After the update I launch the game and it tried to "initialize social club" a few times then gave me the error and quit. I couldn't find any solution. Guess I have to wait for them to fix their sh*t.

SOLUTION brought by CursedFreak: Simply change your steam nickname without any special characters and voila.
Last edited by Ciliany; Sep 19, 2019 @ 8:42am
Originally posted by ◥Baphomet◤:
I found repair Rockstar. Set a simple nickname without special characters
Ciliany ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ -> Ciliany
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Showing 1-15 of 37 comments
ANJUNAluke Sep 18, 2019 @ 12:53pm 
I have the exact same problem. everything was working just fine until this launcher.

I have re-installed launcher & social club over a dozen times.

Socialclub.log file:
[00064409] [WARNING] Timed out waiting for Javascript ready
[00064409] [ERROR] Page load error, code -1003
[00064409] [ERROR] Failed to load both the online and offline sites.
[00064409] Social Club UI - Entering State: 'FAILED'
[00069378] Shutting down...

I have re-installed certificate.
"Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2"

attempted to move folder locations, I have deactivated my antivirus software & firewall in-case it was seeing the certificate as a positive/negative.

would love to see a solution to this. don't really want to re-install GTA-V.
Ciliany Sep 18, 2019 @ 1:01pm 
Originally posted by TIPTOP/|\Panda:
I have the exact same problem. everything was working just fine until this launcher.

I have re-installed launcher & social club over a dozen times.

Socialclub.log file:
[00064409] [WARNING] Timed out waiting for Javascript ready
[00064409] [ERROR] Page load error, code -1003
[00064409] [ERROR] Failed to load both the online and offline sites.
[00064409] Social Club UI - Entering State: 'FAILED'
[00069378] Shutting down...

I have re-installed certificate.
"Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2"

attempted to move folder locations, I have deactivated my antivirus software & firewall in-case it was seeing the certificate as a positive/negative.

would love to see a solution to this. don't really want to re-install GTA-V.
Well, I have re-installed to different directory but not worked. I hate saying this but maybe we should wait the next patch.
Originally posted by TIPTOP/|\Panda:
I have the exact same problem. everything was working just fine until this launcher.

I have re-installed launcher & social club over a dozen times.

Socialclub.log file:
[00064409] [WARNING] Timed out waiting for Javascript ready
[00064409] [ERROR] Page load error, code -1003
[00064409] [ERROR] Failed to load both the online and offline sites.
[00064409] Social Club UI - Entering State: 'FAILED'
[00069378] Shutting down...

I have re-installed certificate.
"Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2"

attempted to move folder locations, I have deactivated my antivirus software & firewall in-case it was seeing the certificate as a positive/negative.

would love to see a solution to this. don't really want to re-install GTA-V.
I have reinstalled the launcher, the game on steam, and renamed files to see if anything would work. For me, if i dont have RSL already running, steam gets stuck trying to start it up. If I DO have it running, then the game starts up only to give me the Error Code 17. Game was working fine until the launcher came about.
SqueakyTweaky Sep 18, 2019 @ 4:31pm 
Instead of launching it from steam or via shortcut try from R* own launcher.
SqueakyTweaky Sep 18, 2019 @ 4:32pm 
Help with Social Club Error Code 17
Created July 7, 2017
Updated October 19, 2017
Question: How can I stop getting Social Club Error Code 17 when trying to launch GTAV on PC?

Answer: Error Code 17 occurs when there has been a failure to load the Social Club application during the startup of GTAV on PC.

Because a number of issues can cause this, the most-effective means of stopping the error is to force a reset to your GTAV game settings using the following steps.

Please Note: This will roll back all player settings to default including settings for Graphics, Sound, Controls, and Story Mode Cloud Save settings.

Close the game.

Navigate to the following location on your computer:
C:\Users\~USERNAME~\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTAV
Rename the ‘settings.xml’ file to ‘settings.old’
Navigate to the Profile folder for your game. It will be named using a series of capital letters and numbers and be located under:
C:\Users\~USERNAME~\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTAV\Profiles\~PROFILEFOLDER~
Rename ‘cfg.dat’ to ‘cfg.old’
Rename ‘pc_settings.bin’ to ‘pc_settings.old’
Restart GTAV.

If these steps do not resolve the error, please submit a Support Request; making sure to include a copy of your Social Club log file which can be found at:

C:\Users\~USERNAME~\Documents\Rockstar Games\Social Club\socialclub.log

Ciliany Sep 18, 2019 @ 4:33pm 
Originally posted by BoatSwain:
Instead of launching it from steam or via shortcut try from R* own launcher.
Not worked for me. I think the launcher itself blocks the network somehow and causes the error written in the socialclub.log file.
SqueakyTweaky Sep 18, 2019 @ 4:33pm 
Try the above thing from my edited post
Ciliany Sep 18, 2019 @ 4:36pm 
Originally posted by BoatSwain:
Try the above thing from my edited post
Tried. Now I am doing a clean install (deleted everything about Rockstar Games) and setup everything on the same directory (for me it is C:). I will update the post if it will work or not.
SqueakyTweaky Sep 18, 2019 @ 4:40pm 
Clean install is a good idea always but not necessary if you followed the above. Anyways GL.also some people have claimed their anti-virus has blocked the laucher so I'd turn that off when you install the game.
Last edited by SqueakyTweaky; Sep 18, 2019 @ 4:41pm
Ciliany Sep 18, 2019 @ 6:23pm 
Originally posted by BoatSwain:
Clean install is a good idea always but not necessary if you followed the above. Anyways GL.also some people have claimed their anti-virus has blocked the laucher so I'd turn that off when you install the game.
I am only using Malwarebytes. I will disable it and re-install the Launcher.
ANJUNAluke Sep 18, 2019 @ 11:39pm 
Sorry guys, I completed clean re-install over night and no luck. Exact same errors.

I have exhausted all suggestions from rockstar. I've had network engineer connect to my pc and try his best at fixing it but he believes it's related to my ESET antivirus software is not allowijg the java certificate to work. Although it's installed on my pc it just won't initiate the social club.

If you guys also have same antivirus then we know what is causing the issue.
psykoteky Sep 18, 2019 @ 11:56pm 
ESET (and other security apps) has been known to cause issues with gtav and social club. Even random automatic updates in various AV programs have broken social club in the past.

Usually fixed by uninstalling it (deactivation didn't work on a few AV in the past either)
Configuring it to just completely ignore gtav, and social club (and now the new launcher too).
That includes if it has a similar behaviour as controlled folder access in windows defender.

And, just incase anyone has previously used Fivem- It has been mentioned that you may need to manually sign into the new launcher with your correct info once (as it was automatically using something else for fivem) - but, currently all heresay. Haven't seen it, or got more details.

There is a code 17 link on my profile (now old/outdated somewhat due to new launcher -.-)
(or until I can get teamviewer access to some of these new problems and see them myself -.-)
It covers more than the crappy info R* support gives.
Last edited by psykoteky; Sep 18, 2019 @ 11:57pm
Krytor Sep 19, 2019 @ 12:02am 
it's time for everyone to go Twitter and post death threats to.... @RockstarGames
Last edited by Krytor; Sep 19, 2019 @ 12:02am
Krytor Sep 19, 2019 @ 12:07am 
it's not your game files, It's the launcher. I have tried to launch the game from the file location and get directed to use the Steam launcher, so you use the steam launcher to open the the rockstar launcher which tells you to play on steam, which takes you back to steam, which is already running they created a fU**king loop
Last edited by Krytor; Sep 19, 2019 @ 12:08am
psykoteky Sep 19, 2019 @ 12:25am 
Steam version of gtav has always been wonky in attempting to start it from the game dir/exes.
This isn't any different. Quit attempting to use playgtav, gtavlauncher, or even gta5.exe.

A failed install/start for whatever reason is creating the loop. A functioning install = start gtav from steam, opens a black window for 5-10 sec (not the old white one) and then gtav starts.
I'll make a video later if someone hasn't -.-

As for starting straight from the launcher for the steam version, I wouldn't bother. With any luck they'll push an update to this launcher that doesn't create 10 rolling log files full of msinfo/dxdiag info - and remove it from the launcher startup process too... -.-) Alongside when they fix -scofflineonly being busted.. and whatever else.

Even better if someone lets me teamviewer and attack the problem firsthand -.-
Going to bed.

Edit - and renaming doesn't correct the issue for those that don't have special characters.
Last edited by psykoteky; Sep 19, 2019 @ 9:22am
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Date Posted: Sep 18, 2019 @ 10:10am
Posts: 37