Son of Nor

Son of Nor

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
sailorbear510  [developer] May 22, 2015 @ 4:22pm
Online Play Thread- Arrange your online gaming connections here!
This thread was designed with Multi-Player in mind. When posting to this thread please specify the type of internet connection you are playing on, your geographical location and the best times to meet up. This will help people gather together to play online. In addition it's suggested to add friends to your friends list on Steam as well as instant messengers. You can share your online IM info privately once you add each other through Steam and discuss those details.

Happy gaming!

-Jason C
Community Moderator at Encore Software
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Jemobulas May 23, 2015 @ 11:23pm 
Greetings everyone! I'm from Europe - Bulgaria (GTM+2). My schedule is flexible so I can play in different parts of the day/night. I'm looking forward to finding people to play with. Just add me so we can arrange our games. I'm also streaming almost every day so You can often times find me on my channel directly as well.
I also did my first full playthrough of the game 2 days ago & it was the reason I finally decided to set up my youtube account I'm looking forward to uploading more videos of both Co-op & PvP with all of You! ^_^
Last edited by Jemobulas; May 23, 2015 @ 11:23pm
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