Malevolence: The Sword of Ahkranox

Malevolence: The Sword of Ahkranox

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Random crashes since update
I've been having a bunch of random crashes since the update. I did uncheck the 32 bit option and it's still happening. I'm not seeing any error message other than the usual 'Windowas has detected that such and such a program has stopped functioning'

It didn't happen at all prior to the update.
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6 yorumdan 1 ile 6 arası gösteriliyor
CumQuaT  [geliştirici] 14 May 2014 @ 4:02 
So it's just clapping out with no error message? Let me take a look and I'll push out a new build tonight to see if that fixes it. Keep me posted!
CumQuaT  [geliştirici] 14 May 2014 @ 7:48 
Okay, I just pushed out the new update. The next time you close and then re-open steam it should kick off the update and hopefully sort this out!
I think whatever you did might have fixed it! I've been playing for close to an hour and haven't seen it crash yet. Since it kind of happened randomly, I can't be certain, but it seems likely. I'll probably play a bit more this evening and I'll let you know if it happens again.

Thanks! I don't know what you did (and I probably wouldn't understand it if you told me lol). But thank you.
CumQuaT  [geliştirici] 15 May 2014 @ 3:43 
Actually, I think what happened was McAffee was doing one of its automated system scans, and was trying to scan the EXE at the same time as it was compiling, leading to it being a little weird.... I recompiled with McAffee disabled and it seemed to work!
Very cool! I haven' thad a single crash since then. I actually was a programmer years ago, and really wierd things could screw up a compiler. We used this old text editor called PMate, and occasionally it would leave invisible characters in the program text. We could end up with nulls, for example, in random locations. The programs would compile and link without any errors, but the .exes would just crash for no apparent reason. That really gave me some big headaches trying to figure out the problem. This was back in the early MS-DOS days.
En son Haldurson tarafından düzenlendi; 15 May 2014 @ 4:51
CumQuaT  [geliştirici] 16 May 2014 @ 2:22 
Good to know technology has come such a long way *cough* :P
< >
6 yorumdan 1 ile 6 arası gösteriliyor
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