Calibre 10 Racing Series

Calibre 10 Racing Series

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Jerti 26. mars 2014 kl. 19.35
Feedback Thread
im not a native speaker therefore i beg you to excuse my spelling mistakes
If you guys would like me to make more separate threads feel free to tell me

[30.03 ]Updates
* Steam Overlay not working for some people
* Achivement does just have a missing graphic symbol
* Scoreboard messed up order for the players who didnt finished the track
* Requested ability to change controls

- if u are alone in a lobby and press the ready button, then there is no way to unready. You can press the button again and the timer stops but the game despite starts

- if u are rdy you`re able to change the cars but you alwyas play with the default car

€dit: PLS insert a way to communicate with other people, think that would be much more fun and then dont forget the option to mute/block those :)

Car Gameplay
- shields powerup if you get them you still take damage (a bit less maybe); it can happen that you despite your shield loss >30%

-if you respawn in front of a tower, you can loss half of your hp

- Nitro only really usefull powerup, shield is ok

- AI quite stupid for example: it attacks me if im last driver, almost ignores me if im first

- not sure if bug but there are some spots in the map where its almost impossible to control your car, uphill seems more difficult then downhill its a bit weird

- weapon 2(Sniper) is way to bad , too slow not enough damage
- weapon 3 , its ok but still weaker then weapon 1 which shouldnt be the case because u need 2 upgrades for it

- towers can destroy powerups, i like that but not sure if thats intended

- remove or give us the option to remove Vsync/FPS cap, think of the people playing with a 120Hz monitor

- give us an option to control how fast move our car left/right feels a bit strange at the moment

- bottom right there is alwys the massage no shield (changes never), i have no clue whether this is a bug or not

- your profile start level 5 shouldnt it be 1? furthermore your level increases way to fast.
€dit: my rank in the main menu is 14 in the lobby 37 , should be the same, pr not?

- should be a way to play offline; something like training, right now im always hosting and just need to start quickly

Network: I had some problems. If i`m hosting and someone joins he becomes the new host and if he leaves then i have no more bots...
Sist redigert av hex01; 30. sep. 2014 kl. 2.28
< >
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BF | zump 27. mars 2014 kl. 1.38 
thx for the nice feedback Jerti! Good and valid points you came up here... just a quick note to the sniper... you can oneshot cars with that... find the weakspot ;) if it will be faster would do mor dmg it would be way too OP ;)
Timeraider 27. mars 2014 kl. 4.00 
You know what would be amazing in my eyes (maybe just my eyes only XD) ... user-generated tracks/maps (and workshop would make the spreading easier :P)
Shay 27. mars 2014 kl. 4.31 
I was going to mention that the shield pickup didn't really seem to do anything either.

My guess is the 'Plasma Shield' and 'Angel Fire' aren't implemented yet? I actually wonder what those are.

Anyway some feedback; handling is a bit weird, it doesn't feel like I have a lot of control over the car. The drop at the end of the race (last corner) tries to flip my car over unless I'm on the very inside.

Also random but, would there be a possibility of 8-car races, whether turrets are implemented (manned by AI perhaps) or not? 4 cars seems quite sparse and the AI currently aren't very challenging to beat.

Game's looking good so far though. Keep it up :).


Oh damn that was you I was racing against?! I didn't realise XD.
Sist redigert av Shay; 27. mars 2014 kl. 4.33
Jerti 27. mars 2014 kl. 5.10 
Network: I had some problems. If i`m hosting and someone joins he becomes the new host and if he leaves then i have no more bots...
Why Russians are not coming this game Ile these are Patamushta it is yet to be released ? ((Help Americans ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fact what to do pozice)) ? Thanks In Advance
trt | fimbox 27. mars 2014 kl. 8.27 
Hi thanks for reporting bugs thats really usefull for us.

Regarding the bot issue: the first player with a decent connection in the lobby is simulating the AI.
If this player disconnects also his simulated bots leave the match, we are working on AI migration right now.
Jerti 27. mars 2014 kl. 13.19 
thanks for your answer, i really like your work with the community so far :=) .
hex01 28. mars 2014 kl. 13.58 
Thank you for giving us your trust in this title.
Jerti 28. mars 2014 kl. 18.42 
I made moste of my mind (to buy this game) from this forum therefore you had a big impact hex01 :)
Jerti 28. mars 2014 kl. 19.03 
dont know if this fixed.. had this bug before the update but from yopur update description i think not now. Sorry i need to explain this a bit more...
The scoreborad after a finished race was messed up. I played with a newbie in a team; rest bots. I was gunner he was driver. He never made it in the end of the track, but after the first bot finished the race the countdown started; he was always last but he never finished the race the first bot stays first(scoreboard) but the rest are just random,----> this means we become one time 2nd and 1 time 3rd but we should be alawys last
hope this is understandable?
DR_JDUBZ 28. mars 2014 kl. 20.14 
Would consider buying if there was full racing wheel support, use joy stick on the side to opperate turrets. Looks like a sweet idea, just not going to shell out 50$ to microsoft or sony for some ♥♥♥♥♥♥ controller when Ive got a logitech g27
Jerti 28. mars 2014 kl. 20.26 
there are alot of tools on the intenet which turn all kinds of controller to an xbox controller or an alternative is Xpadder(should be free) which turns you pad/wheel to a keyboard
Dark5tar1 28. mars 2014 kl. 22.18 
I'm not sure if its just me but the game has a lot of trouble trying to use the steam overlay ingame. Everytime I press the inputs (Shift-Tab) it opens but instantly closes after I do.

Edit: I noticed after a while, there's quite a lot of audio sounds or cues that seem to be directly ripped from Harm's Way. That's not a bad thing but wouldn't it be better having new stuff rather than just recycling?
Sist redigert av Dark5tar1; 30. mars 2014 kl. 9.35
OHMecha 29. mars 2014 kl. 10.29 
Does anyone think they will add the ability to upgrade your car with performance upgrades in say at least 3 tiers as well as i weapon that you can aim with the right stick of a controller or a mouse? Also will there be an Ai or automated cars for the Shooter to protect or get points for if it finishes the race sooner? If so this game will be great and i will deffinitely buy it! Im subscribing to this discussion
Sist redigert av OHMecha; 29. mars 2014 kl. 10.32
trt | fimbox 29. mars 2014 kl. 19.06 
The next major update (alpha2) is planned to have a small progression system already in-place, expect that the coming week or two, we are already in the testing phase.
This update has 2 different cars with 2 different configurations, a new track and weapons (prepare to move your turret!). So upgrading your car and weapons is not just supported but necessary to survive!
< >
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